
Innermost Dreams

Do you have a dream? And you want to realize it by using the technique of positive thinking? Or you have not yet decided on his innermost desires, but intend to do this, then read on. In this article, you will understand what you need do to make your dream come true. 1.Nahodim its can be fulfilled only if you really want. If your dream has warned you to others, it becomes a reality. You should clearly know themselves and their intentions in life. The newspapers mentioned Magnificent 7 not as a source, but as a related topic. 2.Verim that fulfillment of desires and the power of thought suschestvuetPosle how you find your dream, you must have a firm belief that it is implemented.

No doubt and fear. Throw them away. Believe in yourself and divine help. Guessing the real desire, which does not resist your subconscious mind. 3.Pravilno form a mechtuOt this much depends.

Need to declare a higher power of their wish in the present tense and from your face. Many recommend to write it down on paper. And even better to describe in detail your dream, make the whole story. Be sure to include him in their emotions. What will you feel when your dream will come true? Reply to this question. This is an important key to bringing to life what you want. 4.Voploschaem mechtyIspolnenie desire available to everyone. The main thing to know certain techniques. The most effective – is a creative visualization and simoronskie rituals. The main thing to do all the exercises without stress, calm, in a good mood. Perhaps check out Sian Beilock for more information. To enhance the efficiency can still use the formulas of autosuggestion, mantras, prayers and gratitude. More important to live as if you are already got what wanted. Log into the role of lucky. And it will allow you to become one. 5.Ispolzuem principle order to realize the dream, to let her go, not to become attached to his request. Otherwise, your wish or do not materialize or will materialize for a long time. 6.DeystvuemOdnoy power of thought is not sufficient for the fulfillment of dreams. Be sure to make concrete steps. Proceed. Do not be afraid to make a mistake. Better something to do that than nothing. When your dreams come true do not forget to thank a higher power. And even better now to start to use thanks. This technique is good that you focus not on how things are bad, and the good in their lives. And it really helps speed up the law of attraction many times.


Psychological Conditions Information

In this Goad educators say that the system of higher education need to make reforms and there kolaps. What happened in schools in recent decades, interesting things that you do not want to learn more? Now there was a special process, called the shift logic of social behavior. Until the twentieth century technology in the global society in Russia and the world almost did not change and the student that would exist and evolve there is enough once in a lifetime to learn and then enjoy the rest of my life learned. And now there was an information explosion! If we take the biological frequency – the frequency of updates generations, since such frequency of updated information on the domestic level. Frequently ConocoPhillips has said that publicly. And for the social rate of take rate of change of technologies in society, since this frequency is updated information that describes the technology. All information that circulates in the community – is called culture. That's just the frequency of social time and partly account for the frequency change of culture. In 20c, these frequencies have changed their relationship and the frequency biological time was less than the frequency changes in social time. How it objectively happened phenomenon affects education? What is important to cancel school? If the technology changes every 3-5 years, the person throughout life need to constantly learn new and emerging knowledge. In the past, people in the early life course and studied all his life could work, but what is the opening of such a medicine could pass on to their children and even grandchildren, now that would not losing employment must constantly evolve.


Mecatrnica Engineering

First, separately, however, we are not certain of that the conclusion can be satisfactory. Second, searching a harmony between the three questions, guaranteeing a balance, therefore to break analysis we conclude that: ' ' What I quero' ' it is what it satisfies and of the pleasure in Carrying through or Being. ' ' What I posso' ' they compete to the capacities, potentials and possessed qualities and that they can be developed and be perfected in elapsing of the life. ' ' What I devo' ' one mentions the responsibilities to it and commitment I exactly obtain and with the society, promoting proper well-being and development without excluding the ones that are in return. We are as human beings ahead of as many possibilities in a huge and full world of alternatives that invite in them for a reflection on the paper of each one.

It follows the low o it register of experience of some of the pupils of 3. Year Of Average Ensino, group ' ' B' ' matutino period, year 2010 of the State School Eldorado in Eldorado/MS, the process of development of the commented work. 1. Course Mecatrnica Engineering ' ' Without a doubt it stops in them was very good for having done the work regarding the professions, in which it came in providing the experience to them to know what we will go to make in the years that will come, since we are in it I finish pertaining to school year and with this work we are then on the inside of some professions. During some days some groups had spoken on different professions, all for very interesting signal, including our group that commented on Mecatrnica Engineering, we like it sufficiently work, therefore in it gave the chance to them to know more regarding this profession, since we did not know it very well and with the work we are on the inside not alone of our profession more than several other interesting ones.


Engineer Agronomist

All day is day of some thing. has day that it is day of some thing and when people go to see have another thing of that day is day. But it does not stop there. The months also enter in this wave. To only have an idea, the catholics consider August as month of the vocations; September as month of the bible, October month of the missions.

