
What is a CV?

What is a cv? cv (curriculum vitae) – is in Latin, that translates to life. In fact, cv – a summary. And what exactly is the difference between these two concepts? There is a slight difference. cv is a brief summary of work activities of the applicant. And in cv includes all the same as in the summary, but acquires a more detailed parts. As a result, cv is obtained by volume is approximately two times more resumes. Composition of the cv is the same as that of the resume: work experience; personal data, special skills, additional information, computer skills, education, knowledge of foreign languages. The main differences from the cv resume: Volume cv more than a summary and is 2-3 pages.

Specify which important conferences and programs you have participated. It is necessary to specify the address and contact details (address in the summary indicates not always). It should describe in detail the academic activities. Indicate what heights you have achieved what prizes or awards you received. Enter the experience of what research and teaching experience you got. Indicate which publication you are done. Specify some references to those publications that are most important. As can be seen in cv pretty much emphasis on his scientific work.

Open the standard example of a resume. Supplement it with the above data, and you get cv. Tips for writing cv: use action words, avoid passive words; show in my cv, everything that you know; cv should be well structured; give watch finished document to friends, let them appreciate it, write cv so that it can be easily was read and was catching up on the reader boredom, do not be wordy; use mostly short sentences. All the same, whether you want to write a cv? The answer – you need to, but not always. In 95% of cases, enough summary. If you wish to appear before the employer in all its glory, then write.


Russian Empire

Since that time, Prokudin-Gorsky makes color photographs ln Tolstoy, fi Chaliapin, the royal family and many other people. His images of ancient vases, artifacts Hermitage, were subsequently used for the restoration of lost color. Color photograph of Leo Tolstoy, Polyana, 1908 In 1909, Prokudin-Gorsky gets an audience with Czar Nicholas ii, he expressed his idea to capture in color photographs of his day Russia – its culture, history, various aspects of life in all areas, then constituted the Russian Empire. King approved plans for a photographer, gave him a specially equipped Amtrak train. Officials were ordered to help Prokudin-Gorsky in his travels and did not interfere even in the photography of strategic facilities, including bridges and factories. Steam locomotive 'Compound with superheater' Schmidt, 1909 In the years 1909-1915, Prokudin-Gorsky traveled a considerable part of Russia, photographing the ancient temples and monasteries, the types of towns, fields and forests, a variety of scenes of everyday life Russian heartland.

In the same period in Samarkand, Prokudin-Gorsky feels he invented the movie camera for color camerawork. However, the quality of a film proved unsatisfactory. After October Revolution, Prokudin-Gorsky fled Russia, took with him almost all made photographic plates (RGB-plate), except for removal from the pictures of the royal family, and strategic facilities. Once in exile, Photographer some time spent in Norway and England. Arriving in 1922 in Nice, Prokudin-Gorsky worked with the brothers Lumiere (Lumiere). In the early 30's photographer engaged in educational activities in France and even going make a new series of photographs of monuments of art of France and its colonies. This idea was implemented son Prokudin-Gorsky – Michael.

Prokudin-Gorsky had died in Paris on September 27, 1944, several weeks after Liberation of Allied troops. He was buried at the Russian cemetery in Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois (Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois). The fate of a collection of color photographs by Prokudin-Gorsky's collection of color photographs of Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky was purchased from his heirs in 1948, the Library of Congress (Library of Congress) and for a long time lying there in the archives. Only the development of computer technology has allowed to process these images and show the unique species of the Russian Empire full color. In 2001, the Library of Congress opened an exhibition of 'Empire, which was Russia. " For her, glass plates were scanned by computer and recreated the original color photographs, retouched and subjected to correction. Total Prokudin-Gorsky – 'Collection Splendors of Russia in natural colors – includes 1902 color and 1000 black-and-white photographs. Their restoration and processing continues to this day. The Russian Empire in Color – 100 years ago Here are some color photographs of the early 20 th century. Feel the atmosphere of the time. Bridge over the Kama River, near Perm Peasant Girls offer berries guests the hut in the countryside on the river near the village Sheksna Kirillov, 1909 Photos shot almost 100 years ago. How much has changed in that time Monastery of St. Nil on Stolobnom island on Lake Seliger, Tver Province, 1910 Chapel place the base of the ancient Belozersk, 1909


SkyLink Modem

But all is not just as it seemed. The effective area of a 3G network in very poorly developed. In my area at the railway station, TatarBazare 3G is simply not there. Modem operated in the edge, and even in the gprs. Maximum speed of the modem reached within 25 30 kbps. For download movies and this was not enough, but to search for information such speed I was completely satisfied In the district or Bummash Hills modem was already working at full steam. Speed reached even 200 kbps.

