
Education System

Now hardly something good can be made without high school diploma, but can go that way? Our education system is actually relatively alright in the Europe-wide comparison. But why are there always so many unemployed people in Germany? It all starts already that graduation needs you for more and more “normal” professions. But why there is actually still middle school or secondary school? On the one hand, companies complain that they get hardly any apprentices, but is still a miracle? When you need high school as a salesman, then something must be wrong. Of course the claim changed, but whether this is still justified in this mass, times so there is. That you need for certain professions school is understandable to me, alone, to study then. But there are more and more high school seniors wishing to normal training after graduation, making it not just easier is the other apprentices. Of course, the companies pick the candidate with the best Non-high school graduates have completed out, but if this continues, soon get a chance. But the study is such a thing. .

For example, I don’t understand why I must study as a photographer or journalist. Well, you can learn journalist also at a school, but also with the requirement to have a high school diploma. Here I can study but then actually equal. My dream was always, at some point as a journalist to work. But it’s not going unfortunately, because I have “only” a good secondary school leaving certificate and that no high school diploma.

I had a 2 in my diploma in German, history and politics and economy, only in English, it was enough just to a 3. So all of my subjects for this profession are good and still I need study. Not even a journalism school would take me without high school, where I then wonder why there is a schooling. Out louder “desperation” I have my full article on the RTL journalism school with application folder of sent and even a week later reply by mail get. In the letter, was that my article would be very good and you would know that I would do the profession, but unfortunately this was virtually impossible without a high school diploma. Well, now I’m doing a school education to the social Assistant, then governess to become, what makes me even more fun than I thought it at the beginning, but it’s just not my dream job. With small children, I can speak hardly about politics. Thus, it remains to hope that the requirements may get something back to be tightened also pupils and junior high school students get the chance for a good education for the future.