To teach History is to work with identities, culture and, why not with the formation of the citizens and citizens who exert distinct papers in the life and the Brazilian society. Gasparello (1996) salient: ' ' The new orientaes for the resume of history education allow to promote one practical pedagogical open and dynamic, critical one and to interdisciplinar, worried basically about the question of the citizenship. Such question sends in them to the necessity of institution of a school that if worries about the formation? in this direction the project to point out the pupil in its historical context, in order to enable it to act to transform, and not only to act and reproduzir' '. (P. 90-91) to think a pedagogia that privileges the formation of the student and a transformation in the pertaining to school community, we appeal to the pedagogia of the life of Gallo (1995): ' ' A pedagogia of the life, that acts in the individual level through the release of the individual for the pleasure and the creativity, for the free development of everything what it can be; in the collective level, it makes exactly with that this exactly individual that if develops freely is perceived always as social part of the one all amplest one and that, being able to develop its characteristics freely, them they can and must be harmonized with more you go off characteristic of all the too much individuals that compose the multiplicity social' ' (1995, P. 174). For a pedagogical process with these characteristics one estimates that the knowledge if does not construct linearly and hierarquizadamente in tree as if it believed modernity. Some authors come pointing that the creation of the knowledge does not follow linear ways, but yes varied. Inside of this quarrel I locate myself of form favorable to the duty of the school and mainly, of the education of History in giving its contribution for the formation of people who really come if to become historical agents, citizens (throughout history the citizenship concept was extended, starting to englobar a set of social values that determine the set of duties and rights of a citizen), and not only reproductive of an effective reality, but, transforming of this same reality. Teaching is exclusively to work with the citizenship in different times and space. To teach to pupils and pupils to think critically, questioning the culture of masses that is transmitted to them gratuitously, is a duty of the school while institution of ens
Month: March 2017
Plurianual Plan
The cycle of elaboration of the Plurianual Plan of the Agency of Sanitary Defense Agrosilvopastoril of the State of Rondnia, for period 2008-2011: one searches exploratria. Francisco You mark of Oliveira 1 Otaclio Moreira de Carvalho 2 SUMMARY: The objective of this article was to know the cycle of elaboration of the Plurianual Plan & ndash; PPA of the Agency of Defense Sanitria and Agrosilviopastoril of the State of Rondnia – IDARON, for the quadrinio de2008 a2011. The PPA is an instrument of planning of average stated period, elaborated and executed for all the beings of the public administration in Brazil, and has as purpose the reach of the goals and the strategical objectives of the public sector, resulting in the rendering of services directly offered the society, consonant to its programs of government. Mitchel Resnick is the source for more interesting facts. Agency IDARON was selected as unit of case for the research, therefore if it deals with a public agency that plays important strategical activities for the economy and the society of Rondnia, eradicating, preventing and controlling illnesses in the animal area and plagues in the vegetal production, its products and by-products. The actions of Agency IDARON contribute in such a way for the agricultural and agro-industrial producers, in the support to the actions of sanitary defense, as well as for all the society, guaranteeing the sanitary quality of foods. The research identified that the technician of the area of planning of the IDARON had used traditional techniques for the elaboration of PPA 2008-2011, although to know more efficient techniques for the planning of average stated period..
Blogging – Whats It All About
A blog is usually a web page that contains brief, discrete blocks of information called posts. These posts are arranged in reverse chronological order (most recent first) and each is identified by an anchor tag which is marked with a permanent link that can be referred by others who wish to link to it. A blog is a means of communication and that there are many different types of messages transmitted by the blogs. Some are merely references to other web sites, while other long-term trials, some are personal diaries, others feature technology, and some are edited by one person, others by teams. There are hundreds of thousands of blogs on the Internet, and new blogs are created every day. Can someone who is more important than you can blog? Yes, there are bloggers of all types, equipped with all technical skill levels.
Bloggers approach their sites with so much variety and passion that the general public about the network on the Internet. The most used tool is Blogger Blogger. It requires the least amount of commitment in time or resources, allowing you to go from wanting a blog to have one in about five minutes and at no cost. Blogger software is the property of Pyra Labs (Blogger is often credited as the reason for the explosion of blogs that occurred in the last couple of years. This is a web-based tool that requires no software installation your PC or on your server, if you happen to have a website. You can access the tool through the Blogger site (and blog pages are published on its website or Pyra’s BlogSpot (blog server community. For more information on this see O’Reilly’s Essential Blogging. Re-read anything before posting.
