

It is in this phase where the pages HTML, buttons, links, forms and animaes in flash will be created (from the layout before drawn). To execute this task the Webdesigner professional must have the same cited knowledge previously already. To the end of this stage a static site and without content is had. Programming of the Site This stage consists of becoming the gerencivel site, that is, of form that the proper customer can modify texts, images and animation in Flash, through an administrator of easy understanding. This phase must be made by a programmer (to webdeveloper) with knowledge in HTML, data base and programming language. Nowadays it has a series of programming languages that can be used, amongst the most common ASP, PHP, and Java. Publication of the Site the publication of the site consists of publishing the site in a server in the Internet (for this it is necessary to have an account of Lodging of site), making the adjustments and configurations Lodging of site for Web. Suppliers of lodging of sites typically are companies who supply a space in its servers and connection to the Internet to these data to its customers To have an account of Lodging of site means to rent a space (in Megabytes or Gigabytes) in the HD of a server of a supplier of Lodging of Sites.

This space will serve to publish the archives of its site, that is, the pages in HTML, the archives of programming, the data base, the texts, the images, the animaes, etc. To house its site are necessary so that it can at any time be had access by any user of any place and of the day or the night! You are welcome ahead to create a site and to leave it in its computer. The users of the world all will not obtain to have access its computer to see its site. With an account of site lodging its site will only be available 24 hours per day in the Internet! Different Plans the difference of the lodging plans are related to the resources that its site will need the server (machine where its site will be housed) stops to focar natural (or organic) of the search mechanisms.? Links sponsored is paid announcements in the sites of search? email marketing – the email marketing consists of going off a part advertising executive, for email, the users in the Internet? spreading in social nets


Qualitative Research

The qualitative research, in accordance with the estimated ones of Chizzot (1991), must consider the being of the things and objects that the man intends to know, to occult itself and to disclose itself under multiple forms. What if manifestly, that it appears at any given time is not, certainly, the totality of the object, the reality investigated For the development of this research we approach the characteristic qualitative, searching the daily one to retake the results in the bases, searching the meaning of the cause and the effect; the effect that the activities of arts provoke in the searched citizens when these are questioned on EA in the way. We look for with this methodology to quickly evidence the diverse inteiraes the one that are submitted study objects, in this in case that the pupils of Basic Ensino of the State School of Basic Education Prof Renilda Silva de Moraes – Rondonpolis/Mato Grosso, are possible also to explore changeable in study and to bring to tona a great fan of possibility on the boarded subject, such procedures: to help to enrich and to revitalize the eventual one to look at obliqued of the professor. Had been traced general lines of this pedagogical chain (critical-social of the contents), therefore the same one form the theoretical base? metodolgica that guides this work, for believing a position in favor of the education of the popular layers of the society. Still the procedures of this research, characterized for the study of case, that was developed in a Pertaining to school Unit, thus it allowed its ample one and detailed knowledge, points advantages of this in agreement research explains Gil (1991), the stimulaton the new discoveries in virtue of flexibility, simplicity of the procedures for the analyses that is sufficiently simple and makes possible commentaries on the collected data. The used techniques had been: the half-structuralized questionnaires that are that one that allows that the researcher observes the personal descriptions, the expressions of the citizens (searched/interviewed), flexibilizando the analysis, so that the researcher can use the collection of the data, in the specific case the productions of the citizens that had been registered that it allowed the accomplishment of this.


Gifts Originals

Valentine’s day approaches, and there are many men who for various reasons are single without a steady partner in whom love be deposited. But even if they are only many have one or more women in mind by those who are attracted to and unable to realize an effective approach. There are different options to attract the attention of a woman, but among the variety that is available there is one that is always very effective and used from yesteryear. I am referring to the Valentine’s gifts! They always receive gifts with an excellent predisposition and if the gift is the right one you can go beginning to arouse some interest in that special woman. When we refer to gifts are not talking about expensive gifts, since this will only attract women interested in money, but I focus on personalized heart gifts, those gifts that never fail. Just think for a moment of personal gifts with photographs made with quality materials, her worship that special attention that you deposit on it. Do research, learn about the tastes of her, places worships, if you prefer the sea or the beach, if you have special pictures in your Facebook from somewhere who loves any range of tastes that you may have.

