
Maria Batista

The local population must therefore play a constructive role in the area and which is not excluded from its management.(Rebellious youth, March 2002) I.4.6 values during recent decades, a large part of the pedagogical reflection has concentrated on the issue of values. At the global level interest in man is prepended to the factor of technology. Many social institutions including religious ones, are busy to revolutionize teaching to give guidance to the science that is looking for the results of its use have a solidary and human sense. (Maria Batista, 2000) Education must help the learner to take a new position in front of your time and your space problems by inserting it into the reality to intervene in it, turning it in the direction of greater freedom for all, communication and cooperation among all men. The author later calls for a vital learning in action, rejects the verbalismo, transmission and accepts the quest for knowledge by your own subject; the learner is not locked chest, but a conscious body to be challenged and responding to the challenge. (Freire, 1967) The trend in educational policies at the request of those who teach is not dogmatically impose a scale of values, a certain moral, but you can also mean decrease skeptically of all scale of values as if the same be just as unfair. It must be based on a rational critical, able to teach rational valuation principles conforming dialogue autonomous in their judgment of value and subject subjects against the judgments of others. (Cullen, 19997) Elections between alternatives, judgments, actions, have an axiologico-objetivo character, but men never single values, just as they never choose the good or happiness. They always choose concrete ideas, concrete concrete, alternative purposes. Their specific acts of choice are naturally related to general evaluative attitude, as well as his judgments are linked to its image in the world.


Remanufactured Engine

IMPORTANT! Before installing your Remanufactured engine, it is very important that you determine what was causing the breakdown of its previous engine. To ensure a proper functioning of its Remanufactured engine, you must determine what was the cause of the breakdown of your previous engine, and correct it. After you do so, please follow the points detailed below for the successful installation of your engine. INSPECTION VISUAL of your engine REMANUFACTURED before install it to check that the packaging of the engine is in good condition. Check that there are no external damage to the engine and its parts.

If you find any abnormality or damage, do not accept delivery of the engine. Check the part number and locate guides, bayonet, ports, configuration of carter and lids. Verify the correct measurement of spark plugs. Verify that the crankshaft flywheel holes are of the correct size. ASPECTS important before of starting the engine PRELUBE bleed oil pump before starting the engine to prevent wear premature and dry start damage. A prelubricador pressure is best. Use special lubricating oil for engines that operate with LP gas. If you don’t have prelubricador, immerse in clean oil oil pump, fill the oil filter and crankcase and bleed oil pump manually.

Ultimately, fill crankcase with the amount of oil needed and running the engine without turn on for 20 or 30 seconds. In this way is achieved all the veins in the engine lubrication to fill with oil and prevent damage to metals from starting dry. Notes on the prelube in an engine remanufactured engines with hydraulic chain tensioners (like the Ford Triton 4. 6 L, 5. 4 L and 6. 8 L), is very important prelubricar and loading of oil the chain tensioner. Otherwise runs the risk of starting the engine with a loose chain, which could cause that chain jump one or two teeth, causing in turn a piston to hit a valve since the engine would work out time.


Attorney Marcelo Rodriguez

A lawsuit for infringement of the law of property intellectual 17.336, whose latest amendments went into effect on May 4, filed the morning of May 19 the regional creator Oscar Ziehlmann, against Daniel Fernandez in his capacity as legal representative of HidroAysen, society composed of Endesa and Colbun that seeks to build five dams on the Baker and Pascua rivers. The appeal was lodged in the Prime Juzgado de Letras de Coyhaique and originates in the publication of the book myths, legends and customs of Aisen of the writer Felix Elias, in which society would have acted as editor, and which contains photographs of his own about his works (carved stones) without permission for such an action. The presentation coincided with the first visit the Executive Vice-President of the society held during that week to the Aysen Region. The disputed book was officially launched in December 2009, a joint activity between the author, HidroAysen and the municipality of Coyhaique. In the letter, sponsored by Attorney Marcelo Rodriguez, Ziehlmann points out that this grave situation is unacceptable to the grantor, as I’ve stated publicly in opposition to the designated project, being a true mockery my rights as a creator of the aforementioned works, that trampling the rights established in law 17.336, are included by the defendant company, my creations in this book. The respondent could not less than knowing that the creations to which I have referred are my intellectual property and that therefore were protected by such legislation. Filed the lawsuit, Rodriguez indicated that his defendant has been absolutely violated his rights, every time that he has a right to intellectual property in their works.

