
The Psychologist

Amongst the objectives of inclusion of the psychologist of the ESF they are: to give to information the community on mental health, identification of carriers of biological patologias that presents mental comprometimento, creation of a therapeutical, similar space of that the community can carry through exchanges of experiences developing its potentialities, interaction of the members of the team, stimulating reflection and quarrel on its way operandi next to community and generation of feedback for the multiprofessional team of the ESF. The proposals of activities to be carried through for the psychologist are: to carry through informative groups (composites for the patient), psycotherapy in group (raising aouto-they esteem through the promotion to the auto-care and aid mutual, being based on experiences lived for the patients), theater (that objective to center the attention of the patient in abstract subjects), domiciliary visit, individual consultations and groups of professional therapy (composed for the members of the team that objective to facilitate to these members deals it with the problems found in the day the day of the program) (JUNIRO, 2003). The social assistant as member of the multiprofessional team of the ESF still is a point of questionings and quarrels. According to Jnior (2003), for the nature of the formation and peculiarity of the qualification of this professional, the social assistant becomes ' ' engrenagem' ' basic for the clearing up of questions almost always obscure to the too much members as social differences, ethnic differences and etc. Some professionals of the health team pass for problems in regions where the social differences are distinguished, cultural, ethnic, therefore one determined group or person can react of different form the same technique or developed planning, of this form the social assistant could become more easy the work of the multiprofessional teams, suggesting to them strategies and ways of quarrel found problems, beyond providing a partner-cultural diagnosis to them of the taken care of region. .