
Physical Educator

Independent of the social category, some families adopt similar elements to those of the pertaining to school form of socialization in the administration of domestic activities, and the school starts to be an extension of the home. As Lahire (1997), exactly in the families whose parents are illiterate, unprovided of pertaining to school capital, the school can gain recognition and legitimacy and the parents, through the reorganization of domestic papers and of the distribution of tasks, can undertake action to assist the children in its pertaining to school tasks. The pupils are not abstract beings, dissociados of its social, historical conditions and cultural e, therefore, does not compete between itself, in the pertaining to school system, under the same conditions, therefore they depend on the constituted familiar configurations from a multiplicity of factors, which generate singular situations. The principles of equality and universality favor those that correspond to the requirements of the school, therefore these possess a bigger set of abilities to understand the code and the organization of the pertaining to school institution. In this perspective, when treating in its interior all the pupils as if they had the same disposals, the school disrespects these differences between the individuals, privileging those whose familiar culture if identifies with the pertaining to school culture. In this research, we intend to identify and to understand these secondary differences between some families whose objective characteristics are pparently similar. However, they present resulted pertaining to school distinct. For this, we launch a more intent look for the way of primary socialization, practical the educative domestic and the strategies used for the family aiming at to the properly pertaining to school acquisitions in this process of ingression of the child in formal education. It is distinguished in the next chapters, the aspects that had guided in them in the analysis of the familiar configurations, which make possible to compare and to establish a relation between the studied cases. This everything contributed for the understanding of the interdependent 0 variable that had produced singular situations in these particular cases. Jonas Alfredo Da Silva Saints CREF: 066032-G/SP Physical Educator


New Technologies

Sandra Maria Hisses Oak Graduated Modern Letters, (UNIAP). Postgraduate in Inclusive Education for the UNIVERSE. Attending a course currently Visual arts for the UFG Teacher of Art and Portuguese Language in the State Net of Education. School x new technologies dichotomy or symbiosis? Summary The present work looks for to approach the relations that if they form between pupils, school, professors in face to the development of more advanced and efficient technologies each time in the communication and the social relations and its use as important part for the education process learning. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Education, technology, relationship the technologies evolve in four basic directions: Of the analogical one for the digital one (digitalizao) Of the physicist for the virtual one (virtualizao) Of the fixture for the furniture (mobility) Of the massivo for the individual one (personalization) Carly Fiorina, former-president of the HPackard the education in Brazil developed it the flavor of the interests politicians and economic of each moment of the national scene, to analyze this contemporaneidade without searching a referencial historical that justifies this present time it is to run the risk of a superficial analysis and inefficacious, throughout the times the Brazilian professional corresponded what she desired herself of it following norms and rules according to interests of the moment. When if he arrives at a chaotic moment and of impasse as our last times are these where to the more advanced technologies they are each time and its domain for young a natural situation, it has that to reflect themselves and to rethink the pedagogical practical education and so that the school does not incur into the error to be as institution to the edge of all the social system. 1. Soon historical panorama of the education Brazilian The formal education in Brazil, except for an exception, always was based on the structures and models foreigners since its invasion.



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Thesis Defense

It took a finished thesis, and time for writing it was not catastrophic, family, work naturally began to look for, who could help me, first, a search was carried out among friends and relatives, but in my social circle of such man was not, but as time was running out, began to search the Internet. But how to determine how competent someone who will write it? And how much is really a good thesis? Variation in prices, as it turned out huge master's theses from 40.000 to 250.000 p., doctoral thesis: from 80.000 p. to 350.000 p. How do I read? How much to pay to get the money? Yeah, there are more questions than answers the more I wanted to get high-quality thesis rather than a pig in a poke. " That it be done at the highest level and meet certain criteria, shown for scientific degree: 1. The thesis should be evidence-qualifying work in is based on research carried out by the author developed theoretical concepts which, together, can be described as a new major scientific achievement. 2. The thesis should be written individually contain a collection of new scientific findings and conditions put forward by the author for public protection, have an internal unity, and to testify on the author's personal contribution to science.

Proposed by the author of the new solutions should be be rigorously argued and critically evaluated in comparison with other known solutions. 3. Making your thesis must meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. 4. When writing a thesis candidate must provide links to the author and source. From the above it follows that hard to write a dissertation. After dissertation – a painstaking research work, to create a must be a good experience and skills of a qualifying nature. This high-quality work for public protection and a degree.