He is author of many carved in stone and they have unfortunately been misused in a book, published and edited, we understand us, HidroAysen’s absolutely illegally, i.e. without respecting intellectual property rights. He referred specifically to article 84 of the 17.336 law which States that which, will incur civil liability without authorization of the owner of the rights or the law, and knowing or should know that it will induce, will allow, facilitate or hides an infringement of any copyright or neighboring rights, delete or alter any rights management information, or distribute, import for distributionemit, communicate or make available to the public copies of works or phonograms, knowing that rights management information has been removed or altered without authorization being understood as rights management all information that identifies the work, its author or the holder of the right on this.


Decentralized Cooperation

Anyway we can enter search engines based search for decentralised cooperation for development. To give this search order you find there a few listings and you can search in connection with the theme that works. Inpsicon: how is the financial contribution that give to favored projects? Julieta Bustos: well, at this point no aid or international organization gives el100% of the project, generally give 80%, then another 20% remaining it would provide ocon contributions from the same organisation (the applicant) i.e. we put, Forexample, three staff members and we have the infrastructure and that makes 20% and 80% donor chuch Dalo. In some cases, is that you applied to a call and call Inthat give you only 20% or 30% conseguircofinanciacion then what one does is to complete 100% of the resources that are needed. Another important point is that a period of one month approximately so that one apply to laconvocatoria, to leave the call, ideally already have to elaborate draft paraquad not touch that run to apply. The donor organization has three months after derecibida information to respond if they are to give the money and to respond as you vain you do the donation. In some cases the donation made it in machinery, tools, also they can make donations in advertising and anyway one thing it is that most of these donations are non-refundable, that is good for one and all depends on audits that are made. Inpsicon: how is the process of delivering money, audits and follow-up to the proyectoseleccionado? Julieta Bustos: in some cases the entity disburse a percentage, sometimes is 50% in others is less, they can disburse in three or four games, depending on the type of negotiation that is made and then they are going to require results to make the segundodesembolso. All payments that are made must be supported by invoices, they must have all the implications of spending, there are cases where if there is an invoice beneficiary must go to a notary to ascertain the fate of the money.



We enter to the internet as a curiosity or for reasons of work we have removed to the Secretariat and they put us computer and told us is very intuitive is very logical and no need to know much except what’s your specialty and for years batallamoa with screens stunned and with locks and little by little were unraveling asking in the area of systems or the more youngsters how to take forward the more elementary as cut or paste and Drag and thousand etceteras which increasingly were more and more until did not know if we already had mastered the new instrument or if not acabariamos by never end because since we felt more or less to the current changed us the platform and as that lost the floor. On the way at least I sold internet sold networks sold domains sold voip and engineering agricultural that was my especielidad me permitia understand something and lost me most of the training courses to all levels and languages we arrived from all sides finally decided to enter the bull and us we read the manual of survival systems client/server by God that so called another update but as landing always difficult and so we have reached an unassailable conclusion that if what we would have done 10 years ago would have saved us many problems must be estuduar the race IT engineer but well we will not return to the school for that is the internet and we started already in Favorites mark all cusos and tutorials and blogs and websites that can help us and information again is overwhelming. Hoping that it is the last update we lanzoma to the blogy already now have 50 half are from companies that we are in the process of developing and think that collaboration is the technique to carry it out because there are other analyze 2 big questions the first has 10 years where this the yellowpages Web now web 2.0 and with zero responses and the other is if obama be an illustrious unknown I came to lapresidencia in three years can I do the same thing via the internet and web 2.0 communities because if the gro get one million members of my community to get to lapresidencia all the stress and the experience of living to achieve to understand the internet and how we changed my life there will be valid the penalty. You who believe is may or are we will have wasted the time unfortunately..


