
Distributed Energy

The third industrial revolution will be based on renewable energies and Internet. In her the developed nations are due to embark to surpass the dependency of petroleum. Thus it assures the American economist Jeremy Rifkin, one of the expert majors in political energetics. After an agricultural and hydrologic revolution and the beginning of the writing went to a mechanical revolution carried out by the press, the steam engine and the telephone and impelled by fossil fuels. Now, according to Rifkin, the moment has arrived for giving a new evolutionary jump based on the renewable energies and the instantaneous communications. We faced at the end of the economy of carbon, petroleum, the gas and the uranium, that turns out to be untenable and polluting. These fossil energies are of elite, usually are centralized, need enormous capitals for their process and commercialization, besides strong military investments to guarantee their security. Many conflicts by them have occurred and have generated a great one imbalance.

The nuclear power cannot be a long term solution, by economic and environmental reasons. The 408 nuclear reactors that there are in the world, are obsolete in their majority, and would make lack invest 2. 000 million dollars in each. So that the nuclear power had protagonism would be necessary to construct to two power stations every 30 days during next the 60 years, according to the economist. The country that more nuclear power produces, France, needs 40% its water reserves to cool the nuclear power stations. It does not seem viable thinking about the droughts that will come. In addition, there will be uranium Y deficit, although it would be possible to be reconverted plutonium, his transport would generate a problem of international security by the terrorism. Without forgetting the radioactive waste for which not yet there is a suitable solution. Nevertheless, there is renewable energy by all the planet.