Independent of the social category, some families adopt similar elements to those of the pertaining to school form of socialization in the administration of domestic activities, and the school starts to be an extension of the home. As Lahire (1997), exactly in the families whose parents are illiterate, unprovided of pertaining to school capital, the school can gain recognition and legitimacy and the parents, through the reorganization of domestic papers and of the distribution of tasks, can undertake action to assist the children in its pertaining to school tasks. The pupils are not abstract beings, dissociados of its social, historical conditions and cultural e, therefore, does not compete between itself, in the pertaining to school system, under the same conditions, therefore they depend on the constituted familiar configurations from a multiplicity of factors, which generate singular situations. The principles of equality and universality favor those that correspond to the requirements of the school, therefore these possess a bigger set of abilities to understand the code and the organization of the pertaining to school institution. In this perspective, when treating in its interior all the pupils as if they had the same disposals, the school disrespects these differences between the individuals, privileging those whose familiar culture if identifies with the pertaining to school culture. In this research, we intend to identify and to understand these secondary differences between some families whose objective characteristics are pparently similar. However, they present resulted pertaining to school distinct. For this, we launch a more intent look for the way of primary socialization, practical the educative domestic and the strategies used for the family aiming at to the properly pertaining to school acquisitions in this process of ingression of the child in formal education. It is distinguished in the next chapters, the aspects that had guided in them in the analysis of the familiar configurations, which make possible to compare and to establish a relation between the studied cases. This everything contributed for the understanding of the interdependent 0 variable that had produced singular situations in these particular cases. Jonas Alfredo Da Silva Saints CREF: 066032-G/SP Physical Educator