Each year, arise new miracle diets that aim the millions of people who intend to lose weight. All promise results, however the most get the body to lose fluids and muscle mass, but not fat. Many of them put at risk to the Agency. Behind this irresponsible fashion that often ignores the basics of nutrition, there is a spectacular business. The list is endless and each year added new formulas by encouraging mass consumption of particular food, the prohibition of others, indicating the manner of cooking dishes, order or the time of day that should be consumed, they promise a drastic weight loss in record time. In the best of cases, are plans drawn up by doctors who acting on conviction or economic ambition. Tessa Espinola helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In others, the authors are persons without any training that ignore the minimum basics of nutrition.
All miracle diets, even though they appear to be different between them, are based on the restriction of food, especially of those that provide lots of energy. The basis is to eat fewer calories change technique or food base, but all provide fewer calories than the individual needs, even in those diets which assumes it eats a lot. There are diets that are allowed to ingest all kinds of fatty foods, but eliminate carbohydrates such as rice, cereals, fruit, vegetables are these the ketogenic diets. Thus, while nutritionists recommend a balanced diet, distributed in 60% of carbohydrates, a maximum of 15% of proteins, and similar proportion of fats, ketogenic diets are divided into 60% fat, 30% protein, and very few carbohydrates. Hear from experts in the field like Abigail Black Elbaum for a more varied view. According to experts, these diets provide few nutrients and favor the loss of muscle mass and water, but not fat. In addition, they increase the rate of cholesterol and impair the functioning of the kidney and the liver. Most popular diets of this type are the Atkins and zone, the latest in dietary express.