
Cow Mini – Energy-saving Multi Client Supplemented Hedron MultiRoom System

increased performance while saving energy the Hedron MultiRoom system is immediately available with clients of the latest generation. The cow mini “-clients come out with 30% power consumption of previously used devices and save over 60% in energy consumption so the users.” The conventional audio the Hedron home entertainment system offers MultiRoom systems, many additional applications for nearly unlimited entertainment. Everywhere where the Hedron user wishes photos, in his home, he can also videos, Internet, in addition to music and radio messages, and in particular live TV in standard and HD calling. Without additional antenna cable and separate TV receiver is in any premises, the current TV program received, made recordings by electronic program guide and live broadcasts on demand stopped and resumed later. The new cow is 32, 5 cm depth and height of 7 cm mini with 26, 5 cm wide, very compact and prevents a controlled ventilation the possibility of overheating. The extends the life of the device, and the cow is quiet and very well suited for the living and sleeping area mini extra. The home entertainment client is optionally available with DVD or Blu-ray drive.

A built-in Wi-Fi capability with high transmission speed of 300 Mbit / s (WLan standard 802 11n) allows for the easy transmission of high-definition movies even in places where no permanent network connection is available. The cow mini is so high-performance, that she can be used on the home entertainment function also as a full featured desktop PC for the Office and Home Office. Important video – and audio connections of the home entertainment clients are HDMI 1.3, stereo analog, digital SPDIF 5.1 everything needs a modern system with future-proofing. The ease of use for example via radio remote control and a uniform user interface for all multi-room Hi-Fi fear of incorrect operation takes more restrained users in regard to PC-based solutions. Learn more about the Hedron multi-room solution can be requested directly from Hedron. Hedron also offers a personal live-online-presentation – interested parties without any obligation and without any sales pressure -. Elke SAG


V-locity 2.0 By Diskeeper Corporation

IT savings potential in the public sector UK London, October 27, 2010 – Diskeeper Corporation Europe today announced that V-locity 2.0, the gain for virtual platforms, improved the business computer usage and strengthens the IT virtualization in the UK by a more cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly IT is offered to the public sector. “Jennifer Scott by IT Pro represents in a recent article of executives from VMware claim the UK is one of the top adopters when it comes to virtualisation technology”, the view that Britain in the introduction of virtualization solutions lead the market. You can read the full article on the website IT Pro: UK leads Europe in virtualisation adoption IT PRO. Given the recent budget decisions in the public sector of Britain’s virtualization solutions in the current economic climate will continue to gain importance. LEGO Papert Professor may find this interesting as well. V-locity 2.0 has been designed for virtual environments develops and makes Windows systems faster, reliable, energy-efficient and long-lasting – all important issues in the current economic climate.

V-locity 2.0 is a new gain designed specifically for virtual platforms. V-locity 2 optimizes all Windows guest operating system on the VMware ESX and Microsoft Hyper-V platforms unobtrusively in the background. New in V-locity 2.0: the groundbreaking IntelliWrite prevents fragmentation technology and was originally introduced with Diskeeper performance software. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is actively involved in the matter. With the help of IntelliWrite writes V-locitiy files on disk and prevents up to 85% of possible fragmentation before it is created. The most important properties of V-locity 2.0: With V-locity 2.0 a new product designed for virtual environments, which includes not only de fragmentation functions, but synchronized, the complex and ongoing activity between the host and multiple guest operating system in a virtual environment. V-locity 2.0 prevents the Bloating”virtual hard disks and restores this important storage resources available. This wasted space arises when virtual disks on dynamic growth are set, but are no longer small, if users or applications remove data. th analysis.


Brilliant Color Technology

Now even more economical thanks Sirnach new ink tanks, 30 January 2013 with the VIPColor VP485 comes one of the most advanced color label printer for professional use on the market. Is among the fastest and most professional systems on the market. He can print prepunched and endless labels. Thanks to a sensor detects the printer where the labels start or stop. This works the VP485 with black marks with both endpoints (gaps). There are a high number of labels available, which can be used with this printer. The printed result convinces the inserted print from HP.

