Literature and tradition with Mia Couto the story ' ' In waters of tempo' ' , of Mia Couto, it turns around the personages of the grandfather and the grandson, having the figure of the mother at a brief moment. It does not have the nomination of the personages for the author, this representation symbolizes of a general form, all the grandfathers (figure of the old one), the mothers and the grandsons (generation) that they are part of the African culture. The estria initiates with the stroll of the grandfather and the grandson for the river in small concho (canoe), during this stroll the grandfather guides the grandson on the traditions, the course of the water and the edge. The objective age to instruct it, to guide it on the cycle that involved the visible world and the Metaphysical world. In elapsing of the narrative, it has gone more two to the river and we can perceive that although the boy (personage) to make look like to be a child, it keeps a resistance to the supernatural one. The grandfather who although to be well older, still he believes in the wonderful one, in what the eyes see when they confide inside for seeing the dreams.
Although all experience wisdom that its grandfather inhaled to it, the grandson did not obtain to enxergar and until it had that to lie, saying that it understood the relation of cloths, of the others that waved in the other edge. In the third and last one gone to the lake, the boy started to believe ahead of the attitude of the grandfather, in going until the direction of the other edge and later I wave seeing it of the red cloth of the grandfather to the side of the appearance. The gorgeous story finishes from the figure it grandson as a man, guiding its son with the same estrias.