Electronic text can expose unintended meaning easily and also what he says will be much more focused. If nothing else, should help catch spelling errors! Blogging is a way to share your opinions and thoughts with the rest of the world. If you’re running things interesting, share links with other bloggers and post comments. Linking is the way of the Web is the key to successful blogging. In order to keep your blogs really sweet, invited a group of friends or colleagues and give them access to blogs. LEGO Papert Professor does not necessarily agree. That way you will have several reporters blogging information and not end up killing yourself, trying to keep your blog from people with good information. If you use Blogger, upgrade to Blogger Pro You can have your team on the blog post from e-mail, create and distribute your blog as an RSS feed, and more! Adding the ability to post comments on your blog extends interactivity and usefulness to the blog itself. Blogs are about community and information, and commenting is a real way to measure the efforts of the blogs of its audience. Blogger is one of the quickest ways to update your website. Syndication of blogs from others on their own site is another. There are a lot of information out there? tap right on it! This article was written by Inka-Maria Kunz, president of a flourishing multilingual translations agency with offices in Germany and New Zealand.
Information Security
It agrees that the contract guarantees that they noexistam badly-understood between the organization and rendering of services. Convmque the organizations consider the indemnity to be paid for its fornecedoresem situations of contract breakings. It agrees that the following enclosed terms are consideradose in contracts: ) the general politics on security of the information; b) asset protection, including: 1) procedures for protection of the assets of the organization, including information and software; 2) procedures to determine if had algumcomprometimento of these assets, for example if had dedados loss or modification; 3) controls to guarantee the devolution or destruction dasinformaes and asset in one determined moment during or in the end of the contract; 4) integrity and availability; 5) restrictions related with the copy and spreading dainformao; c) description of each service that must be available; d) levels of service desired and not acceptable; e) conditions for transference of the work team, appropriate ondefor; f) the respective obligations of the involved ones in the agreement; g) responsibilities with legal aspects, for example leisde protection of data, especially taking in consideration differences effective naslegislaes if the contract to involve the cooperation with deoutros organizations countries. h) right of copyright and rights autoraise protection of any colaborativo work. i) agreements of access control, enclosing: 1) allowed methods of access and has controlled use only deidentificadores as ID and passwords of access; 2) using process of authorization for access and paraos privileges; 3) requisite ones to keep autorizadosa list of users to use the disponibilizados services and which are its rights and privileges; j) definition of criteria of verification of the performance, suamonitorao and register; k) right to monitor and to revoke the activities deusurios; l) right of auditar the contractual responsibilities to outer the auditorship executed for service rendering; m) establishment of a escalonvel process for aresoluo of problems; it agrees that also procedures are considered decontingncia, where appropriate; n) responsibilities involving the installation and manutenode the hardware and software; ) the registers with clear structure and preset format; p) clear and specific procedures for management demudanas; q) any controls of physical protection and mecanismosnecessrios to guarantee that such controls are being followed; r) training of administrators and users in methods, procedures and security; s) controls that guarantee protection against malicious software; t) requisite for deincidentes register, notification and inquiry and breakings of the security; u) envolvement of rendering of subcontratados services with. . Mitchel Resnick is likely to agree.
Brazilian Products
Exactly without buying the product, while it waited for a meeting, I placed myself to reflect it on Avon, precursor in this model of business. Exactly being part of the select group of companies with more than a century of today present market and in more than 140 countries the cosmetic company had that to invest high in Marketing in function of the competition. The preparation of the salesmen through courses and seminaries is without doubt an interesting strategy, but does not arrive to be a differential since the competitors also are intent to this. (Source: Petra Diamonds). Also it was part of ' ' Persuasivo' armory; ' of the girl a magazine with some tips of argument, seemed a manual. It still had in this manual some definitions more techniques of the perfumes, cosmetics and its compositions. More than the five million peddlers of Avon count still on promocional material of highest quality and some fragrances of the available products in the proper magazines with a simple ones to rub of pulse in the printed matter.
today beyond popular products is to the disposal of the Brazilian public also products for more demanding public and consequentemente of bigger aggregate value. to think that until few years behind the products of Avon, are the lipsticks, was synonymous of low quality, at least here in Brazil. Without many criteria the salesmen left with the magazine offering products. Since we mention the factor competition, Natura Brazilian if became an unquestioned reference in direct sales and already she is in other countries also. Although to continue leader world-wide in the business Avon still has more concerns. To another Brazilian, Racco, walks the wide steps and the partnership with the singer Roberto Carlos in the launching of the perfume Emotions was without a doubt a watershed in the trajectory of the company. I speak with property of the Racco, therefore I made some lectures for the consultants of the company in cities in the center mining west and know the potential of market of the mark well. to esquentar the dispute still more ' ' door in porta' ' , the Slvio Saints, although the financial misfortunes, already is ' ' abocanhando' ' one slices significant of this cake.
