Thus Solon was started as international trader. His poetic abilities were made that it was considered one of the Seven sages of Greece. In half of the years 590 BC worked for instigating the renewed conflict with Cirra on Salamis. In 594 BC was appointed Archon of Attica, with the purpose of controlling the rampant civil disorder in that city, product of laws issued by Draco and many peasants for debt slavery. Solon abolished most of these laws (where the adjective of draconian is derived), which were excessively murderous with minor offences and had provoked complaints in the population, except those relating to homicide.
He introduced a set of regulations, seisachtheia, which were very useful in improving conditions in matters of finance and land tenure. Its regulations were such a success that is entrusted the task of rewriting the Constitution. The result was later named the Solonian Constitution. Be exempted the citizens of direct taxes. He introduced the Heliaia (trial by jury). The Council of the four hundred (or Boule) and the Areopagus were established as the main consultative and administrative bodies. It annulled all debts weighing on the humble peasants and decreed that all debt slaves were freed; He remodelled the calendar, and regulated weights and measures. Its laws were written in special cylinders of wood (kyrbeis) and placed in the Acropolis. He had great friendship with Anacharsis the Scythian, who scoffed at Solon for the faith that was in written laws to keep at Bay the greed and injustices of their fellow citizens says, he decided to finish with the rights of caste, adapting the rights and duties of citizens to their respective rents, proceeding to the division of the population into four classes. This political system, in which based on the income of each class (unit of measure: medimno) are awarded certain political rights and responsibilities, it is known as timocracy (timokratia).