
Using a Tripod

Use a tripod, and shutter lag, where possible – it adds sharpness to your photographs. Now, what about these images: The main difference between vector images (format eps, cdr, ai), is that Figure constructed a computer program on specified points, vectors, using various mathematical formulas, and the computer is much easier to build a few dice, of which actually consists of vector drawing, calculating a few, albeit, complex formulas, rather than build a jpg-image of, say, 4,000,000 pixels – specifies the exact location of every pixel on the screen, and color. And when you resize a vector image, the only change substituted into these formulas and numerical values so if you change the size, image quality does not suffer and vector image editing very simple. What is the format of Adobe illustrator eps 8? It is generally accepted norm of the vector format that does not support transparency, and some types of gradients, but love him all the printers, plotters and other technique. Graphic saved in this format, you will take in the development of any advertising agency and any printing and it is universal. That is what is required photobank that buyers could at any technique work with the image, although it slightly limits the creative possibilities authors.

To check whether you have saved the ai eps 8 – you can open it with any text editor (Notepad is fine) in the first line should be here is such a text PS-Adobe-3.0 or below ('3 .1 'means that the file does not compatible with ai eps 8):. Vector illustration for sewage sent to the format of Adobe illustrator eps 8, which means that in whatever graphics program you are not drawing, the file should not contain transparency and shadows, and ai eps 8 does not support certain types of gradient fills. This creates a limitation in the works, but the figure should be fully editable (to put it simply by drawing a simple 'plashkami'bez special effects), and have no open paths (for search in Adobe illustrator, Adobe's site can take a plug-Select), before sending to make sure that the image does not contain extraneous details, and keep it only in format, Adobe illustrator eps . In addition, you must create the viewing copy (preview) of his illustrations exporting it in the format jpg. Download illustration photobank made by sending the two formats, first eps, then jpg. I file the name must match the differing only in extension, for example cat.eps and cat.jpg. Loaded one by one, and he put them photobank to each other, merged into one. In addition jpg file can be viewed as an independent image, and can in some time (a week) to check and send it (Size 4 ) Also, I recommend to prepare for the exam work that way – sending a raster version of vector image. Here is a demo illustrating how to correctly save the format ai 8 eps vector graphic to be sent to photostock If you use fonts in their works, they must be converted to vector objects, otherwise the buyer might not be such a font on your computer, and it will automatically replaced with one that is.


Satellite Internet SkyDSL

Tired of the slow speed internet? From the continuous failures of communication and impinging on a pocket fees for bandwidth or connection time? Then you just need to know that the satellite high-speed Internet skyDSL – this way specifically for you. What is a non-synchronous satellite internet? It is a way to leave the Russian leading companies without regard to their share of your wallet. If the leading European countries and the U.S. (and now in Moscow) the Internet as Self-service access to worldwide information network free of charge or conditionally free, something beyond the Moscow Ring Road begins uncontrolled chaos telecoms. Cost of 1 MB of Internet in Russia is 90% of services monopolist, which connects the city where you are, and Moscow, and only the remaining 10% – services backbone providers, connection to fall short of capital, as well as providers of the final mile to your Internet dovodyaschih home or office. But there are alternatives. Satellite Internet skyDSL – a way to make it available for you to incoming traffic from Europe, bypassing the super-expensive and congested channels of our own communication monopolies.

Technology very simple – all incoming traffic on your computer completely goes directly from Germany, delivered on a one-sided satellite channel without affecting terrestrial communications nodes. Outbound traffic from your computer is sent to an existing Internet connection. In most cases service to send outbound traffic does not involve spending money. As the outgoing channel can be used almost any ISP (leased line, ADSL, dial up, cable internet, radio and even GPRS / EDGE / UMTS-connection). .


SkyLink Modem

But all is not just as it seemed. The effective area of a 3G network in very poorly developed. In my area at the railway station, TatarBazare 3G is simply not there. Modem operated in the edge, and even in the gprs. Maximum speed of the modem reached within 25 30 kbps. For download movies and this was not enough, but to search for information such speed I was completely satisfied In the district or Bummash Hills modem was already working at full steam. Speed reached even 200 kbps.