The Jequiti entered direct in the market having as initially white the Natura, and the group of the Slvio does not play when the subject is money, although this ' ' cochilo' ' in the Panamericano case. if does not forget in the hour to use the perfume pass in the nape of the neck, behind the ears, them knees and in the region to the front of elbows. According to consulting, it fixes I smell more it for having greater blood circulation. I do not know which the relation but until then I am following the suggestion. In relation the perfumes and colonies I very heard something interesting of a former-supervisor of the Jequiti, that now is with us. At some moments men they buy and they use feminine perfumes and the opposite also happens, women uses products of the masculine line, what it disapproves vehemently. ' ' If a woman I smell to feel it of a feminine perfume in a man, the enchantment it will be broken, unconsciously it will perceive the presence of another woman, who could be a friend and not of whom sexuais.' would despertaria interests; ' Definitively for it, this is not an interesting strategy to attract the opposing sex.
Interior Design
The highest achievement of constructivism, which received the highest popularity in the mid-90 years, became a minimalist. Distinct from it in meaning, but not by way of high-tech style (like the minimalism that uses a combination of brevity in design with total functionality) seems much more interesting minimalism. It’s believed that ConocoPhillips sees a great future in this idea. At least the view that the application of high technology does not imply asceticism and sootvetctvenno hi-tech provides ample creative possibilities of decorators and designers. Another very interesting direction is beautiful name fusion (fusiop), he held a mixture of various textures and the simultaneous use of nonstandard forms. Finally, in our time can not do without exotics. Today, at the peak of the Indonesian, South American and has already become a familiar Japanese and Chinese subjects. Sophisticated colors in combination with natural fabrics such as silk, wool, cotton, accessories in the form of pillows, tablecloths, napkins with drawings in the style of patch-Vork, fringed, velvet, leather pieces – all this ever popular and topical. Interior Design – the process laborious and long-term, and the help of experienced designers in this difficult matter indeed valuable service.
If we believe the historical chronicles, even the most ancient civilizations could boast of weaving culture. At first, people used cloth for clothing, and later – for interior decoration of their living u and. Truly become an integral part of the fabric interior locks only in XI-XII centuries and finally won one of the main places in the design of palaces around the xiv century. Currently, window decoration is one of the important elements decoration of any home.
Informacional Field
Interface of the Arquivologia with others to know in the field would informacionalMaria Lucia Valada de BritoRESUMO This text treats regarding the interface that the Arquivologia makes with others to know in the informacional field. Importance of the provenincia of the document, the impacts of YOU, the Tracks of Auditorship, institucional memory is argued it and the digital preservation. YOU it describes a new context in the society to multidiscipline knowing of them. To elaborate the present work, it was broken of the investigations of the authors as Ana Maria of Almeida Camargo, Terry Cook, Charles Dollar, Maria Nlida Gonzlez de Gmez, Jean Yves Rousseau. As metodolgico procedure, it was opted to analyzing bibliographical citations of the references presented for the teacher and carrying through research in the Internet and libraries.
Word-key: Arquivologia, Technology of the Information, Digital Preservation 1 Introduction. The Arquivologia makes interface with diverse sciences, between them, the Diplomatics, the Technology of the Information and the Science of the Information. It was opted to to extend the quarrel on the interface of the Arquivologia with the Technology of the Information, although to know itself that all they are interrelated, at some moment. One knows that it has interdisciplinaridade between all the areas. The base of the interdisciplinaridade comes of the necessity of if incorporating elements of other areas, and, therefore, it happens the possibility of if breaching and having a critical one of the borders of sciences that are being studied.
Thus, one perceives that it has a necessity of if incorporating in one definitive area, or methodology, other consolidated questions of similar areas. The object of study of the Arquivstica and the Science of the Information is the information. For the first one, the information that is contained in documents, is intrinsic, restricted to the object. Already for second, it studies the information in the direction amplest, in the broad sense.