After reviewing all the proposals on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that the qualitative thesis can not be cheap, and it was better to spend it than getting a funny thing. And if you write yourself, you still need help – in fact to publish their research in scientific journals is not so easy. My findings were very simple: I am ready to pay for quality, but for my money I want to get a competent specialist who could advise me and help to make a plan to pick up the material and would be always in touch. and believe me, I found an organization that fully meets my requirements. She was firm masterref with 10 years of experience (and this is about saying something!), Which employs only highly skilled professionals. Prices vary pleasantly surprised! I placed an order. The firm completed my dissertation at the exact time. masterref – did not disappoint me. Later, I defended a dissertation. Now I – the candidate of economic sciences, and continue to build your career!


Invisible Systems

Hence a hypothesis of birth of the universe from the Big Bang. One can imagine that part of the universe, obtaining in the "Big Bang" great speed away from the center of the explosion, respectively, at large distances. However, the center from which were to scatter the galaxy was detected. The question arose – what force causes the galaxies in the movement, opposing the World gravitational attraction? Not finding him response, such divergence became associated with a change (extension) of the space itself. Then it was discovered the deviation from linearity (1) speed "divergence" of galaxies. It was found that galaxies located closer to the point of observation "run away" faster than more distant ones.

Since the observed state of the galaxy (due to the finite speed of light) refers to past time, it was suggested that the process recession accelerated. To explain the mechanism of the accelerated expansion of the universe, introduced the concept of "dark energy" 2. Observing the behavior of galactic systems have found their mismatch movement of the masses of these systems 2. It turned out that the values of the mass of matter that is concentrated in galaxies, estimated to see their facilities, not enough to keep the star systems on the orbits of the prevailing speeds. Moreover, it was observed that the rate of star systems as they move around the galactic center, some distance from the center does not depend on the radius of the orbit motion 3. This led to the introduction of the concept of "ignorant masses" – Invisible under normal astronomical observations of the matter, greatly increases the mass of galaxies.


Educational Management

The real management of a good Dean is evaluated with facts, over the political, power groups, special interests, friendship is a moral responsibility, ethics, professional dynamically provide plans, actions that benefit the university, the faculty under his charge and therefore the country. Hence, we believe that finally, there has been an awakening in the faculties of our Alma Mater, is trying to eliminate the proactive role figurative has been anchored for many years and so to say this to the national reality, which demands, requires opinions, actions that do this, to avoid the problems escalate, a crisis involving this can cause serious problems for the country’s development. We applaud the step taken by the dean to Hamedi Benito School of Economics under the direction of Professor Darwin Alvarado, has been the first to publicly present their proposal.

As he points out, these contributions are the product of the efforts of our teachers and students who ask to be taken into consideration for participation in decision making and build a country in which equity and distribution wealth are equal for all. Regardless of the economic model we take, is a fact that, if society does not generate wealth or surplus, we can not move them to the population. And if we do not have clear policies governing the rules of government in the economy, we can not have economic stability, “Indeed, as was already published in newspapers in the region is presented seventy-eight technical advice to master inflation and speculative actions, stimulate domestic and foreign investment, strengthen and diversify the Venezuelan production, to rescue the people’s purchasing power and ultimately improve their quality of life, were presented by the School of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Universidad de Carabobo (UC)..


Research and Development

' ' Research, stories and experiences have shown resulted that they prove the importance of the games and toys and its application in different contexts and stages of the development humano' '. (Tizuko Morchida Kishimoto, 1994). She is notable who the schools that possess ludoteca have shown to be the game and to the toy a powerful strategy for the construction of the knowledge, for the challenges that the playful one provides. The ludoteca in the pertaining to school space contributes for the integral development of the young child/, establishing the balance between the Real and the imaginary one, of the biggest pertaining to school satisfaction and affective balance and chance to the children to usufruct of the benefits of playing; of, still, to the child the possibility of if relating, of partilhar and contributing with pleasure for that also it gives pleasure to it, that is, to play for the pleasure to play, it stops beyond providing the opening to the involving way. The ludoteca can, also, to have positive effect for the learning process, through games, toys and tricks that stimulate the development of basic abilities and acquisition of new knowledge. The ludoteca is faced as a laboratory where professors and pupils dedicate the exploration to it of the toy and the game in terms of research and search of alternatives that make possible experiences, new methods of studies, comments, accomplishment of periods of training and spreading for the community.

' ' The idea of an education despertado for the interest of the pupil finished transforming the direction of what it is understood for pedagogical material. Each student, independent of its age, started to be a challenge the ability of the professor. Its interest started to be the force that command the process of the learning, its experiences and discoveries the engine of its progress and the professor a generator of estimuladoras situations and eficazes' '.


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