
Antonio Carlos Gil Seabra

It can be developed devices that can be operated by remote control by a surgeon in the accomplishment of surgical procedures in the corporal sockets, as well as can be handled traditional surgical instruments through robotizados surgical instruments. Telemonitorao? It is where they are registered given of a patient who will be placed in analysis, alert interpretation and, including the cardiac monitoramento through the telephonic line. Through the telemonitoramento the doctor can analyze in house, through a microcomputer the vital parameters of the patients interned in UTI. virtual Comunidades? They are groups that use technologies of the Internet, such as: e-mail, list of quarrels, newsgroup small farms, with the purpose to argue clinical cases of varied medical specialties, reflecting its experiences and opinions techniques, these small farms also are known as vestibules of the Internet. 2,4 COMPONENTS USED IN the TELECIRURGIA Figure 01 – Component of the telecirurgia system.

Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 02 – Tool master, operated for the telecirurgio. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 03 – enslaved Tool, tele-operated for the telecirurgio. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 04 – System of teleoparao used in the HMSL. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 05 – System of teleoparao used in the HMSL. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 06 – Surrounding of simulation for the developed telecirrgicas tasks in the model.

Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 07 – Environment of simulation for the telecirrgicas tasks. Source: Seabra (2003) As she was seen in figures 01 the 07 exist a infinity of mechanisms used in the teleconferncia, serving as tool master in the operation of a telecirurgia, where the movements foresee one to assist gift in the surgical field. 3 METHODOLOGY the methodology was used to reach the longed for objective, will count on the use of the exploratria research, being adopted the qualitative boarding, by means of bibliographical research. The reason for which this type of instrument will be chosen, happens of the concept explicitado for Antonio Carlos Gil: The bibliographical research is developed from elaborated material already, mainly constituted of books and scientific articles.


Virtual Reality

The virtual reality makes possible a learning through trips the places never visited, either for the physical impossibility or in the distance geographic. The technologies of Virtual Reality meet currently in evolution. In this context, it in such a way has diverse segments in the architecture, education, medicine that are using the Virtual Reality as tool of I assist to the work. 2 VIRTUAL REALITY According to Silvano (2000), the term Virtual Reality mentions a imersiva and interactive experience to it based in generated graphical images 3D in real-time for computer. The quality of this experience in RV is crucial, therefore it must stimulate to the maximum and of creative and productive form the user – the necessary reality to react of coherent form to the movements of the participant, being become the consistent experience. The main objective of this new technology is to make with that the participant enjoys of a sensation of presence in the virtual world, giving immersion notion.

This immersion can be total or partial, depending on the used equipment level and white environment. The RV systems if differentiate as the levels of immersion and proportionate interatividade to the user. The levels are determined by the types of devices of entrance and exit of data of the environment, of the speed and capacity of the computer houses that it. According to Netto (2002), the RV systems can be classified as: RV of simulation, RV of projection, Enhanced or Increased Reality, Telepresena, Displays Visually Connected and RV of Table. The RV of simulation corresponds to the type oldest, originated with the simulators of flight developed by the American military after World War II. A system of RV of this type imitates the interior of an car or airplane, placing the person in a cabin with controls.



Siphon panels narrow colored strips of 5-30 mm, fringed border frieze, mirrors or panels, said panels. Panel made in the form of one or several parallel lines. Panel used to hide irregularities in the junction between differently colored areas and surfaces for decorative purposes. At the boundary surfaces, colored adhesives or glue, oil, panel holds adhesives. On the surface, colored oil compositions panel holds oil composition. Panels perform stretching filenochnoy brush, roller or a special gasket on the stencil. The most difficult is the way to pull panels brush, which requires long training from malaria.

When working with a brush used wooden ruler length of 70-80 cm dipping the brush in the paint composition, conducting it along the line from left to right. When driving you can not change adopted first angle of the brush to the wall. Draw the line, the line moves to the right so that she would drop by 5-7 mm toward the already stretched panels, and repeat the same movement with a brush, being careful not to leave visible seam. Panel should be the entire length of the same width, without joints and curved. Paint composition for the panels to be thinner, but with a lot of knitting. To improve the ductility of it added sugar water, molasses or grain brew of oil dissolving a volatile solvent. Panels can perform a special machine with a roller. Roller move along the line, just as you would with a brush. Rolling drawing relief Drawing on rollers painted wall surface can be applied, using embossed rubber rollers.


