The District of Warendorf district Warendorf takes the independent unemployment assistance with software LMMkom one of the leading solutions for managing social, chose the Dortmund software LMMkom. January 1, 2012 to the job Center and the 13 sites can run II time all services in the municipalities of the district after the SGB. Later, the social services on the new software will be converted. All services are then also meets after the SGB XII and the care act with LMMkom. It paved the way for a unified, homogeneous data storage, which enables multidisciplinary evaluations and data transfers in a simple way. The fully integrated software ensures labour savings in everyday management. So letters, notices and text modules can set centrally prescribed data the same, code analysis and individual evaluations are, carried and dispensed with multiple inputs and duplicate data.
Performance, maintenance, Counter clerk, case managers and controllers work with the same database and are always on the latest state of affairs through automatic update routines. A consistent user interface and logical processes ensures easy handling and maximum ergonomics. In addition to the provision, comprehensive functions for creating and updating of targets and aid plans, complete case documentation, comprehensive profiling, matching and placement opportunities and the new measure management in LMMkom form a large repertoire of action for relevant personnel. Lamb number can be trusted with the conversion work on his many years of experience. Back in 2005, when the first option communities were founded, succeeded the company timely and successfully carry out all acquired projects. To ensure a smooth transition of services, of the District of Warendorf cooperates with the partners involved in steering and working groups. In the Conversion process of personnel, equipment – and hardware transition by the BA on must and others are the circle, file transfers, dealing with revenue and receivables as well as data transmission from A2LL, verbis and other related procedures strategically coordinated and operationally controlled.
“In the new software part stocks of data is migrated automatically while others manually entered a recording work, which is worth if errors in the form of index bodies” should be avoided. For the acquisitions from the old procedures (E.g. AKDN social) is an interface kit in LMMkom available with the bi-directional connection of the federate financial procedure (newsystem municipal) is performed. A secured logon procedure, the four-eyes principle and extensive Plausibibilitatskontrollen are important cornerstones of against abusive handling of sensitive data and money withdrawals. First privacy certified software company of the social security administration, lamb number proves its in addition Quality through the certification of the community testing Institute in BW and the certification according to DIN/IEC 27001. You certify, inter alia the proper functioning of all financial critical software processes and the technically flawless data paging in the high-security Computing Center. LMMERZAHL GmbH, Maike Czieschowitz