Lack of general information – increase of stress Accomplishment of procedures technician without desumanizao of binomial RN- family Promotion of the integral care to the family and the RN 06 MOLINA, Rosemeire Cristina Moretto, et al. Valuation for the family of the interaction with the supplied Well-taken care of members of the team without desumanizao Establishment of a reliable relation and promotion of ways of 07 insertion FLEET, Mirna Albuquerque, et al. ___ Well-taken care of with ethics and sensitivity Support of the team of health for insertion of the family 08 GOMES, Magda Maria Blacksmith Parents as strange agents to the care Promotion for the team of an ample care the humanizao of the assistance passing for the convivncia with family 09 WERNET, Monika; NGELO, Margareth Relationship with the team as factor of stress ___ ___ 10 WEDGE, Maria Luzia Chollopetz of the Valuation of the form of the given care Union between technology and care as transforming of the surrounding Importance given to the family for the health team Source: Picture elaborated for the proper author 4 FINAL CONSIDERAES: Considering the presented results, the author considers that the considered objectives of the study had been at the beginning reached. However, it is necessary to detach some important points that they had been evidenced during the research. He was evidenced in all the searched articles that, in the truth, the majority of the authors not yet considers the familiar opinion as measuring of the existence or not of a care truily humanizado. For many authors, the judgment made for the professionals is sufficiently so that if can affirm if this care is humanizado or not. Of searched articles, nine considered the idea to promote strategies for insertion of the family of this just-born in the given cares it for the team.
It is standed out here, that the authors relate not only to the insertion strategies as to open the unit for entrance of the family, but yes to divide with familiar accomplishment of basic cares and that they can be carried through without physiological damage to the neonato. As for the primordial objective of this study, the searched articles demonstrate that, many times, the family if considers as mere expectadora of the carried through cares as just-been born. This leads, therefore the situations of stress with the members of the responsible team for the neonato and generates anxiety feelings when it has lack of information. But, the analyzed researchers also tell that when has the true philosophy of the humanizado care and this family she is inserted in this way, what they will go to really matter for, it is the quality of the cares, is the existence or not of affection on the part of the health team, it is the valuation of the form of the care. The humanizado care is a repetitive subject for times. But, what many times if see are that the philosophy is indeed repetitive, but practical the many times inexist and when it exists, it does not occur in its form full. She is necessary to completely insert the philosophy of the care in all the institutions. Moreover, it is necessary to arraigar this philosophy in the mind of the health professionals, mainly when these take care of of just-been born interned in unit of intensive therapy. Today, literature still lacks of studies that can demonstrate opini