Parts of Engines

Engines are composed of a large number of parts with different functions, which will eventually wear and need to be treated to give back them their functionality. The grinding engine consist of teams that made the whole or part of any kind of motor repair, it should be noted that not only for gasoline engines or diesel. To perform this work you must be guided by the measures of the original parts. Failures in an engine are of a different nature, then we will mention some of the reasons. When the problem are the connecting rods, adapts and recover the connecting rods of engine, interiors of them rectifying and addition is needed, align them and balance them, as well as replace the bushings of piston pins and adapt the same metals. On the other hand, in the case of engine seats, rectification is done through an overhaul of the intake valves and replaced valves tailored guides.

Honing of seat allows a complete and durable seal during the life of the engine and will settle valves and seats. Reconditioning of heads, both for those made of aluminum and cast iron, is performed by changing the valve guides. Subsequently, rectifying the surface and the valve seats; then calibrate the valves and the steps are filled. However, if the problem is in the Mono-blocks of the engine (engine part where the mechanical components are located), requires grinding cylinders and install new shirts for then buffed and/or rectify the surface of the block and line breaks. As a last example may refer to the correction that is required for the recovery of the Pistons.

For this first needs to be done an evaluation of wear on them you have today, check the variation in size as it gains temperature. You can rectify the accommodations of piston rings and regulate the opening of ends when they are already installed on your cylinder. In general, these are the different functions that have the grinding engine, because there is a great multitude of functions in engines and therefore many more parts that may decompose. The sale of grinding engine is regularly offered separately, i.e. that each part is obtained individually. Among the items to be purchased can be found: rectifiers of axes of cam (grinding of cylinders), valve rectifiers, rectifiers of flat surfaces, brake and drum vertical machine Sharpener, among others.


Search Engines

Posicionamiento en Buscadores where not get links one of priorities of having a site on the internet is to make money, if you earn money with your web site on a daily basis and this is enough for to be considered an additional input of money in your home, you might say that you have a successful web site. But not all webmasters enjoyed this success and that’s because they have a very limited visitor flow, this scarcity of visitors is due in turn to the bad position of your site in the will. But then comes the question of 65,000 dollars, as I do to improve the position in the are of my web site and in turn improve visits and the money generated me site. We are going to put it simple, are 2 things that will take them into consideration to give it priority in searches to a site and they are content and links! CONTENTS: If content, but not any kind of content, I mean that is new, fresh, updated, unique, that content that only exists on your web site and in any other. While more often you update your web site with content unique and quality, more often you will appear at the top of search and therefore more visitors will have.

LINKS: Yes, links, but not any kind of links, and is that not all links are built equal nor are worth the same for the, not just leave links on any site that you will find, you need to make sure that it will be a quality link and you will not lose its value over time. There are very few web sites where you can find quality links, with quality I am referring to the following. * Containing the tag index follow * that are not reciprocal because I now give him the list of sites where the links have no value to promote your website.


Moscow House Photography

NXEL GROVE your powerful energy unfolds in the exhibition Revolution in Photography. The artist, one of the fathers of Soviet constructivism, passionately devoted to photography since 1924. Our duty is to experiment!, it proclaimed. Aleksandr Rodchenko (1891-1956) footprint has been sustained and far-reaching. Their graphic designs of the first quarter of the 20th century have served as inspiration (or copied, no more) by advertising, the music industry and the posters contemporary. As only a soviet could be vehement, Rodchenko absorbed the climate of metroplolitan change derived from the Russian revolution of 1917.

He painted, he did graphic design, he participated in the birth of constructivism, he tired of the classical technique (painting is dead, he said in 1921 after expose three oils with the primary colors: yellow, blue and red), he groped with the film, fell in the collage, and finally landed in photography. Aleksandr Rodchenko exposure: Revolution in Photography, which exhibits the Fotomuseum Winterthur in Switzerland, is a journey through the photographic work of Soviet artist. All parts are due to his proclamation: our duty is to experiment!. Enter the sample concept, organized in collaboration with the Moscow House of photography, allows to check with manners took Rodchenko camera, which he conceived as a natural projection of the human eye: your photos reconsidered the role and the role of the photographic art and left the door open so that come the idea of concept. The exhibition organizers insist the multifaceted artist how he managed that the photos would stop being an illustration of par reality become a half full of visual meaning. The idea of considering an engineer artist pleased Rodchenko. A manifesto was committed to build with each work and frequently accompanied the photos of long ideological texts or theory art.

