
Human Beings

While the human beings not to despertarem the conscience, will have fogos. All the year turns are blown up in all the planet defogos tons poluindo the nature. The hospitals every year are full of victims who are queimadoscom these devices and many lose the members and are cripples and atmorrem what cause much pain its familiar ones. Mitchel Resnick may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The majority of the animals sensveisl has the ears very and the fogos estrondosdos make one badly that they cause many damages. The intellectual amimais equivocadamente called human beings, if find ossabiches more are ignorants nor know what it is conscience (with aessncia) and alone they live with its proper egos. The corrupt press still praises these barbarities and still say queesto in favor of the preservation of the nature, ecology etc, quehipocrisia Is lost humanity does not know that the nature will give to the reply comnovas tragedies, and goes lamenting in them Must teach with our example. Official site: kevin ulrich. thus we only can give to umdiscernimento ours thus crianas.


Ambient Education

They had helped to associate ecology to the half ambientenatural, where the plants and the animals live, leaving of it are the half agricultural ambienteurbano/, where the human beings live. Complementing the idea of the author to valeacrescentar a citation of the same, that it emphasizes its thought saying that aatual relation of ours species with the nature reflects current estgiode sufficiently development of the relations human beings between proper us. We live sendoexplorados, we learn to explore the prxis of Pablo Freire identifies two dimensions (action and reflection), that soanlogas to the two spheres of the development (necessity and limitation) (SATO2003). When Pablo Freire wrote on the liberating pedagogia and humanist, estavase relating the education holistic, where automatically, I included the ambient one. Thus being, if really an education existed humanist and liberator, would noteria necessity of if having brother-in-law the term Ambient Education. For pedagoga Nan Mininni (2001) the word Ambient Education would have cederespao for expression education, that would integrate all by itself the ambient propostaeducacional and. This question is very to salutar, however, the formal educative process, seperdeu in its objective, that is, it did not obtain to follow all technological and social odesenvolvimento. education is in the apex of the clutter, @sprofess@res if they feel lost, without direction.

Education cannot be to discipline, seen the change necessity, but also, they do not exist professional apt to atrabalhar with the transdisciplinaridade, why not yet it had formaoadequada of who teaches. Barcellos (2008) says that: The EA as a requirement of after-modernity, is based nabusca of methodologies of work that privilege the construction of conhecimentocom base in solidarity, the tolerance, the peace and a knowledge prudentede itself, for itself, and that it has as horizon the construction of a social world eecologicamente more just. We walk for a moment where we will not have alternatives, or rethink all our behavior, or will lose next to all the seresvivos.


Solar Energy

Solar energy is a thermal and lumimosa power plant, gotten with the daenergia captation proceeding from the sun, clean and renewable it and, therefore it does not attack the environment and it never finishes. Benefits dEnergia Solar the solar energy can seraproveitada in some ways. Some of them are sufficient conhecidascomo the natural illumination or the environment heating. Others are maisrecentes, but already they count on grandeaceitao. Amongst the solar water heating and the generation of electric energy are estasdestacam. Solar heater degua For the solar daenergia exploitation for the water heating, is used the solar plates and osboilers capable to heat the water of its residence, or industries, building and commerce. The available solar energy in our country, with a small investment, can serusada to heat the day to day water even though or the water of swimming pools.

Solar Oaquecimento of water is the main application of the Solar Energy in the World Uses to advantage estaenergia so abundant it contributes for the preservation of the way ambientee still saves in its account of electric energy. Transforming aenergia into electric energy Another method solar it is the transformation of the solar energy in electric energy. This possvel for the exploitation of the incident solar energy osmateriais semiconductors, that compose the solaresfotovoltaicos panels. The fotovoltaico effect elapses of the excitement of electrons in the semiconductors in the presence of the solar rays. The fotovoltaico system capaz to transform the solar energy into electric energy and to contribute for preservation of the environment and aeconomia of electric energy. In Brazil, this method not yet so is used, had aoscustos of importation of the fotovoltaicos panels. But gradually, in elapsing of the next years it will have ummaior interest and adoption of this technology.


Sustainable Development Piagau

As in other categories of objective UC of sustainable use it valuation of the permanence of the traditional communities, that is, the agricultural group, with proper forms of social organization, and that it uses the natural resources as condition for its development. Nor all these communities recognize to live inside of a UC much less on which activities are allowed in these spaces. This article approaches the results reached in the period of 2009 of Program AAV, in the RDS Piagau Purus, mainly the perception ambient of these traditional communities on the use of the natural resources, the strategies of protection/monitoring and action of ambient education. METHODOLOGY the Reserve of Sustainable Development Piagau-Purus, possesss an area of 834.245 hectares and encloses the cities of Beruri, Anori Tapau and Coari. N 23,723 was created from the decree, in 5 of September of 2003, with limits with the Rebio Abufari, Aboriginal Land Ayapu Lake, Aboriginal Land Itixi Mitari, National Park Rising of the Jar and Gleba Purus (INCRA). The vegetation of the region is composed for Ecosystems of firm Land, fertile valley and Igaps with Open and Dense Ombrfila Forest of low lands; Pioneering formation Arbrea and Aluvial Arbustiva. In this unit of conservation activities are developed as: chestnut extration; it fishes advertising and of subsistence; agriculture and research.