Dignity bezlimita night was pay – 10 rubles per night. That is, in fact I was paying only the night, which had planned to sit on the internet. But it was not for long. In September, the conditions have changed, became a monthly fee – 350 rubles per month. Agree that only nl night (from 00.00 to 8.00) is a lot when my friends at the "People's Internet" pay about 400 rubles for a full-NL. Closer to the winter began to notice that at certain points of my home modem was to determine network 3G.

Speed raised to 100 150 kb / c, but it had to spend at least half an hour to find a suitable point for the modem. Even the slightest movement of your modem affect the network – 3G mode it instantly switches to edge. Only mode edge modem never alone no switches to 3G. When the modem was "fly" at high speed, collided with another nuisance – as it turned out, the limit on traffic is 2 gb, after everyone has mb treated for about 70 kopecks. mts appeared to course completely unlimited calling, but the cheapest costs about 1000 rubles per month. Therefore, the mts, I decided to give also weary of the constant inexplicable cancellation funds. In short, they blurred some. Rates of pay pomegabaytnoy gave me quite a lot of hassle. As we know, many programs are very fond updated automatically. Especially I loved doing this antivirus Nod 32 and at least Adobe Acrobat. Leave the computer unattended with the included Internet access for half an hour and then run another update Noda – rub 30 50 charged in your absence. Very often I come across. Two weeks ago, has acquired a modem SkyLink AirPlus MCD650. Firstly, the SkyLink is completely unlimited rate for acceptable money, and secondly, just walked action – the modem for 777 rubles (standard price is 2000 rubles). The claimed speed of usb modem – 2,8 mb / s The cheapest tariff for anlim called "Easy Internet" – about 650 rubles per month, but there is a limit on speed – more than 2 gb of traffic speed is reduced to 32 kbps. The actual speeds are in my area about 100 kB / s and about 5 kb / s over 2 gb of traffic. 5 kb / s of course well enough, but to work in general is lacking. The main advantage of this modem is considered complete nl. Away from SkyLink'm not going because there is no acceptable alternative.


Basic School Supplies

If you are just starting at university, you will probably have to spend some time out to figure out what you need for successful organization of the educational process. Today, higher education may require costly, but the desire to save people quite naturally. It is very important to remember that any investment would not require your studies, time spent at the university – it is your investment in the future. Therefore, you should have yourself a great disservice by refusing to purchase essential items just when you need them most. Most schools provide excellent conditions for learning, offering students access to IT-departments and libraries. Often, however, is to understand what equipment you use most often, and buy it. If you have a student loan, do not be afraid to spend it on something useful. Main educational supplies – this is exactly what is necessary to get the money.

Looking at the list of literature on their specialty and plans seminars (if you have them), you get an idea of the books that are likely all you need in the coming months. Instead of taking them in the library, why not look for them on sites that sell used books? It is possible that there you can buy the necessary literature for only a small part of the original price. In higher education you might need a laptop. Of course, you may be able to use computers in the lab. However, the time that You can spend a stationary computer is often limited.

So it makes sense to spend money on a laptop that can be used both at home and in the library. You can buy an inexpensive laptop with a major functions. He quickly pay for itself, we are talking about usability. If your schedule is a subject on which often have to write essays and written work, your cost of printing the texts can be quite palpable. Sure your school is printing, but the price per page can be quite high. Therefore, buying a printer would be cost-effective solution. In a situation when deadlines draw in written work, You particularly appreciate the opportunity to save time and do not stand in line to print the text.


