
Thesis Defense

It took a finished thesis, and time for writing it was not catastrophic, family, work naturally began to look for, who could help me, first, a search was carried out among friends and relatives, but in my social circle of such man was not, but as time was running out, began to search the Internet. But how to determine how competent someone who will write it? And how much is really a good thesis? Variation in prices, as it turned out huge master's theses from 40.000 to 250.000 p., doctoral thesis: from 80.000 p. to 350.000 p. How do I read? How much to pay to get the money? Yeah, there are more questions than answers the more I wanted to get high-quality thesis rather than a pig in a poke. " That it be done at the highest level and meet certain criteria, shown for scientific degree: 1. The thesis should be evidence-qualifying work in is based on research carried out by the author developed theoretical concepts which, together, can be described as a new major scientific achievement. 2. The thesis should be written individually contain a collection of new scientific findings and conditions put forward by the author for public protection, have an internal unity, and to testify on the author's personal contribution to science.

Proposed by the author of the new solutions should be be rigorously argued and critically evaluated in comparison with other known solutions. 3. Making your thesis must meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. 4. When writing a thesis candidate must provide links to the author and source. From the above it follows that hard to write a dissertation. After dissertation – a painstaking research work, to create a must be a good experience and skills of a qualifying nature. This high-quality work for public protection and a degree.

After reviewing all the proposals on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that the qualitative thesis can not be cheap, and it was better to spend it than getting a funny thing. And if you write yourself, you still need help – in fact to publish their research in scientific journals is not so easy. My findings were very simple: I am ready to pay for quality, but for my money I want to get a competent specialist who could advise me and help to make a plan to pick up the material and would be always in touch. and believe me, I found an organization that fully meets my requirements. She was firm masterref with 10 years of experience (and this is about saying something!), Which employs only highly skilled professionals. Prices vary pleasantly surprised! I placed an order. The firm completed my dissertation at the exact time. masterref – did not disappoint me. Later, I defended a dissertation. Now I – the candidate of economic sciences, and continue to build your career!