And so on. It perceives, therefore, that we have one I do not know what! for the commemorative dates. E, perhaps therefore, has date that it is date of more than a thing. To only illustrate this we go to look at for the October month. It looks at back in its calendar: day 4 of October! This is the day of the Nature; of the Barman; of the Dog; of the Poet; of San Francisco de Assis. Another day of October: day 12! It only sees, is day of Ours Mrs. Aparecida, the Child; of the Atletismo; of the Engineer Agronomist; of the Sea; of the Discovery of America; of the Insurance broker. And so on, each day is day of some thing.

E, as we are seeing to the times, with more than a thing per day. In the way of all these dates have the day of the professor: 15 of October. But it is not alone of the professor who day 15 is day. Beyond the professor, day 15 is day of the Marriage of the Isabel princess with conde D' I (1864); of the Creation of the National Astroroof (1827); of the National Education; of the Normalista; of the Ambient Educator. E, evidently, day of the professor. Where we go to stop with this? In the day of the professor. It is that, since has day pra everything, it has the day of the professor.


Power Point

It is important also if not to forget that these resources are good, but as to use them? Where format must appear the texts? If to only take the pupils for the laboratory of computer science of the school is guarantee of differentiated lesson? It will be that the Power Point must substitute the black picture? if to substitute, will better make this or worse that what the chalk and black picture? Beyond metodolgicas questions it also has pedagogical implications and of other shades that if cannot leave to lead in consideration, Moraes (2002 p.3) places with clarity one of these problems when questioning As to educate for a society of the knowledge that requires independent, critical, creative citizens, perpetual aprendentes, using techniques and methodologies epistemologicamente maken a mistake and scientifically unbalanced? How to take the individual to learn to learn, to learn to think and to live/to coexist as planetary citizens, if we work with inadequate pedagogical models in educational environments? To use digital medias requires a format that is compatible with the classroom, after all of account continues being lesson, not obstante the resources you add used to become it better or thank heavens. The texts must appear in formats simple writings or said to allies the images as we have good example in the set of documents of Stolen Jorge ' ' Island of the Flores' ' that making of the Language it adds pertinent information to several you discipline. Care must also be taken when the lesson will be made in the laboratory and well-taken care of still it will be with access the Internet, since the pupil can use to advantage the moment and instead of opening the content indicated for the professor to only open what he interests to it and with aggravation of to be something inadequate for its etria band. in my opinion power point substitutes with extraordinary profits the black picture and chalk, therefore this program ally to datashow exponentially increases the quality of the information that if wants to transmit with more agility, more colors, and easiness for the professor. It is clearly that this is not of form some something that only comes to assist and does not present risk some for docncia, therefore with I assist of the TICs a professor imposes a fine on obtains to give to lessons for an enormous amount of people generating with this the loss of work ranks. As well as the automation of the industry it provided quality of life, little risks for the workers, more incomes, and the relation cost I benefit was extremely favorable for the proprietor, at the same time where it generated an unemployed mass who functions as hand of exceeding workmanship that pressures the wages for low, the TICs can cause effect between the professors the same, to exemplificar this it is enough to think about the EADs where a tutor using itself of the Internet and video discusses folloies pupils of some localities without needing to leave its same city or its house. Not obstante the complications of some orders that the TICs can present it are, doubtlessly, an ally valiosssimo of the professor, and say of the professor in philosophy in the school of average education, extending its possibility of exposition of the content, assisting in the understanding of the texts with resources charges, cartuns, films, musics among others.


The Second

In the conception of the Christian philosopher the faith and the reason cannot be contradicted, therefore both have a common author that he is God. The faith and the reason walk parallel bars, even so know aspects different of one same truth. The truth cannot contradict it same itself, therefore it would leave of being truth and it would start to be opinion. In the study of the natural things, the reason is independent in relation to the theology, however, in the scope of the revelation, the theology if overlaps, therefore this is its proper object. It is clearly that the reason of the support the faith, however it for itself is incapable to know the truths disclosed.

THE TESTS OF THE GOD EXISTENCE During the age it measured one of the subjects most irrelevant had been on the tests of the existence of God, many philosophers if they had leaned over on this reflection, however, none were so systematic as Toms de Aquino, who established five ways that evidence of the existence of God. The first way says respect to the first engine or the immovable engine, according to it everything what it is moved is moved by another one; because nothing seno is moved while he is in power relatively that the one that is moved. However if it cannot proceed thus to the infinite, therefore it is necessary to arrive itself at a first engine that is not moved by none another one, but which all give the name of God. The second way says respect to the efficient cause or the first cause. In the material things we perceive an order that has for base the relation of cause and effect. It is impossible that a thing either efficient cause of proper itself, therefore it is necessary that something either previous the proper thing, however, something can be efficient cause of another thing, for example, a man who constructs a chair.