Once with those data can send to produce a poster with a large image of a favorite it or same landscape a photograph of her in a place that adores. The variety of products that can print the pictures is really very large, between another of the options available are the popular photo blankets or related products like the photo quilts, custom cushions with or whatever to find among the variety of over 120 products that you can find in our online photo store personalized Valentine gifts. With so many options for the Assembly and choice of gift, the only limit to your strategy will be your imagination.


Apartment Alarm System

That definitely meant a direct train issues, namely, for the kids to move to another school directly for us longer to get to the office. At some time, until all possible options were chosen sharing an apartment in another district on the Internet Meets advertising companies 'Fenhaus'. After talking individually with representatives of organizations that came to clarify the reason for failure to use this alarm. Any use of the apartment alarm system should have broadcast an alarm to the police, using a radio frequency, in fact that criminals are likely commonplace wilderness. Since losing in general, has clearly become nothing came up relocation, but the format of the experiment, setting alarms in the apartment specialists 'Fenhaus' has been implemented in full. Two days later, had been scheduled for the trip but only after passing beyond it, did call Cell.

During the conversation with the policeman, it became clear that property as a result of the signal received from alarm systems to the control post, was arrested a gang of criminals who have tried rob our apartment. Immediately returned to her home us, waiting for the district, which is actually a very satisfied look revealed that it's likely the same criminals who have repeatedly robbed our expensive apartment. In the end, and happened, and even a certain part of the stolen we get a refund. Direct evidence of positive cooperation with the firm 'Fenhaus' was put forward such a solution, and is to continue such cooperation, namely the burglar alarm was installed in office, and was equipped with a special button instant recall of protection. In order not to wait until such time as the call, that suburban dacha someone 'cleaned', the result after the order through the World Wide Web, professionals 'Fenhaus', was also mounted burglar alarm to the country. Now, recalling the terrible feelings of hopelessness, being on the verge of once again robbed the apartment, the cost, which itself was embedded in the installation of security systems, specialist organizations 'Fenhaus', particularly as a result after the confirmation of its efficiency does not seem significant.


Invisible Systems

Hence a hypothesis of birth of the universe from the Big Bang. One can imagine that part of the universe, obtaining in the "Big Bang" great speed away from the center of the explosion, respectively, at large distances. However, the center from which were to scatter the galaxy was detected. The question arose – what force causes the galaxies in the movement, opposing the World gravitational attraction? Not finding him response, such divergence became associated with a change (extension) of the space itself. Then it was discovered the deviation from linearity (1) speed "divergence" of galaxies. It was found that galaxies located closer to the point of observation "run away" faster than more distant ones.

Since the observed state of the galaxy (due to the finite speed of light) refers to past time, it was suggested that the process recession accelerated. To explain the mechanism of the accelerated expansion of the universe, introduced the concept of "dark energy" 2. Observing the behavior of galactic systems have found their mismatch movement of the masses of these systems 2. It turned out that the values of the mass of matter that is concentrated in galaxies, estimated to see their facilities, not enough to keep the star systems on the orbits of the prevailing speeds. Moreover, it was observed that the rate of star systems as they move around the galactic center, some distance from the center does not depend on the radius of the orbit motion 3. This led to the introduction of the concept of "ignorant masses" – Invisible under normal astronomical observations of the matter, greatly increases the mass of galaxies.


REG System

Folder called "Shared files" by default available to all users and appears on the network. However, if this possibility is not needed, you can disable it by setting up a computer as described in the article means. Folder "Shared Files" is system, and to disable its creation, you must delete the corresponding key from the registry Windows. To do this, go to "Start Run" (or "Start Search programs and files" in Vista and "seven"), type the command regedit and run the editor Exports. " In the dialog box "Save as …" Give the file a name (for example, free_folder.REG or more, at your option) and click "OK". Then delete the specified key from the registry. The changes take effect immediately after you close the registry, without reboot the system. Attention! The specified key contains only null values REG_SZ (Default").