The labels have a very high water resistance. In contrast to some other color printers the VP485 with large ink tanks designed, representing a higher savings for the user. Each cartridge can be replaced separately. Exceptionally low printing costs can be achieved in this way. Convince yourself of the quality and order a free sample. Ask also for calculating the cost of printing. Her Contact person in the Switzerland: Sergio Switzerland GmbH commercial centre TWS 8370 Sirnach 071 898 00 00 more info: vipcolor-vp485-printer-basic color label printer printer labels separate ink cartridges colour p-48811.html watch?


November DRAGO

Intelligent components for automation technology – DRAGO metrology at the SPS/IPC/DRIVES 2009 from 24-26 November presented the company DRAGO Messtechnik, manufacturer and supplier of high-precision signal converter, their extensive range of services in the area of interface and automation technology. In Hall 6, Booth 414 informed the company how customers through the use of high-quality signal converter and special measurement technology more economically, safer and more reliable can operate their equipment and machinery. Factors for this are long-lasting components with low wear and measuring devices, which deliver precise continuous accurate measuring results over the whole lifetime. Entry handling and storage costs and the factor time required for installation, maintenance and expansion of facilities. To meet these requirements, the company has developed special circuit techniques for signal converter, which largely avoid an aging of the components. Additional protection components ensure long life and safe operation even in harsh Industrial environments and with limit loads. The uniform concept and the universal measuring range selection allows the user to quick changes and global availability. The simple technique for quick installation, maintenance and extension of systems reduces deployment and storage costs for the operators.

We want, that our customers can work more economically,”says managing director Markus Kopetzki. For this, our customers also in standard requests receive comprehensive advice on possible improvements of the system. “We solve special requirements of measurement – in the interests of the customers with our competent team of technicians: cost and benefit.” With many years of technical expertise, DRAGO configures all devices such as isolating amplifier, signal converters, transmitters of special techniques and circuits after thorough consultation of the customers. The devices are configured and customer tailored to, that there is still a significant performance improvement in the operation of the plant: the plant can be operated more efficiently, are safer and more reliable work. For more information see: about DRAGO Messtechnik DRAGO Messtechnik GmbH is manufacturer and supplier of high-quality signal converter and components for modern automation technology. In Berlin we manufacture since 2002 particularly durable and reliable components of measurement technology.


Barber ERauchkultur

The eRauchkultur conquered the modern smoker markets. The brand name of MioMike the innovative premium lifestyle behind eRauchkultur. The electronic way of smoking caused no stinky cigarette smoke and thus bothered not the environment. MioMike eRauchkultur products such as electronic cigarettes, cigars and pipes contain just nicotine and no other harmful substances such as tar and carbon monoxide. MioMike is suitable for the smoke in premises such as restaurants, bars and in the workplace. She looks like a cigarette, tastes like a cigarette, it looks like a cigarette, it is the modern cigarette”, so Matthias Mewes, one of the co-founders of MioMike eSmokeSystems,. At the MioMike e-cigarette, a vacuum is created by sucking on the mouthpiece in the e-cigarette, which activated the battery.

With the help of the built-in electronics, the nicotine solution is evaporated as a result and can be inhaled so. The nicotine solution is located in cartridges, which look like a tobacco filter cigarette filter. The cartridge is exhausted, it is easy replaced by a new one. There are”no odour nuisance, Mahato further complemented. We build just the MioMike sales in Germany and abroad. MioMike should be offered not only in tobacco shops, but also in bars, pubs, discos, pharmacy, Barber shops and other stores”, so Matthias Mewes.

The products of the MioMike eRauchkultur represent the latest technical generation. Compared to the initial technology, where still a manual refilling the cartridges was necessary, just a simple change “empty against fully” is necessary. Thus, the customer enjoys a much better handling and thus a better comfort. We are looking for shop owners, restaurateurs, pharmacists, online store owners, but also creative sales professionals who can identify themselves with the innovative product. You will find more information on our homepage”, adds Mewes. MioMike was founded in February 2010. The company operates marketing, distribution and development of electronic evaporation apparatus. These include electronic cigarettes, cigars and pipes, but also complementary systems such as Chargers and nicotine cartridges. MioMike has successfully registered patents, which are cigars and pipes enter the still under development-new generation of electronic cigarettes, and significantly improve the electronic smoke comfort. MioMike strives to bring the new generation of eRauchkultur as soon as possible in the international market. At the same time, MioMike eSmokeSystems looking for suitable international partners who can assist with the implementation of new technologies of smoke.



