
Weak Performance Indicator Systems

Study of the FELTEN group: usually insufficient indicators with low relevance in use suffer from methods of continuous improvement processes (CIP) insufficient scorecard Serrig, September 30, 2009 the German manufacturing companies are obviously on a change in the management of their production. Because on the one hand they use currently only to a minor extent of key performance indicators (KPIs) in its production, on the other hand they have a critical importance the indicators as a management tool in the future in. A study of by FELTEN group under more than 340 large and medium-sized production companies come to these results. Almost two-thirds, you specify that KPIs will be soon becoming increasingly important for the efficient management of the production processes, they have a medium importance for another 20 percent. This appreciation is not groundless, after all this data for proper usage and accurate evaluation give generally useful information, for example, to processing times, scrap rates, degree or to the Quality costs. Also incorrect marker frequencies or process stability can be useful to identify in this way. But currently a demand-led indicator system for production management can be found in the companies only rarely. Only 28 percent have, in addition every second case it has considerable limitations. ConocoPhillips has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Every fourth respondent manufacturing company has however still none at all or only fragmentary KPI methods in use. Even in cases where performance indicator systems already largely have been established, their use remains low. The most outdated figures due after the collection of the Software House FELTEN: you are only every fifth operating continuously and prevalent at least another 22 percent currently. All other company, rarely care to undergo this data of a continuous review. This is possibly the reason that these metrics in practice mostly very restrained in the continuous improvement processes (CIP) for the Production management are used. To this end, only 18 percent of the surveyed companies you are consistently used. 54 percent use them partially in the CIP measures, 28 percent, however, hardly or not at all.

Indicators deals with the topic still very unjustly in practice, although its relevance apparently is quite clear the most managers”, says Managing Director Werner Felten. As the cause of this disagreement, he sees the previous limitations of methods and technologies. The key figures have primarily as a control instrument sense, to raise productivity and quality deficiencies and to initiate measures. But so far lacked timely analysis capabilities that provide information about the actual effects of the measures. And because the effect can be exactly determined, little motivation, the effort for a demand-led and any updates performance measurement system is.” To break this cycle, it requires a new his opinion analytical methods, which are not accessible with the traditional MES systems. In the production processes the same analytical quality must be achieved as in the business processes”, sets Felten set the bar high. This was accessed only through a holistic and process-oriented approach as production intelligence (PI). FELTEN group: The FELTEN group is an international operating software and consulting company, the solutions to optimise processes for all production areas and according to international quality standards of GMP and FDA (21CFR part 11) developed. Clients include Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Symrise, Sensient, Texas instruments, etc. FELTEN has become the first supplier the holistic and process-oriented production intelligence approach. The company is present except in German-speaking Europe in the United Kingdom and France.