In accordance with the plan of management of the unit the activities you harness proposals are: Handling of alligators, quelnios, pirarucu and ornamental fish; Fish commercial flour production; It fishes advertising for local fishing; Handling of not lumber forest products (aa, andiroba) and lumber; Ecoturismo. However conflicts exist as the chestnut extration in private lands, fish illegal, illegal hunting, wooden illegal extration and tourism associated with illegal the esportiva hunting. For being categorized as a unit of conservation of sustainable use it had the necessity of the implantation of Program AAV, to fortify the strategies of protection, monitoring and of ambient education in the traditional communities of entorno and inside of the UC.


Agricultural Extension

It presents practical and sustainable solutions for the organization of different spaces. The permacultura is the productive ecosystem elaboration, implantation and maintenance that keep the diversity, the resilience and estabildiade of natural ecosystems, promoting energy, housing and feeding human being of harmonious form with the environment (Mollison et al. 1999 apud Jacintho 2007). Holmgren (2007), through the flower of the permacultura, illustrates the seven necessary fields for a sustainable planning throughout generations: According to Jacinth (2007, p.37), the term appeared in Australia if spread out for the North America and Europe, arriving Latin America and at Brazil in middle of years 80. Today, the continents exist justinian codes of Permacultura in all, in more than one hundred nations. Diverse countries, as Brazil, ' ' they come adopting the Permacultura as agricultural methodology e, even though, schools of all the levels are including the Permacultura in its resume bsico' '.

(TO SOUND, 1998. P. 5) Bill Mollison visits Brazil in 1992 and gives 1 Course of Design in Permacultura (PDC), thus forming, the first Brazilian permacultores that they had had the mission to divulge the method and to create the Justinian codes of Permacultura in Brazil. (PERMACOLETIVO, 2009). Currently, are 14 justinian codes located in the states of Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, So Paulo, Gois, Mato Grosso of the South, Federal District, Amazon, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande Do Sul and Bahia, that act in the Brazilian territory in different scales. (PERMACULTURA, 2009). These organizations work, through joint actions with the local community and governmental spheres, in such a way to foment the development of practical solutions for the Brazilian society in urban areas how much in agricultural areas. The performance of organizations, as the INCRA (National Institute of Colonizao and the Agrarian Reformation), EMBRAPA (Brazilian Company of Farming Research), DATER/SAF (Department of Assistance Technique and Agricultural Extension of the Secretariat of Familiar Agriculture) and the Agrarian Ministry of Public Works and the Economy, using methods of the Permacultura, promote practical of handling of the natural resources and the impacts of the presence human being more sustainable.


Moraes Relations

In agreement it ate thought is verified that the society was not considered in the analysis, suaestrutura, but the responsibility of the individual and in its instintivahumana trend of destruction. Loureiro (2008) affirmed that on this question that never is redundant the radical reaction interveno human being, time that exists in the nature ecosystems that dainterao of the alive forms with abiticos elements resulted (not livings creature) and that the espciehumana while to exist on the land it will act on them. For this author quedeve to move is societrio standard e, consequentemente the vision of world that setem and the type of there inserted social relations and production. Essaabordagem strengthens the idea of changes of the society in regards to perspectivasda if to face the reality in its diverse contexts as well as relaesadvindas of these forms to see the world. Numaperspectiva of geographic analysis Claval (2004) in the quarrel on inserodas society in the nature made the following commentary: the nature preexisted aosgrupos human beings, these is inserted in a way. From then on it agreed to oquestionamento carried through for the researchers to this respect that consisted to emsaber as to make to extract of the environment in which if they had established, destined osprodutos to assure its subsistence and to allow to generation apsgerao the reproduction of the members? The approach is global a time that considers umconjunto of ways that integrate the nature, on the other hand, and the society poroutro. Such boarding basically focuses the relations that are estabelecidasentre the human groups and the ecosystems of the spaces where they live. Therefore, combase in the principles argued for Bookchin (1988) Moraes (1997) Claval (2004), Loureiro (2008), in which approaches guided for aspects of degradation of the nature for the society had exercised perspective of boardings semelhantescom; changes in relations of the society with the nature; finally efetivaodessas relations in terms of social dosprocessos reciprocity was evidenced the influence in the nature that stops Soy (1988) this relation must sercompreendida as constituent of a socioespacial dialectic.