Diagonals destabilised, Zenith plans and unexpected perspectives are almost constant. Perched at the top of the art derived from the Bolshevik Revolution (he designed the poster for the film the Battleship Potemkin and was commissioned to the National Pavilion at the world fair in Paris in 1925), was originally celebrated as artistic Manager of a new vision. Stalinism, the Suppression of the expressive freedoms and the instrumentalization of photography desenganaron him. He was accused of formalist and expelled from the Group of artists October, whose birth he had participated in 1928. At the beginning of the Decade of the 1940s he stopped taking photos. Abstract oil paintings he painted sporadically and life earned in silence as an official curator. The painters conceptualists of the sixties, especially Barbara Kruger, should be part of your language to the work of Rodchenko, who re-emerged on the covers of rock albums, among them those of Mike & The Mechanics and the second album by Franz Ferdinand.


Internet Explorer

In this report I would like to emphasize the importance of upgrades for your PC or laptop computer. I start by asking how many times the following error appears you in the Internet Explorer browser on your operating system (OS) Windows with the following message: iexplore.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.? Iexplore.exe is one of the most common mistakes in any edition of Windows, with the exception of the last (Windows 7) so far, which hampers, mainly the Internet connection. At first glance, is a harmless and insignificant mistake because superficially the only thing that causes is close the Internet Explorer browser, but also have other dire consequences for our computer. Other browsers, such as Google Chrome, also has very similar errors that cause the closure of the browser and that are originated by the same causes, but I’m going to concentrate on this, since it is very popular. The cause of this error is easy to avoid, but sometimes we forget and not given importance.

It’s the lack of updates for the Windows OS and the Elimination of waste in the temporary Internet files folder. All the OS they have and require actualizarce and Windows is not the exception, on the contrary, to be the OS of higher world demand, their updates are becoming increasingly regular. So important is the upgrade of the OS for our computer, that Microsoft has never failed to locate the direct link to your update (Microsoft Update) Center in the list of programs on the start bar of the OS. Even in its last edition, the option to Windows Update it between home and not in the list of programs programmes, as in the previous editions. We can also conclude that Microsoft’s interest in putting direct link towards your Update Center by default in the start bar of the OS it is commercial, since all updates, recommended and personalised, are free of charge and that’s obvious.


Windows Vista

For people who always want a little more speed on your computer here I bring a simple trick, unfortunately only works with operating systems Windows Vista and Windows Seven and not for XP, because when XP came still existed computers with many cores to processors but anyway here won’t you. We oppressed the keys home and R at the same time or we are not going to start, all programs, accessories and run, two forms of t opens it only with the key command is more fast ( _ ) good since we have open this window type msconfig and us will open a window where we have to go to the tab start and give click to the button advanced options and is open one last window, activate the checkbox where it says number of processors and amount of memory maximum, go to the depslegable menu and choose the number greater (more of 1 only if in your case the processor has 2 or more nuclei) in the same way in memory to select all, den OK and show them one window that says something envelope restartI recommend them to do so. What we have just done is to activate our processor at the maximum, as one who says two heads think better that an and each core is as if it were an extra brain, processors that have dual core or 2 single cores have a core asset and the other always is off waiting for the time at which the computer becomes slow for this into action and speed it up but the truth is annoying to wait is begins to accelerate while this locked, thus always will be assets 2 cores and usually never you botch. In the same way to activate all available RAM memory, what happens if you read my previous article memory RAM works with respect to the task bar, every time that we give double click on something or open a sale this displays a box the taskbar but if they have noticed it takes a little to open this happens because the RAM has to prepare a space to get that window there, to have activated all memory ram already has all the space preparadoy because it is only a matter of put it so it does not take long to open, opens immediately.