
Dream Path

Why when we feel in our hearts that we’re ready to go behind our entrepreneurial dream, not can we given that big step? I propose that we reflect together on some aspects. Is it why? We hear a lot of people?. There will always be people who will not understand why you bet to an independent project. It is almost a craze for them! Perhaps they feel secure with a work in dependency ratio and honestly, want the best for you. All can say differently than ours, but no one can impose on us to follow the dream of others.

What is your entrepreneurial dream? What is what you really want for your professional life? To listen to you. We cling to the bad experiences? It is good to relive again and again the experiences or attempts that were not. It is good to learn from them, it is an logical and normal path for those who bet to make, we were wrong and we learn. Now, already knows what is the way not the It will be the goal. But it is not necessary that he rebuked by what they did or failed to do, that you blame yourself for failed attempts.

I assure you that motivation will not find it there. Ideally, learn, modify what do lack, and continue with more strength yet. We expect the worst? Rely on your project, rely on you! Only have words of encouragement for future entrepreneurship. If you are doing everything so that things go well, if you are working very hard, why should expect bad? Is not transformed into its first detractor. If you are taking the next step, do this and engage in 100%! Make us believe that dreams do not exist? Achieve any dream will say: even seems the name of a reality show to choose the idol of the music of the year. A dream is transistar the way you want, that we wish, I would like my version free and totally questionable. It is choosing to be you for the rest of his days or does being who others want that? would you be? A dream is to find the goal, with successes and mistakes, but always on the path we have chosen. A dream has magic because life has magic, because some facts are not explained, just happen whenever we strive in the chosen path.