Private Pool

Of course, any city resident would like to relax and unwind from city life in his dacha. Bath, fresh air and quiet help make this holiday complete. However, in a very hot time of summer, it is becomes relevant and the presence of the shadow of the reservoir in close proximity. Remarkably close to the cottage if there a river or lake, which at any moment have the opportunity to freshen up and gain strength. Well, when there is no order or else, what do do in this case? There is a great solution, this pool right in your backyard. Tell you about how you can make. For a start, it's important to think about the waterproofing. Conventional polyethylene or air bubble film for that is not appropriate.

It will take quite a dense film or alternatively, may weld together several paintings usual, turning it into a multilayer film. So, dig pit the size of the pool. The optimum depth of the pool when the water level in him is no less than on the breast adult. Dimensions pool should allow a person to lie down on the water with outstretched arms to the sides, plus a small distance skirting. It turns out that the average size of the pool may be of the order of 4×4 m with a depth of 1, 2-1, 5m. If you would like to increase the size of the pool, we recommend just doing it more deeply, to make it easy to pour water from it by applying aquifer soil (as a rule, it is located at a depth of 4 m). Then we have the pool bottom. Clear the pool, sealing the soil at the bottom, carefully stamps, remove all unnecessary.

At the bottom of the pool pour the first layer sand thickness of at least 20cm. In the middle of the pool pit was dug with a diameter 30cm and depth 50cm. Gravel pit fall asleep in such wise that the top layer was just below the compacted soil. Then take a waterproof film (most reliably for This is suitable geomembrane), and puts it on the floor with the expectation that the edges of the film should extend beyond the pool of approximately 50cm. In the film, making a small hole around the hole with gravel – for pipe drain. Drain pipe and film tightly connect the rubber ring and some bury the pipe in the gravel, do not forget to plug it with a stopper. The upper edge of the drain tube must protrude from the bottom of the approximately 10-15cm. That's it, the pool is ready. Do not forget that change the water in it is worth at least twice a month.



The small thickness of drywall partitions can not provide the necessary strength and does not cope with the impact on her weight, and collapse. In connection with this opportunity, experts recommend carefully calculate and choose in advance the thickness of the frame and sheet, as well as the type of frame. In order to properly understand exactly what you need drywall and what kind of framework for this drywall, you will need to calculate the load on each square meter of leaf area. In that case, if the load will not exceed 40-50 kg. per sq. km. meter, it will be enough to single-frame sheathed leaves drywall thickness of about 15 mm, but if the design load is greater than 50 kg, the thickness of the plasterboard should be increased to 18mm, but the thickness will withstand only up to 70 kg per square meter. There are situations when the load on the drywall goes up to 150 kg and more.

per square meter, in such a situation, plasterboard partitions erected by a special complex with special extensions for contracting support. You must also add that, that all load calculations should be done in linear meters. In the process of construction drywall partitions can be laid all the hidden wiring. To this end, in the racks need to drill holes through This wire will go across the studs. Then, in the drywall sheets to go through all the necessary holes for switches and sockets. In order to make a normal, smooth appearance, all performed at the edges of the hole should be reinforced, it is necessary to give a certain rigidity, as well as to prevent the further shedding. After installation drywall partitions, you can begin to paint the surface or to pasting her wallpaper. Rather important aspect of drywall is the fact that the frame which is mounted for fastening gypsum boards made of any metal and plasterboard are in turn, fire-resistant material, the way you'll be in full security for the closure of electrical wiring.’>PC Performer brings even more insight to the discussion. It is also necessary to say that the wall of plasterboard breathes very well. The only drawback such barriers is their relatively low moisture, it is therefore absolutely not recommended to make installation of drywall partitions in those areas where there is high humidity.


