
Internal Auditors

The internal audit (IA) is an independent function of evaluation, established within an organization, to examine and evaluate its activities as a service to that organisation. The objective of the internal audit is to support members of the organization in the discharge of their responsibilities. For this purpose internal audit provides them, analysis, evaluations, recommendations, advice and information concerning the revised activities (definition of The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc – IIA). Therefore, costs me a bit understand the news of the Government outsourced internal audit on aid to development (read on page 33 of the Expansion 12/18/06). Perhaps talk of outsourcing because it considers a surface feature, without importance to internal audit and, of course, with the outsourcing fashion and all that it is susceptible to relocate or outsource Yes? May also be because, before, the Department responsible for internal audit, case that existed, done their work badly and now who is going to run that function is the public company external Expansion; of course, being the Group well, everything left at home.

Agreement, in this case not lost so much weight the application of the concept of internal audit and, in addition, is nice that control by opposition, in the sense that a sister formally controls another sister who is older sister? Who is the spoiled? I’m still in reasonable doubt, so today I am more clumsy than yesterday. You will see, if there is no internal audit as it is created. If it exists, but do not follow internal verification procedures required to fulfil efficiently its function, since etrangeres division and lead again as Pope. I tend to think that outsource sounds to information of monda and lironda propaganda, designed to spread the flag of control measures, which should exist and be efficient for many years, now adorned with concepts Nouvel cousin enterprise communications (the new kitchen of business communication, or something of the style), by not thinking about flight management and control forward, to cover up alleged organizational holes (read, well, black holes) very sensitive in the eyes of the citizen..