
Full Desktop Environment

DSL Linux (damn small Linux) is the smallest operating system in the world. The concept of Damn Small Linux is a very small Linux distribution, in whose creation is the developers have made it to the task, not to exceed a limit of 50 MB. Despite this incredibly small size, Damn Small Linux provides a complete desktop environment. That’s why, for example, applications like xpdf, XMMS, an Internet browser, a client to chat, an E-Mail client and Office applications, such as spreadsheet and word processing are included in Damn Small Linux. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is likely to increase your knowledge. Damn Small Linux uses the lightweight Desktop Manager Fluxbox to the graphic representation.

Damn Small Linux is now based on Knoppix technology. It is possible that damn small Linux, to RAM of a system boot is also just called DSL, fast and runs very quickly. Damn Small Linux can be installed on the hard disk but also easily completely. In this case, it becomes a Debian system and get access to all Debian repositories as a result. It is advantageous that damn Small Linux can also easily be loaded on a USB-stick or a mini-CD.

Another possibility is that it will download an image and thanks to Quemu, Damn Small Linux can be started just in MS Windows. Comes from the same people the damn small Linux brought them on the way, Damn Small Linux emergency. But difference is that no value is placed on the limit of 50 MB here. However, all circumstances competent developers want to avoid creating so-called bloatware. Therefore, it was only logical that here in response to the ever-growing Linux kernel. Damn Small Linux 2.4 is used on kernel while with Damn Small Linux, emergency 2.6 value is placed on the modern kernel. Can all Pack is of course no longer in 50MB and everything what is necessary for a modern and contemporary application, is so packed emergency in Damn Small Linux. Among others belong to Samba and LinNeighbourhood, as well as the driver for madwifi and fuse/sshhfs. Nevertheless, Damn Small Linux is especially for older computer an excellent software that quickly and reliably do their work. Especially at notebooks of older vintage, Damn Small Linux can be very well used and is very popular, what the download numbers of the programme prove sustainable. Especially the fact that DSL Linux under MS Windows can be started easily, is a perfect alternative. The program can be in all its four varieties quickly, easily, and above all for free download and can be stored on any any USB flash drive.