Mobile Phones and Computers

After buying a mobile phone there is a common question – how to connect it to your computer to download to your phone sound files and images, texts and other things, and if the phone has a photo-camera, then store and view the pictures and video look better on your computer. Modern phones can connect at least two ways, and at best, a number of ways to increase to five. Consider the most widespread and high-speed way-DATA-cable, which conscientious producers with the phone. In addition to data cables needed and a cd with drivers and special software that helps synchronize your phone with the pc. Connect the cable to the appropriate port on your computer (in the current model, port usb, in the older-COM-port), install the driver and special program from the disk. Each manufacturer provides its own program manager for the synchronization, editing, sound files and images, internet connection, using the phone as a modem.

But there is a universal program, which suited to the majority of known phones. This program is the Float Mobile Agent. If you've followed all of the above instructions, the computer will "see" the phone, and the program gives you the opportunity to manage files on your phone. If not, then the most likely reason for the driver to data cable and mobile phone. To eliminate this cause, you must reinstall the driver, and if it did not help, try to find updated drivers for developer's site or go to the forum fans cell phones, if this problem occurred, the decision she had already found.


Today’s Internet Business

Manufacturing sites, which subsequently will provide income, consists of several basic steps. 1) to assess the demand of potential buyers for your products. Formed a list of keywords (Semantic kernel), which will be site promotion in search engines, and 2) detailed study of all corporate website content and methods of navigating through it, as well as the development of original and stylish design, and 3) analysis and amendment by the customer; 4) Sequential optimization website and filling it with the original text content, for the convenience of prospective customers and the best site search; Website Promotion – a service perhaps most important, when there is a goal – to 'sell' web site. Promotion web site helps to repeatedly increase the number of visitors and customers. And thanks to competent promotion, the likelihood that a user will use your services and products increased by several times. In promotion of the website also includes a selection of key words and phrases, which, in turn, visitors, and will come to your web site from search engines. Promotion may involve and nepoiskovoe promotion web site, where the most basic – select suitable advertising platform, which will be extremely close to subjects, and, further, add some banners or promotions.

But already hosted various articles on other sites with links to your site relates to the search methods of promotion. Thus, the main stage of promotion of your Web Site are: content optimization for search engines, posting links, articles and advertising of your resources to the various third-party sites. Creation of Internet shop. E-shop – one of the most common type of web sites on the World Wide Web. Its main objective – to provide information about the product and its subsequent sale. Management system online store, is somewhat different from the usual admin panel – here there is a need to place trading positions to carry out all sorts of changes, adding articles and news. Creation and development of online store – will sharply increase the number of sales and significantly increase range of customers. But to do this, you will need to purchase a multifunction cms, automate receiving funds to establish a system of monitoring and accounting of incoming orders and record buyers. Another important point – a compilation of descriptions and images of goods sold. Buyer is easier to choose and order what he sees before him.


Pocket Money

"In 14 years, I caught sight of one book:" Are we not women. " We were guests, children played in the room. A mom in the kitchen drinking tea and discussing the complexities of female life: children (including myself) dispel the pocket money to the wind. " On the cover landmark book, according to Ina M., tax consultant from Rostov-on-Don, a woman with flowing hair interfered with a ladle in a flying pan. Revolved around sewing machines, washing-board (there were others remember? "). On the back of a woman's daughter was sitting.

"Today I am here to pririsovala laptop, chef and bunches of packets with their purchases, and his daughter would replace her son. I'm not so sorry for money, but worried about him: he's too much money to spend on useless sweetness and growing irresponsible. " Also, instead of Ladle Inna added to a cell phone. Especially since he seems to be able to make some order in this whirlwind: ensuring the continuity of generations in the family of Ina, stand the two main financial issues: 1. Where can I get money? 2. To spend money son? She gives her son out of pocket expenses from the first class: the dining, travel, tutor in English and various pleasant trifles. "Class contributions and extra-curricular activities, he pays himself.

Change, if small, can keep "- says Ina. So the money as a reward, it is not used: pleasant things he can buy himself. Its main objective – to teach his son prudent money management and show how looks like the financial independence: to moderate spending money on useless and harmful chocolate bars, sodas and chips and understand what the consequences are yours financial decisions.