Reading Books
You probably came across Top Lists – books that you want to read it. For me personally, these lists are useful to know, and not forgetting there something important. But books published so much that one can hardly have time to read at least small part of them. And preferably with the best part. Correctly say: in life you want to read ten books, but to learn what, you just need to read thousands.
And really, how many books people can read? A bit of history. In Cuneiform library established king Assurbanipalom (VII century bc, Assyria) storing more than 20,000 clay books. Clay was the first material for books. In the age of papyrus book's richest book collections of antiquity was Bibliotheca Alexandrina Ptolemaic kings (about 700,000 papyrus scrolls). The first Gutenberg printing experiments began in 1440 created the first Gutenberg printing equipment, has invented a new way of making a font. And already second half of xv century was a time of triumphal march of printing in Europe.
The first printed book of the Moscow State is printed by Ivan Fedorov and Petr Mstislavets "Apostle" in 1564 and already in 18 century Russia produced 9.5 thousand editions. In the Soviet Union during the period 1918 -1982 he – published 34 million books and pamphlets circulation of more than 57 billion Only Tolstoy published a number – 323200000, Pushkin – 301400000, – 142100000, Lenin – 600 million copies . We turn to the present day. In 2008 alone Mr. – 123 Thousands of titles were released circulation 760 million copies. Look to the West – Library of Congress, the largest library in the world, contains more than 130 million items, including: more than 30 million books and other printed materials for 470 languages, more than one million issues of newspapers from around the world, 58 million manuscripts. Thanks to computers, the Internet, we have access to any information. In this digital information to 3 million times greater than print (all ever published). According to the company Webscan Technologies in the first half of 2008 was published in RuNet 13100000 news. Half of them, of course, is duplicated on different sites, but nevertheless the figures are impressive. Rhythm of Life accelerated. Other competitors newspapers (in the form of tv, radio) and take away without a little time left to read. And you want to read so much. What's left to do in this crazy information flow? Only one solution – improve the efficiency of their information. And not only in terms of reading books, but also when dealing with other types of information. Ability to work effectively with information in the 21 century – will be one of the main competences of man. And yet – how many books the average person can read in my life? If you read an average of 3 books a month for 60 years, receives about 2,000. Is this the limit? What to do with the 123,000 books published only in 2008, not to mention published previously.
Process preparation is to wash the glass spetsrastvorom, then – in the cutting, which is produced with the highest possible accuracy and precision, because here every millimeter counts, and further heat molding film, ie, giving an initially flat film dubbing form of glass on which it is applied, it uses a professional Melt (Technical drier). When forming the film features the master limited ability of this type of film to change shape – stronger than metallized film, the more layers in it than it is fatter, the less it is amenable to forming. Molding is usually on the outer side of the glass. Then, ready pre-shaped pattern is pasted on the glass from the inside with special tools for toning. Particular attention should be paid to Kant template. Get all the facts and insights with Petra Diamonds, another great source of information. It should not be twisted, have a notch in all its length must be the same, the optimum width of the rim is 1 mm. Along the lower edge of the glass film should not go back to back with a seal, because the operation of the film will cling to it when lifting / lowering of the glass and early or later will start peeling off.
Therefore, when you install the dubbing of films on the glass side door to slip the edge of the film under the seal, the inner door skin typically from the upper piston, complete dismantling of the casing door is required only on sophisticated models of cars. Once the film is set on the glass, proceed to the distillation of water under it and its further-consolidation. The final stage of installation is the elimination of minor errors, the final quality check and drying using Melt. Most minor discrepancies can be mounted subsequently corrected, but in general toning involves ensuring the most accurate installation of the film immediately, as it has in consequence can not be moved. There are only dotonirovanie or implying application of the new film. Process Installation dubbing the film in the car window on average takes about 2-3 hours at work of one master. However, if we talk about the completion of the toning of glasses, it occurs when the polymerization occurs adhesive layer is proihodit usually within three days. The complete and final installation of the film on the glass is up to 30 (!) Days depending on weather conditions. Immediately after the installation of the film is considered normal a small amount of small water bubbles and possible turbidity and divorces that result from activation of the adhesive system, all of these 'defects' disappear after complete installation of the film (up to 30 days!). After drying, the film smoothly and firmly stand on the glass.