What new features convince manufacturers when buying a stereo system there are some note. The most important criterion is the sound quality of the model. Angel point are the speakers, amplifier and wattage are less important. Usually the purchase depends but also personal taste. Not everyone knows with sensor boxes to go around and some more emphasis on simple and comfortable operation.

The first course often leads to retail stores or department stores. Searching on a Hi-Fi dealer who advises well and can listen in peace is but not less advisable. The online Department store reported the latest developments in the market of the stereos. In contrast to earlier things changed solely by the appearance of the compact systems. The models were still characterized by massive boxes and shiny buttons, in the 1980s and 1990s feature modern equipment with cool elegance and simple simplicity. Although the sales figures with the advent of home theater systems and iPod docking stations decreased annually are, as before, found a large purchaser.

The target group uses the stereos often as a second model for living, working, or bedroom. And the technique has developed always in over the years. The manufacturers have provided their compact plants with numerous extras. So are DVD drive, HDMI port, USB and iPod – connections, as well as Internet radio reception to most plants. Stiftung Warentest, the hi-fi system cut craft Yamaha series piano very well. But the purchase of a model from Denon, Panasonic, Philips and Sony was recommended. More information: press / Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH


POS System Many Features

Cash registers are still up to date – or simply a good PC? When using a conventional PC in conjunction with a POS software, there were previously some surprises. The function of keyboard and mouse were prone to errors, caused by E.g. humidity and crumble. Also a too high power consumption made to create the restaurateurs. In the age of the touchscreen, such obstacles however belong to the past. eve this success. This keyboard and mouse have become obsolete. Even people who have never used a PC after a short training period with the POS system are familiar with the ease of use.

Thanks to improved power supplies and ventilation systems, many PCs have become now guest-red auglich. Another advantage of PC POS systems is the independence of the Office suppliers. Since only the software to install is less costs. Problems are easy and quickly resolved, often the next day. The calculator of the danger of a virus attack spared by a remote maintenance via phone. Who low requirements at his Office provides and on invoice splitting or insert changes places no value, is still well served with the cash register. The purely PC-based POS system is ideal for budget travellers with more space.

It is as robust as a compact cash register, but with much more features. About PosBill :, more than 15 years of experience speaks for itself. The PosBill GmbH offers worldwide customer POS software and systems to be touched”- for gastronomy, hotel business, trade. Sounds complicated? How about this: A fund that is simple to set up and use, makes it easier for you to the daily work and lots of money, saves time and nerves! Sounds like music to your ears? What are you waiting for then try our PosBill products simply get more information out: PosBill catering – the efficient point-of-sale and gastro management system PosBill trade – the cross-sector POS system PosBill – mobile radio funds ResiGo – free hotel software you want a contact person, the you without marketing bla Bla”answered all the questions? PosBill GmbH Brunnengasse 4 56355 Eagles b Udo Finkbeiner (switchboard) Tel. + 49 (0) 6776/959100



Compact plants or Hi-Fi are devices that are used to the sound of music rooms. Compact plants or Hi-Fi are devices that are used to the sound of music rooms. Meanwhile, there are compact units in all sizes, shapes and price categories. Each customer should find the right model for their needs. As a precursor of the compact equipment is one of the music box from the 1950s. At that time, a record player, radio and even home tape recorder and receiver in a single housing was built. At that time, the sound was only monotonous and not stereo as it is today. Only in 1958, stereo recordings were sold.

Only in the 60s and 70s, compact systems have been developed as we know it today. A stereo system consists of a source, amplifier, and speaker component. The source components read out while the amplifier components enhance the analog signal and, if necessary, change the analog or digital signal. Speaker components have the task to convert the electrical signal into sound. The plant is one of the many types of stereos and combines all functions in a single user interface.