Modern House

Various connection options of modern space heaters allow their installation as the existing heating systems and re- created. In this case, heat sinks with bottom connector give more opportunities for the design of the heated rooms, since they are installed pipelines can be made practically invisible. Choosing a functional Modern House is impossible without perfect comfort. Therefore, the technical "stuffing" even log cabins in no way inferior to urban high-rises, and often exceeds it. And although it is obvious that the role of these devices in shaping the aesthetic of the image space – minimal detail here. Homes technique is not accepted publicly display, highlighting a modest place in the technical rooms, alcoves, utility closets. However, here like the unity of design.

Therefore, an appropriate stylistic solutions require a device that supplies water to the house, maintaining a stable pressure in the water system that discharged sewage and household sewage, heating and circulation of coolant in the heating system And, of course, this requirement has caused the greatest attention to these units by industrial designers. It is well known that the industrial design does not mean creating a beautiful shape for its own sake. Whatever the original superficially there was no device, it must be comfortable and functional, and reliable. Therefore, modern producers have to take care not only about the effectiveness of their products, but also to create maximum comfort when working with them. Accordingly, the essential attribute of design activity, along with all other factors is ergonomics, allows you to make the management of household appliances as simple, clear and intuitive.


Organization Management

For the technical operation of specific STSiK responsible person command staff (boatmen) in whose superintendence they located. For the technical use of the vessel, STSiK responsible carry out their duties are on duty crew members. The captain of the vessel has the right to transfer the general management of the organization of work on technical operation of the chief engineer. Team composition (boatmen) must know the principles of work performance, especially under his supervision, and must ensure that it is in good state, constant readiness for action, the planned submission of the supervisory authorities to survey and observe the rules of technical documentation. All STSiK be used for its intended purpose.

Near they should be posted instructions on how to prepare them to work, launching, supervision, withdrawal from activities, certified starmehom or First Mate of Captain. In accordance with international regulations, instructions and schemes are posted in English and Russian languages. When you receive the ship commanders face (boatmen) are required to: – check STSiK under his supervision, to see them in operation. – Review for completeness, maintenance documentation and terms of the ship's papers at his superintendence; – personally present subordinates – to check availability of supply, documentation, regulations, national and international regulatory acts – the area in an act of acceptance of the issue and reports to inform the chief engineer or chief mate, the last report to reports, respectively, the captain of the ship. When you change the master or starmeha, or First Mate person commanders (boatmen) report to a report of the technical condition of the area respectively interchangeable chief engineer or the Chief Mate, the last report to a report of technical condition of the vessel master.

The court must be provided with supplies to the standards laid down by national and international regulations, taking into account the region of their operation. For completeness and timeliness allocation of funds for this purpose is responsible owner. Application captain serves as the basis for delivery to a supply ship. Drawing application based on the rules and plans, as well as its actual presence on the ship. Equipment, Spare parts, materials and other supplies used in maintenance and repair, must have certificates confirming their quality and compliance with standards and specifications.


Ecosystems Create Balance Between its Members

As anyone who has taken any elementary biology course should know, the world is an entangled web of interrelationships between organisms and the environment in which they live. There is no plant, insect animal, or bacteria which does not have a crucial role to play in the balance of nature. Some change made in any one of the myriad parts of the whole can set the entire system off balance, creating a new system with a different balance, which can in many instances spell disaster for some of the parts. Unless one is willing to risk harming some part of the system, be it animal, mineral or vegetable, it is best not to interfere.

One famous example of a simple system which was interfered with at the cost of worse results was the case of the city that had a bad problem with stray cats. The city decided it was dangerous, unsightly and unhygienic to have so many stray cats around. The city managed to get rid of all their cats one way or another, and suddenly they had a much worse problem on their hands; the population of rodents, rats and mice, soared. Unbeknownst to the townspeople, the cats had been keeping the rodent population to a minimum. Now, without the cats, the people had to face the much worse problem of rats roaming around.

The lesson is that every ecosystem has a balance which took years to arrive at, and any tampering is bound to result in a change, which could easily be worse than the problem which was attempted to be solved.