Useful Programs

Geek Superhero-The program monitors changes in your system and at the slightest suspicious activity alerts you. For example, many malicious programs make changes to system registry – Geek Superhero to tell you about them. Advanced Hide Folders-Targeted for hiding important data from prying eyes BPS Spyware / Adware Remover.-Thanks to her, you can easily detect and eliminate most of the different programs tracking. Smart Data Backuper (SDB)-To ensure maximum protection of data stored on your computer information and to avoid possible loss of data with random failures of hardware and software, as well as user error. Outpost Personal Firewall Pro-Protects against all possible threats on the Internet – reflects the hacker attacks, blocks spyware, prevents sending your private information to remote computers, protects during visits to potentially dangerous web pages and prevents dangerous email attachments, which may be Internet worms, activated for the attack. PestPatrol-Detects and removes various devastating parasites – such as Trojans, tracking program, hacking programs and the like.

FET XP-encryption using public key allows the exchange of information on the Internet, without fear of interception and make izmeneniy.V program provides full function (without the possibility of recovery) to delete files and folders with a variety of carriers. Spybot Search Monitors and Destroy-and correctly removes spyware from your hard drive. Also, Spybot does not allow a Trojan application scan folders from the temporary Internet files and cookies, removing all the extra 'junk' from the hard drive Ad-aware-scans all the software on your PC, find all the 'vermin' and lists the user who has and decides to delete them or not.


New Online Game

The temptation – a unique browser-based project with role-playing and puzzle game that is unparalleled in the market of online games. In the city of temptation you have to solve many puzzles to pass exciting jobs and lure other players … True, yet the project is at the stage of open testing, but now you can appreciate all that you meet with the players and the final version of the game. Virtually every element of the game is accompanied by his fun mini-game. Today it is the best game of the pics! The temptation – it's not just another online game on the strip. The temptation – a unique project with role-playing elements and puzzles, storyline and the extraordinary job graphics.

Absolutely – The temptation today is unparalleled in the market of online gaming. In the world of Temptation You have to solve many puzzles, take a fascinating job, to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the world game, make new friends. Temptation – a separate social world, living their lives. Do you know what a browser-based online games? Browser games – are games that use browser-based interface and requires no additional software or programs. MMORPG games online in a browser – it is a separate genre of browser games.

Its main difference – the simultaneous play of a large number of people in a vast game universe. In online mode allows you to lure not only enjoy the game process, but also make new acquaintances. How often do you play sexy flash games? Agree, a great selection of online erotic flash games, but their passage is not more than 30 minutes. In the lure of online you can play for months and days away, we guarantee – you never get tired of the monotony and not fall asleep from boredom. The storyline, whose development depends on you, in-game social network, nice to meet new people and discreet flirting, diverse and unusual story line professions, detective stories and love stories, how can it offer other erotic flash games? It is not necessary to suppress the temptation to go to the temptation to see everything for yourself. Why Online temptation better than other online games? The temptation can be online in different categories of games. Do you want to take it in erotic games or leave in the category of classic mmorpg – the choice is yours. The only difference is whether the you censor button or not. You can play online games erotic or any other online games, but in them you will not find that there is a temptation – communication, dating, fun and easy for time. The main thing Temptation online – it's the atmosphere of flirtation and the eternal party. In daylight the temptation – the colorful and exciting game with puzzles and tasks, and in the evening … flick of the wrist, and temptation can change a game for adults. An experiment, type in the search engines' online game to play on the strip "- ensure nothing similar Temptation you can not find! Most minimum system requirements, a fascinating story line, constant surprises, tasks and puzzles, colorful diverse world, living their lives online, a pleasant atmosphere and a fantastic battle system – all this we suggest you to try right now.


The System

That's it. Therefore, when Anders offers poizmyvatsya Yosepom over, the class does not regard this proposal as something "software." For him – it's just a game, where you can pleasantly occupy yourself. Nothing more. And so the word "Caspar went against the system", which impressionable young men and women get off on a detailed discussion of the plot – there is a substitution, even if unconscious. For any task of breaking the system Caspar itself did not set: it does not go against the rules in general, it is only made against a single episode in this game.

