

Generally this model went being modified if to adapt to the workmanship. Analyzing the Italian Renaissance of 1400, we perceive that the great architects of the time used this wide technique. A good example is Filippo Brunelleschi. It confectioned a series of mockups for the Church of Saint Maria del Fiori that went being modified in elapsing of its complex construction. Then, in the end of century XX, with the advance of the computation and the easy access the consumption good we start to perceive a complete substitution of the plane table, the paper and nanquim for computers. This was the apex of the otimizao of the project process. In all the estria of the architecture if never saw a speed of so insessante production as now.

With this vast dissemination of the computer as interface for development of projects, new tools start to appear. In this wave of creation of new tools for architects we have sprouting of softwares for three-dimensional representation of architecture projects, the calls electronic mockups or mockups 3D. In the start the AutoCad was used 3D but with incanssvel intention to create friendlier platforms we saw new programs of three-dimensional representation taking space: 3D Studio, Maya, Lightwave, FormZ, Cinema 4D, Way and mainly Sketchup. This last one massificou of time the use of electronic mockups in the architecture offices. Beyond being gratis, it took to the extremity the idea of a friendly interface and is disponibilizado by the giant of the Google net. This retaken of the mockup as projetual tool is generating a revolution in the architecture.

Forms that before were impensveis and inconceivable with the drawing technician, are if becoming gifts in the landscape of the great cities. All time that to sight a building with organic forms and irregular, we can have certainty of that it was projected with electronic mockup.


Bonsucesso Soccer Club

For: Larcio Becker, of Curitiba-PR The first impulse is to say that the origin of the name ' ' Bonsucesso' ' she is in Ours Lady of the Bonsucesso, saint of great devotion in the quarter. Or in the Farm Ours Lady of the Bonsucesso (old Farm of the Device of the Rock, pertaining to would sesmaria of Inhama), that it went of Manguinhos to the Penha, passing for Bonsucesso, Branches and Pottery. However, according to Brazil Gerson, the devotion was result of the name of the quarter, not contrary it. For it, who brought this name for the first time for the region was D. Ceclia Vieira de Bonsucesso.

It was famous for having, in 1754, remodelled and embelezado a chapel raised in 1738, for a worshipper of Saint Antonio. After this, the canaviais of the roundnesses had passed to be known as ' ' the fields of Bonsucesso' '. From there in ahead, it turned the name the quarter, the station of the Railroad Leopoldina and, is clearly, of the Bonsucesso Soccer Club. The Bonsucesso was established, in 12.10.1913, for a group of boys of 12 the 16 years, led for Altamiro de Castro Pig, in the house of the father of it, Francisco Da Silva Pig (that it finished adhering to the idea and if became the first president of the club), that current Av. of the Democratic ones (for request of the club of same name was in n 574 of the Road of the Penha, on which we say in our article ' ' Carnavalescas influences in the soccer carioca' ') Street Cardoso de Morais (doctor and poet). Its inaugural departure was five days later, a victory of 3×1 on HERE the Riachuelo. It ordered its games in lands of the angito Device of the Rock and the outskirts, that the engineer Guillermo Maxwell had acquired for urbanization and land division.