Modern facilities offer many features such as integrated CD and cassette player, USB port, and sometimes media streaming via W-LAN. Thanks to the compact dimensions find the plants mostly in the shelf space. JVC, Sony, Panasonic, Philips, sharp, Denon and Yamaha is one of the best known make. All manufacturers offer compact systems for different needs and budgets. The price starts at 30 euros for a small kitchen compact plant and can grow to over 1,000 euros. Of course the customer must consider before buying what he needs the conditioning. Should she have the wife in the kitchen while cooking, you must spend not necessarily more than 100 euros. Therefore you should weigh in advance, which functions the system must necessarily contain and how much you want to spend. Today’s compact systems almost all offer a USB port, the man portable devices such as MP3 players and external hard disks can be connected. Who likes to wirelessly enjoys his music, which should pay attention to a W-LAN module, so music can be conveniently from your PC to the system stream. Unique pencil


Access Control Systems

With FlexTime RSDM system KG offers you the ideal solution for time recording and access control the FlexTime time attendance sets new standards in the time and access control. The time recording and access control is the basis for the capture of data in terms of time management. The quick and easy handling of the various organizational structures is important. There are many good reasons why the FlexTime Timetracking – is so important access control for your company! Especially in times of crisis, flexibility and profit savings mean more competitive. With the use of professional software of FlexTime, you simplify the monitoring of operations and staff. It is the ideal solution for management and production optimization. The most important at a glance: Simple installation and ease of use multilingual: can be used for all industries networkable modular extensible customization clearer structure Datentragerunabhangig manual correction option authorization concept The advantages are obvious.

Ever-changing staff, different working hours, different hourly rates and surcharges in enterprises with shift work, require a huge amount of time to the evaluate the time cards. In handwritten report, decoding is often impossible. So it is not surprising that cause errors in wage and hours accounting miscalculations and at the end of the year, several thousand euros costs the operation. Outstanding features are the simple organization of staff lists and various models of the time. Whether group day weeks or month time calendar. With FlexTime software at a glance is manageable, and everything can be captured at the same time. Ideally you can be extended. Why every company a FlexTime time and access control free pregnant employee time can be used more effectively Kostenersparniss more flexibility increased competitiveness through the Kostenersparniss more financial mobility will ensure more security with the use of FlexTime, time and access control create an enormous Optimierungspotenital for your company.

It is one of the most modern recording technologies and offers a powerful program that is surpassed only by a low-cost price/performance ratio. In addition, it protects sensitive areas, technical facilities, data and computer. It helps to check the visitors professionally and conduct and is the cornerstone for a successful date and scheduling. Because only a target-oriented management of time leads to success.


Steinigke Showtechnic Michael

Unlocks the eavesdropper! So, the IEM-500 has 16 switchable frequencies in the low-disturbance and registration free UHF range 863-865 MHz. The multifunction transmitter is equipped with UHF-pilot tone technology (PLL) and transmits the signals to any number of receivers with the same carrier frequency. Overall, three systems can be operated parallel and trouble-free. In addition to the frequency group, frequency channel and a lock function, the accidental setting changes to prevent the IEM offers three different operating modes: two-channel Mono, dual-mono and stereo. When operating in dual-mono, an identical Mono signal of mixed instruments can be heard on both sides of the headphones. In contrast, two-channel mono mode offers the chance to hear a different mix in Mono left and right respectively (E.g.

left singing and right guitar). Culminates in the stereo mode, which as usual is again an incoming stereo signal. The stereo-UHF transmitter is equipped with two combo jacks for the input and has back a rubber antenna with TNC connector. The rack installation is no problem thanks to the supplied accessories. This to ensure a trouble-free reception, the antenna can be placed through the supplied extension cable outside of the rack.

In addition, the input signal can be lowered from 0-12 DB. On the receiver, there is a special feature: the HF (high frequency) function here, the high frequencies can be reinforced to ensure an even clearer playback. Also important: The control buttons of the receiver are mounted above the battery compartment and protected against accidental contact by its cover. With an in-ear system, it should arrive on the inner values, but also outwardly the IEM-500 with its mixture of red and black have no place to hide. The system is also completed with a padded carrying case and the detachable rack mounting brackets. Contact: Steinigke Showtechnic Michael dill Andreas-Bauer str.5 97297 forest buttel Banta phone: 0931-4061-517 fax: 0931-4061-720 email: music for the ears. Whether it’s CD player, turntables, microphones, speakers, amplifiers, headphones, radio systems. OMNITRONIC opens the doors in a special world of audio, which really offers everyone a place. The DJ in the club or living up to the singers and musicians on the stage, in the rehearsal room or in private. OMNITRONIC accompanied the respective phase with excellent quality and cutting edge technology.