Who in childhood did not like to ride a bike? Remember what a pleasure. And what's stopping you ride on it now? You tell me: a robot for household chores, the seed to help can come an exercise bike. What is represents an exercise bike exercise bike is a versatile machine is not much different from its ancestor – the bicycle. He also has a seat, pedals, steering wheel, hand wheel (wheel). However, you are never with him do not fall and did not pierce the bus You do not even have to leave the apartment that would take a ride.
In addition to the pleasure you get rid of the weakness in the body, strengthen the heart and lungs get rid of extra pounds and more. Exercise bikes and ergometers. There are two types of exercise bikes: magnetic exercise bikes and ergometers. Magnetic exercise bikes – the very first version of this simulator. Magnetic exercise bikes have a permanent magnet, which at the approach to the flywheel exerts inhibitory effect on him. Modern versions are equipped with onboard computer that monitors: heart rate, calories and speed. Plus of this bike is its durability and quiet robot.
Exercise Bikes – a modern model. This bike is designed for workouts. On-board computer performs much greater control over the exercise, measure their volume, characterized by precise control load and heart rate measurement The advantages of this bike stands a more modern braking system in which no mechanical elements. How to choose an exercise bike? Need to know that exercise bikes for its dimensions are divided into: compact bikes, big bikes.