If you later want to re-open access to the folder "Shared Files", the remote key can be re-inserted into the registry. For this to be mindful that you change or remove it. Inattention can lead to faulty operating system and as a consequence of the loss of personal data or sensitive information stored on your computer. Do not try to experiment, it is better to ask for help from professionals or follow the instructions written on the authoritative resource on the Internet.


The System

All consumista structure of the current system of things foments the illusion of &#039 large-scale; ' ter' ' for ' ' ser' ' , and to the measure that the individuals if full of merchandises, they go being each time emptier in the existencial direction. The implicit message for backwards of the diverse propagandas of the current system of consumption is of that, if the living creature to consume its infinite merchandises, will thus have found the perfect antidote for its existencial tdio. Such it offers, in the truth, is a decoy, therefore the stratagem of ' ' dream of consumo' ' it only favors the pautados mechanisms of escape in ' ' deslocamentos' ' ' ' projections livres' ' of the neurotizado individual. It is evident that to the will to consume many times it is beyond the rationality. We can say that, in a general way, he is vitiated who it makes the vice and not it vice the vitiated one.

In the diverse vices and crazes of modernity, unconscious projections are hidden that finish for coating, enganosamente, the fabulosas merchandises of the system. Who takes one ' ' bath of loja' ' in badalado shopping it can, in the truth, to be using of this excess of consumption as a way of avoidance not to carry through a reform in its internal world; &#039 is more easy; ' to change of camisa' ' of what to change certain aspects undesirable of the personality. At the same time, to the seen being buying powerful is felt, therefore, desired for the others, thus, it refuses internal feelings of insignificncia and of inferiority, and, to the expenseses of these fantassticos resources, a pleasant one is created recognition illusion. Certainly it was such constatao, that it made Freud to write: ' ' It is impossible to run away to the impression of that the people comumente use false standards of evaluation, that is, of that they search to be able, success and wealth for same them admires and them in the others, subestimando everything what truily it has value in vida' '. (Freud, 1974, p.73) The neurotic tries, for the way of the consumption, to exist and to be accepted as person, therefore its purchases are not utilitarian, but yes a manifestation of the poverty of its internal universe, factor this that constantly compels to appeal to it to the wealth and the opulence of the external world. If what it bought loses its function as symbol of status or investment of its capital, he is despaired e, for times, dumb drastically its aesthetic and enterprise concepts. An authoritarian and invisible conscience compels the neurotic if to adjust to the fashions and crazes passengers, internally creates terrible uncertainties that finish being used for the system as weapons of control and ideological manipulation. Trying to run away from its existenciais doubts, the dominated one finishes for buying ' ' certezas falsas' ' , he takes what it to a gradual process of desumanizao and, finally, the neurotic finishes being ' ' coisificado' ' for the consumption system, becoming in this way, plus a mere merchandise of the capitalist society.


The System

principle 2. Continuous improvement. Quality is always possible to increase – by increasing effectiveness of existing needs, due to meet the previously responsive to needs at the expense of forming and meet new needs, etc. Improvements may be associated with the elimination of deficiencies or a warning of possible problems. principle 3. Decisions based on facts. In order to implement the principle of continuous improvement, you must have reliable information about quality. For this within the qms should operate the registration system of quality data.

The composition of the data to be recorded and analyzed for decision making, defined by features of the company's business and the processes occurring in it. To implement this principle in the framework of the project are developed: the system parameters of the quality of the company, the system records the quality and procedures of quality records. principle 4. Process approach. Effective monitoring and improving quality are only possible within the business, 'transparent' in terms of control.

