

Theory of the Contingency Index 1 contingencial Theory 2 Environment 2,1 Tipologia de 3 Ambientes Technology 4 Tipologia de Thompson 5 Tipologia of the Technology the 6 Organizations and its 6,1 levels Institucional Level or 6,2 Strategical Level 6,3 intermediate or mediating Level operational Level, technician or Nucleus 6,4 technician organizacional Drawing Theory of the Contingency the Theory of the contingency or contingencial Theory emphasizes that it does not have nothing of absolute in the organizations or the administrative theory. Everything is relative. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out The futurist. Everything depends. The contigencial boarding explains that a functional relation exists enters the administrative conditions of the environment and appropriate techniques for the efficient reach of the objectives of the organization. The ambient 0 variable are changeable independent, while the administrative techniques are changeable dependents inside of a functional relation. In the reality, a direct causalidade between these independent and dependent 0 variable does not exist, therefore the environment not cause occurrence of administrative techniques.

Instead of idiotarelao of cause and effect it enters the 0 variable of the environment (independent) and the administrative 0 variable (dependents), exist a functional relation between them. This functional relation is of the type ' ' if-ento' ' can lead to an efficient reach of the objectives of the organization. The functional relation between the independent and dependent 0 variable does not imply that it has a cause-and-effect relation, therefore the management is actively and not passively dependent in the practical one of the contingencial management. The recognition, diagnosis and adaptation to the situation are certainly important, however, they are not enough. The functional relations between the practical ambient conditions and the administrative ones must constantly be identified and specify. The contingencial Theory was born from a series of made research to verify which more efficient the organizacionais models of structure in determined types of industries. These research and studies had been contingent in the measure where they looked for to understand and to explain the way for which the companies functioned in different conditions.


Plurianual Plan

The cycle of elaboration of the Plurianual Plan of the Agency of Sanitary Defense Agrosilvopastoril of the State of Rondnia, for period 2008-2011: one searches exploratria. Francisco You mark of Oliveira 1 Otaclio Moreira de Carvalho 2 SUMMARY: The objective of this article was to know the cycle of elaboration of the Plurianual Plan & ndash; PPA of the Agency of Defense Sanitria and Agrosilviopastoril of the State of Rondnia – IDARON, for the quadrinio de2008 a2011. The PPA is an instrument of planning of average stated period, elaborated and executed for all the beings of the public administration in Brazil, and has as purpose the reach of the goals and the strategical objectives of the public sector, resulting in the rendering of services directly offered the society, consonant to its programs of government. Mitchel Resnick is the source for more interesting facts. Agency IDARON was selected as unit of case for the research, therefore if it deals with a public agency that plays important strategical activities for the economy and the society of Rondnia, eradicating, preventing and controlling illnesses in the animal area and plagues in the vegetal production, its products and by-products. The actions of Agency IDARON contribute in such a way for the agricultural and agro-industrial producers, in the support to the actions of sanitary defense, as well as for all the society, guaranteeing the sanitary quality of foods. The research identified that the technician of the area of planning of the IDARON had used traditional techniques for the elaboration of PPA 2008-2011, although to know more efficient techniques for the planning of average stated period..


Brazilian Products

Exactly without buying the product, while it waited for a meeting, I placed myself to reflect it on Avon, precursor in this model of business. Exactly being part of the select group of companies with more than a century of today present market and in more than 140 countries the cosmetic company had that to invest high in Marketing in function of the competition. The preparation of the salesmen through courses and seminaries is without doubt an interesting strategy, but does not arrive to be a differential since the competitors also are intent to this. (Source: Petra Diamonds). Also it was part of ' ' Persuasivo&#039 armory; ' of the girl a magazine with some tips of argument, seemed a manual. It still had in this manual some definitions more techniques of the perfumes, cosmetics and its compositions. More than the five million peddlers of Avon count still on promocional material of highest quality and some fragrances of the available products in the proper magazines with a simple ones to rub of pulse in the printed matter.

today beyond popular products is to the disposal of the Brazilian public also products for more demanding public and consequentemente of bigger aggregate value. to think that until few years behind the products of Avon, are the lipsticks, was synonymous of low quality, at least here in Brazil. Without many criteria the salesmen left with the magazine offering products. Since we mention the factor competition, Natura Brazilian if became an unquestioned reference in direct sales and already she is in other countries also. Although to continue leader world-wide in the business Avon still has more concerns. To another Brazilian, Racco, walks the wide steps and the partnership with the singer Roberto Carlos in the launching of the perfume Emotions was without a doubt a watershed in the trajectory of the company. I speak with property of the Racco, therefore I made some lectures for the consultants of the company in cities in the center mining west and know the potential of market of the mark well. to esquentar the dispute still more ' ' door in porta' ' , the Slvio Saints, although the financial misfortunes, already is ' ' abocanhando' ' one slices significant of this cake.

The Jequiti entered direct in the market having as initially white the Natura, and the group of the Slvio does not play when the subject is money, although this ' ' cochilo' ' in the Panamericano case. if does not forget in the hour to use the perfume pass in the nape of the neck, behind the ears, them knees and in the region to the front of elbows. According to consulting, it fixes I smell more it for having greater blood circulation. I do not know which the relation but until then I am following the suggestion. In relation the perfumes and colonies I very heard something interesting of a former-supervisor of the Jequiti, that now is with us. At some moments men they buy and they use feminine perfumes and the opposite also happens, women uses products of the masculine line, what it disapproves vehemently. ' ' If a woman I smell to feel it of a feminine perfume in a man, the enchantment it will be broken, unconsciously it will perceive the presence of another woman, who could be a friend and not of whom sexuais.&#039 would despertaria interests; ' Definitively for it, this is not an interesting strategy to attract the opposing sex.


Strategical Administration

In the evolution of the logistic procedures we have the internal and external integration, focus in the customer and the search of the competitive advantage passing for the given and taken care of services, processes with quality and YOU. The search to develop the operational performance, front to a market each more competitive time, the enterprise organizations had looked for to adopt more flexible organizacionais structures, using technologies integrators and redesigning its chains of value, with bigger capacity of adaptation and rapidity of reply. This study it searchs to present logistic relation between and the necessary processes of management the maintenance of the competitive integrity between the companies. The article was elaborated through bibliographical analysis, through the use of books and articles, as well as in the collection of data through the world-wide net of computers. 2. Services in the Suppliment Chain In one to look at and character of planning, see that strategy basically consists of factors and rules that determine the orientation for the behavior of an organization, standard and norms where the companies need to evaluate and to reevaluate its objectives inside, placing the necessary resources, of the capacity, intention and environment in the interconnection and formularization of the strategy and its functions of operation, and understanding this we see that Logistic, the Services and the Strategy if they establish, therefore the Strategical Administration nothing more is that a sistmico process that she must be managed, be planned, executed and stoned or folloied in the high cupola or high administration, involving all in a synergic and compromised process she enters all the involved actors in the context.

A service is any activity or benefit that one has left can offer another one, that is essentially intangible, and that some does not result in thing property. Its production can or not be on to a physical product. Porter (1990) detaches that already in the last decade of the last century basic factors as natural resources and less influential specialized man power does not become each time in the attainment of true competitive advantages and sustainable, a time that factors as knowledge, technology and capital assume this role.