It's like sifting condemn Vietnamese villages with cluster bombs, endorsing the "conventional bombs." Then, perhaps, Anders started all this ruckus for the sake of foundations of the system? There is none. "Insubordination" Caspar strained, but does not invalidate the rest of Anders as long as the situation is further exacerbated not among teenagers has hit a girl (Thea). I think that comment is superfluous, and the value the word "catalyst" is known to everyone. Words will Tei, abandoned in the famous scene on the beach, "I do not want to see it more!" – Is the essence of the relationship of youth to an event. For them it is just a spectacle, which, if lose one's attraction for some reason, you can stop …

watching. 2. WHY Kasparov pushed the YOSEPA a decisive step? Could this STEP TO OTHERS? Now, when I write these lines, in front of me is printing the morning news.


Shopping Abroad

Shopping abroad is enjoyable, beneficial, soothing, exciting, but the main thing – that he was … economical. It does not matter whether the traveler is going to go for a run at odd shopping, or want to specifically go to Europe in the period of sales, while crossing the border she can return to one-fifth of the cost of purchases. What is important is the total amount of the check. If it is lower than required, tax free will not.

Of course, if you lack just a few euros for a coat can be buy a nice inexpensive scarf – often the cost is fully offset by tax rebates. But the purchase of a pack of cigarettes or cigars exquisite box does not help – in most countries, VAT on tobacco products, foods, books, leaves the state itself. The minimum required amount for each country has its own. For example, in Germany, enough to make a purchase of $ 25 euros, and in neighboring France – no less than 175 euros. Percentage who return to a foreigner, too, in every state is different.

Usually it is a little less taxes: take a couple of percent for the services Global Refund or Premier Tax Free – one of the companies leading the service. Specific figures and all the details for any of the countries can found on the websites of these organizations: and Right off in just bought a blouse "haute couture" is not possible – before crossing the border can not be used goods, items must be unworn with all labels and seals. The seller issues a special form: it is recorded information about purchases and passport details of the buyer. In the small shops do directly at the box office, in large supermarkets – in a special department, located somewhere far away in the basement or at the very top level. Abroad, do not forget our habit to carry your main document of a citizen. Without a passport may be tax free and do not draw, but in most cases will show loyalty and allowed to fill up some columns ex post facto. Taking the form and a check is to grab and information leaflet (usually abound in any of the items tax free), it almost all the world languages will be shows you where to go to the airport and local banks are working with tax free-software. And for the sake of which all these ordeals – may think inexperienced in tax tricks the reader. Is the game worth the candle? However, it is necessary to issue tax free himself a few times, and numerous manipulations with checks will not seem so complicated and confusing: 20 percent were not something extra!


Videoproject Garden Modern Technologies

With today's technology has a great opportunity – to revive the project: as a supplement to the standard project area – to create videoprogulku buduyuschemu garden. To this end, our specialists use specialized program Realtime Landscaping Architect (analog her – Realtime Landscaping pro), which is being simple to use and allows you to create decent results. Here, revives all: swaying trees and flowers, byut fountains, murmuring brooks, swimming fish, butterflies and birds sing. Realtime Landscaping Architect has in its database 12,800 objects, including one plant – 5700. Also, this program lets you create your brand new 3D objects and paste ready, such as software – Google SketchUp, 3D Max and OnyxGARDEN.

Main advantage of digital technologies is that the screen image is plastic and change. Inteaktivnom design allows not only to improve the professional effectiveness of the designer, but also to strengthen the participation of customer in the project. With videovizualizatsii can: – walk through the garden of what was intended at the design stage – compare garden day and night – to show the lighting system and avtopolivom – solve 'problem' places in the garden, where customer and performer doubt in making decisions only on future perspectives. To create such a garden it is required to video project detailed documentation: – subbase plot (Geodetic Surveying or areas with fairly uncomplicated terrain and small size of the area is sufficient and froze) – plans and elevations of all buildings on the site – pictures of the site. And, if the finished video and add music, it will be twice as nice 'walk' on projected garden. The site shows 6 ready-videos, including at night. View examples of our video works if you have any questions about operation of the program Realtime Landscaping Architect, in particular for creating video, ask them us on a site you can see the garden of your dreams and virtually walk through it, yet going construction work on the house. Let's create a video project future garden.