Process model greatly simplifies the analysis and improvement of quality. principle 5. Involvement of all in quality assurance. As part of a quality system based on process approach, each employee clearly knows its responsibilities and powers, as well as its responsibility for quality within the processes in which it participates. principle 6. Leadership. Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which workers can become fully involved in activities to achieve organizational goals.


Ancient Egyptian Artifacts

This is the breadbasket of Egypt, and farmers here in the Egyptian standards, live more or less decently. But if a little away from the Nile, a little deeper into the desert, with the life of the ancient Egyptians can be already acquainted firsthand – the people here live in some mud holes, the impression that this is footage of the famous Polish film "Pharaoh". Complements the picture of the sand, covering a thick layer of home and natives who catching sight of tourist buses, slow march to the bus stop, holding at about the camels, to cut down on the rich foreigners a few dollars for photographing the ship of the desert. Ancient Egyptian reality becomes even more palpable when the ship sails to the place where the focus grandiose temples – Luxor and Edfu. For example, the Edfu temple is located in the city, and the nearby old quarter, which appeared several thousand years later, most of the monolith, designed in the same red and yellow color scheme and its architecture is identical to the buildings surrounding the church back in antiquity.

And these homes are inhabited by people whose way of life and welfare is likely not changed much from the epoch of the Pharaohs. At least, this conclusion is, judging by the desperation in the eyes of local merchants, with whom they force tourists nemudryaschie souvenirs. Kind of them such as if they immediately die if they did not buy the "Ancient Egyptian" papyrus or some dubious statuette. Against this background of abject poverty splendor of ancient temples is really amazing. Unique austere elegance of breathing temple of Queen Hatshepsut, with its beautiful murals depicting the Egyptian ambassadors to travel to the far southern country of Punt. Involuntarily overflows with pride in the genus man who thousands of years ago with primitive technology (the version of the alien origin of the pyramids and other ancient Egyptian masterpieces of architecture, we, of course, reject) were able to create incredible man-made wonders. But then a thought: how much back-breaking slave labor, intellectual energy engineers and architects, inspired artists, and have invested their lives in the building completely, in general, useless pyramids and stone giants as tall as a five-story house, depicting some of Thutmose or Ramses!


Biometric Systems Analysis

Biometric systems: Analysis of Retina in a study of retina Access Control is one of the oldest biometric analysis. Already more than 70 years ago failed to establish that the arrangement of blood vessels in the eyes, was different in every human being. With the passing of the years, this idea took force, making it possible that patented the first reader of retina, which then went on the market at the beginning of the 1980s. A record of the retina, analyzes not only this part of the eye, but it also analyzes the layer of blood vessels in the back of the same. This is done using a low-intensity light source and an optical reader, which detects way accurate eye patterns. To ensure that a person subject to this type of analysis, it is necessary to remove his glasses, if the usa, put your eyes near the appliance and look towards a particular point. This point is usually a green flicker, which should see with attention for a few seconds, so that the mechanism can do their work.

By the general the process of capturing and matching of patterns takes about 10 seconds, so the system is not only effective, but also quick. A retinal scanner is a good option as access control system, because copying a retina, with all its elements, is an impossible task. On the other hand, not is you can trick the system with a retina of a dead person, because their deterioration is very fast and because there are systems that know are when dealing with living tissue or not. Such is the effectiveness of these devices, as many areas of restricted access such as military bases, nuclear power plants, embassies, laboratories, security agencies and other large organizations; make use of them. These places have been found on retina readers a system of access control inviolable and above all fast. The reason why these organizations have access to these readers is because they are the only ones that can afford to purchase this technology, since the prices of these devices are somewhat high. Biometric locks may be a good strategy, to improve the security in places like businesses, homes, schools, etc. These locks are based on biometric systems and only open when supplied an imprint, previously registered. Democratic incidence: RGP uses biometrics to prevent fraud DINAP S.R.L. pedestrian access Control and Vehicular DINAP S.R.L. sliding doors and automatic swivel biometric systems: analysis of Retina in a Access Control