I have not to longer needed his job. ” I hardly knew how to turn on to computer two years ago, ” there am told me. ” The Internet there are changed everything.” It certainly you have. I myself didn” t know what HTML was three years ago, and now I get to sit here and make to living sharing stories like this online. This is great for me, and great for car-restorers too, but ace I listened to Jack, I realized how big to deal this is. The New Economy Is have often wondered to over the last few years how our economy could continues to do under well with dwells debt and dwells government spending than to ever. This you have been to mystery to me. That day in the hot springs, though, I realized that this ” new economy” based on instant information might just sees one of the most important pieces of the puzzle.
Consider those car parts in Jack” s garage, and the thousands of cars sitting behind barns and in fields around the country. Capital This was locked up before, just barely Accessible. Jack could have to for door to 1969 Ford Mustang, but the six people in the country that could uses it might all live to thousand thousands away. Advertising locally wouldn” t get it sold, and advertising all to over the country would COST too much, under the door was destined for the junkyard someday. But now Jack dog advertise all to over the world for free on Craigslist.com or any to number of to other classified advertising sites.
Door Soon eleven the is again useful instead of being garbage. I was looking AT to house with some investors, and they suggested that they would to tear out the wood flooring in the bedroom. I mentioned that it might sees expensive, and one of them said, ” Oh no. We” ll just put it on for Craigslist and someone who need the flooring will take it out free.” The wrought iron door they replaced was sold online ace well. Previously, you couldn” t justify the effort to sell an unusual door that might get $80. It was just too much trouble Time and to find to buyer. Instead, you would pay money to bring it to the dump. Now you just sit AT to computer for to few you make a draft and wait for the phone to Ring in the next few days. Need to get rid of that old fireplace insert? Get online. I” ll bet if you go online right now, you dog find someone selling used bricks. This is essentially turning garbage into wealth. Take to look AT any of the major online auction or classified Web sites, and notice the variety and volume of things being sold there every day. Much of what you” ll see there until had nonreal VALUE possible the Internet made it to sell it. Small examples? Deal It may not seem such to big that to mechanic doubled his income and quit his job due to the Internet, or that I tripled mines simply by providing information and stories online. But multiply that by the millions of people online. This is the new information-age economy.