In different way, Paul Tillich looked for to use philosophical, psychological concepts and frequent sociological and scientific references in order to base its writings. As the proper Tillich observed: ‘ ‘ This procedure seems more adequate for a systematic theology that the traditional theology looks for intelligibly to say to the great group of cultured people … for who if it became irrelevante’ ‘ . Beyond the systematics of Tillich, other workmanships had also had sufficiently importance in the theological scene, over all in century XX. Amongst these workmanships, is distinguished the extensive work of Karl Barth? Christian Dogmtica? , whose first heading was published in 1932. For Barth, to think theologically is to ahead have of the eyes the alive figure of Christ, and therefore a Christian dogmtica must be cristolgica in its basic structure as in each one of its parts. Karl Barth tried to elaborate a systematic theology completely exempts of any philosophical influence.
Here it is the panorama of some published volumes of its Dogmtica: 1/1) ‘ ‘ The word of God as criterion of the dogmtica (1932); 1/2) The revelation of God, the Sacred Writing, the Announcement of the Church (1938); II Part, God, who understands two volumes II/1) the workmanship of the Creation (1940); II/2) The Election gratuitous of God. The order of God (1942) ‘ ‘ , etc. How much to the place of the Systematic Theology in Brazil, some promising and sufficiently significant initiatives are perceived. Already it is possible to find some workmanships in the line of the Systematic Theology organized by Brazilian theologians, over all for pentecostais theologians. However, still thus, it is seen innovation necessity, a time that in many of these workmanships if approaches practically the same subjects with few alterations. Saying on the importance and the necessity of a Systematic Theology contemporary, theologian Jlio Zabatiero explains that this, the Systematic Theology, ‘ ‘ She would have to be an opened, flexible system, that? from the Writing? she looked for theologically to find adequate and significant answers for the current problems. For religious problems e, especially, for the ecological problems and sociais’ ‘ .
In more, still the translations prevail of the workmanships of foreign theologians who during much time had had an importance significant in the Brazilian theological scene.