
Polish Franchisee

The House Angel GmbH shows: it’s different! “Ebsdorfergrund, wanted this woman legally employ a support force from Poland – October 14, 2010 for her infirm father and was pushed almost into the illegality.” So an article about nurses from Eastern Europe begins money and life on October 11, 2010, in the broadcast,”ran in the Bavarian television. The contribution shows vividly the practices of so-called discharge broadcasting company. Formation, which sent by these companies in German families to care for there assistance – or elderly persons, are systematically ripped off. The German families have to pay the 2,000 euro for the round the clock support of their relatives. The agencies pay the Polish forces of care just a gross wage of 250 euros. With tax free expenses, the support force receives approximately 750 euro a month, social security contributions and pension fund are paid only on the 250 euro gross.

The consequences for the Polish workers are insufficient contributions in the social funds, which are not what actually would have to be removed, and thus a low pension later. Such an approach is simply away illegal. The trick of the assault agencies: the legal minimum wage in Germany is bypassed by the contracting authority to sign that Polish women are the only domestic helpers. Thus the responsibility on the family is deported, during an inspection, they would have to adhere. There is the House Angel model an optimal, workable and affordable solution that there is another way, shows the House Angel GmbH from the Hessian Ebsdorfergrund, which offers a nationwide round around the clock supply by qualified and specially trained franchisee. Nearly 3,000 independent franchisee that insured in Germany and all relevant authorities including the financial Office are logged, take care of their customers in the entire Federal Republic.

The support forces as a franchisee have all the freedoms the entrepreneurial independence: you decide which jobs they accept and on what terms they make the arrangements with the concerned families. This means that they decide among themselves what they deserve and what activities they perform. In addition, they can go collaborations with care services, other service providers, housekeepers or other support forces also independently. The franchisees are equally German self-employed and occur independently in the market. Our franchisees gain almost all new customers through referrals. This shows us how satisfied the families with the services of the franchisee “, Simon Wenz, Managing Director of House Edwards GmbH, makes clear. Press contact House Edwards GmbH Juliane Schneider Tel.