Dignity bezlimita night was pay – 10 rubles per night. That is, in fact I was paying only the night, which had planned to sit on the internet. But it was not for long. In September, the conditions have changed, became a monthly fee – 350 rubles per month. Agree that only nl night (from 00.00 to 8.00) is a lot when my friends at the "People's Internet" pay about 400 rubles for a full-NL. Closer to the winter began to notice that at certain points of my home modem was to determine network 3G.

Speed raised to 100 150 kb / c, but it had to spend at least half an hour to find a suitable point for the modem. Even the slightest movement of your modem affect the network – 3G mode it instantly switches to edge. Only mode edge modem never alone no switches to 3G. When the modem was "fly" at high speed, collided with another nuisance – as it turned out, the limit on traffic is 2 gb, after everyone has mb treated for about 70 kopecks. mts appeared to course completely unlimited calling, but the cheapest costs about 1000 rubles per month. Therefore, the mts, I decided to give also weary of the constant inexplicable cancellation funds. In short, they blurred some. Rates of pay pomegabaytnoy gave me quite a lot of hassle. As we know, many programs are very fond updated automatically. Especially I loved doing this antivirus Nod 32 and at least Adobe Acrobat. Leave the computer unattended with the included Internet access for half an hour and then run another update Noda – rub 30 50 charged in your absence. Very often I come across. Two weeks ago, has acquired a modem SkyLink AirPlus MCD650. Firstly, the SkyLink is completely unlimited rate for acceptable money, and secondly, just walked action – the modem for 777 rubles (standard price is 2000 rubles). The claimed speed of usb modem – 2,8 mb / s The cheapest tariff for anlim called "Easy Internet" – about 650 rubles per month, but there is a limit on speed – more than 2 gb of traffic speed is reduced to 32 kbps. The actual speeds are in my area about 100 kB / s and about 5 kb / s over 2 gb of traffic. 5 kb / s of course well enough, but to work in general is lacking. The main advantage of this modem is considered complete nl. Away from SkyLink'm not going because there is no acceptable alternative.


Today’s Internet Business

Manufacturing sites, which subsequently will provide income, consists of several basic steps. 1) to assess the demand of potential buyers for your products. Formed a list of keywords (Semantic kernel), which will be site promotion in search engines, and 2) detailed study of all corporate website content and methods of navigating through it, as well as the development of original and stylish design, and 3) analysis and amendment by the customer; 4) Sequential optimization website and filling it with the original text content, for the convenience of prospective customers and the best site search; Website Promotion – a service perhaps most important, when there is a goal – to 'sell' web site. Promotion web site helps to repeatedly increase the number of visitors and customers. And thanks to competent promotion, the likelihood that a user will use your services and products increased by several times. In promotion of the website also includes a selection of key words and phrases, which, in turn, visitors, and will come to your web site from search engines. Promotion may involve and nepoiskovoe promotion web site, where the most basic – select suitable advertising platform, which will be extremely close to subjects, and, further, add some banners or promotions.

But already hosted various articles on other sites with links to your site relates to the search methods of promotion. Thus, the main stage of promotion of your Web Site are: content optimization for search engines, posting links, articles and advertising of your resources to the various third-party sites. Creation of Internet shop. E-shop – one of the most common type of web sites on the World Wide Web. Its main objective – to provide information about the product and its subsequent sale. Management system online store, is somewhat different from the usual admin panel – here there is a need to place trading positions to carry out all sorts of changes, adding articles and news. Creation and development of online store – will sharply increase the number of sales and significantly increase range of customers. But to do this, you will need to purchase a multifunction cms, automate receiving funds to establish a system of monitoring and accounting of incoming orders and record buyers. Another important point – a compilation of descriptions and images of goods sold. Buyer is easier to choose and order what he sees before him.