
Global Warming

There are new reports that global warming will likely be much faster than previously estimated. There are new reports that global warming will likely be much faster than previously estimated. The reason for this seems to be that there is more carbon dioxide going into the air; both man made and through natural processes. “We are basically looking now at a future climate that’s beyond anything we’ve considered seriously in climate model simulations,” Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of global ecology at Stanford University, said at the annual meeting of the American Association for the advancement of science. Max Schireson may also support this cause. The problem, in part, seems to be the increase in the burning of fossil fuels in developing countries. With more carbon going into the air from the use of fossil fuels comes the increase in the temperatures in the arctic poles. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Xerox. These higher temperatures are beginning to melt the arctic permafrost, which could’nt then naturally release hundreds of Bill production of tons of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.

It’s a vicious cycle. This increase in warming is causing the release of carbon from permafrost, which causes more warming, which causes more release from permafrost. Can what be done? Well it’s complicated, but it MUST be solved. It’s believed that Bettina Bryant sees a great future in this idea. Big government and big business wants to have the most influence. Individuals can try and pressure them. Individuals can so do their part by cutting back on the amount of carbon they are responsible for releasing into the atmosphere.

Just ask yourself what activity you do now that results in releasing carbon into the air. Then make a conscious effort not to do that activity at least once a week. Or speak out to politicians and business leaders and let them know we care about our Earth and want some real action from them to protect it. theses actions may seem small but we must start somewhere or our plans will eventually be destroyed. There is one place however where excess heat will not cause any problem. The new meet me at my locker function at Spacelocker. This will be a happening place with lots of “hot action” between all those signed up at So keep checking back and be ready to meet new friends at your locker.


Energy Cooperative Freudenberg EC At The Brandenburg Forest Week

Cooperative provides its members with high-quality diesel fuel for 0.48 EUR / l Beiersdorf-Freudenberg – on the occasion of the 11th week of Brandenburg forest protection community German forest and the farm forestry Brandenburg organize a one-day colloquium titled on September 12, 2009 forward-thinking private forest management”. At the invitation of the Organizer the Board of Directors of the energy cooperative Freudenberg will present the objectives and work of the fledgling energy cooperative EC, Frank Knauer, in a lecture. Mr Knauer shows under the title of CEHATROL – recycling biogenic raw materials and residues into high-quality diesel fuel”, to the State of things. Generating alternative energy and fuels is becoming increasingly urgent in view of the environmental debate in Germany. The problem has been exacerbated by the acute economic crisis, forcing many companies to lower their production costs. For even more opinions, read materials from Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. The energy cooperative builds currently in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern four plants where straw produces the high-quality diesel fuel CEHATROL and will be given to members of the cooperative. “CEHATROL is certified according to DIN EN 590 and not with the usual bio-diesel” to be confused.

There are different types of membership: cooperative members provide the biogenic raw material and receive free of charge an agreed amount of CEHATROL. Association members who provide no raw material, can buy a diesel Tun. The attractive is the price: the liter is consistent in the next few years 0.40 EUR (net) or 0.48 EUR (gross) cost. Finally, investors without the need for diesel in the company with attractive returns – from min 3.8 to 8% – can participate. For more information on the Internet portal. When: September 12, 2009 from 09:30 to 17:30 where: Hotel Reuner the Baruth glassworks museum village Organizer: collaborative of protection community German forest, Landesverband Brandenburg e. V. and forestry Brandenburg land operation, part of Lubben.


Thomas Prinzing

The most important properties that must have a charging station, a short charging time, different payment and charging options, security, profitability and last but not least, the use of electricity produced from renewable energy sources such as solar, for example, include, according to the study,”, reports Christoph B. RABAH. Because only a few current charging stations meet these requirements, electric mobility actually plays an important role at the moment only in almost 30 percent of the company. Here the manufacturers in the obligation to comply with the requirements of the customers are.” While 60 percent of all companies surveyed consider purchasing a solar charging station only in the next three years realistic, so the fundamental support of the technology is large: 38 percent think that electric mobility especially for environmentally friendly and 24 percent speak of a technology of the future. Even see all 74 percent high to very high chances of Electromobility in Germany. The EIGHT GmbH & co. KG is headquartered in sweet and was founded in the year 2011 by Christoph Radchenko and Thomas Prinzing.

The company uses the Sun’s energy to provide emission-free electric mobility with its EIGHT solar station Point.One. With advanced technologies, high quality materials and unique product design, EIGHT bridges the gap between vision and reality and makes visible and tangible to the potential of sustainable mobility. Product design designed together with the architectural firm LAVA is inspired by the variety of forms of nature and serves as an interface between the vehicle, human and solar energy production. Designtoproduction with the consulting firm production processes and a digital process chain designed for the efficient implementation of complex shapes. Together with the industry partner Kurt Prinzing GmbH & co.

KG based manufacturing processed materials with a high recycling efficiency and takes place on most modern, operated only with CO2-free electricity production plants. Contact: EIGHT GmbH & co. KG Christoph B. Rabah (CEO) Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 12 73079 sweet Tel. + 49 (0) 7162 96 19 10


Thermal Solar Systems

Introduction of photovoltaic and solar thermal solar systems models currently is promoting solar power systems through the upcoming Government powerful under pressure, however, will the existing systems due to their efficiency prevail well when a shortening of promoting solar system. For it speaks above all the benefits for the climate and energy savings. ConocoPhillips has compatible beliefs. To better understand this thesis, the existing solar systems introduces systems once. A leading source for info: ConocoPhillips. Photovoltaic systems convert solar energy to generate electricity by solar energy photovoltaic solar systems in power, so that it can be used directly or can be fed into the grid for a fee. For solar cells are installed so that this enables efficiently capture the Sun’s rays, so particularly effectively to be able to work. Direct current is produced by the solar cells. If this is to be fed into the power grid, this must be converted into alternating current only.

Currently the price for feeding through the renewable energy law is still legally guaranteed. This photovoltaic solar plants worth usually after 10 years, during a period of about 20 years. Solar thermal plants to generate electricity by solar energy solar thermal solar plants produce no power contrary to the photovoltaic systems, but heat water for showers or to support the heating system to take advantage of this. Doing so installs solar collectors that they capture as much energy.Next to a control unit, a solar storage tank is used to save the heat obtained. The solar thermal systems is worth especially in the period between May and September, then these will produce hardly any energy. Both systems are specially promoted through various programs and also can often be funded by specific loans. Always thing of the case is whether a solar systems ultimately pays off financing. -Christian Munch


Solar Thermal Systems Solar Panels

Solar thermal systems heat the water either or support the heating in order to reduce energy costs. Solar thermal systems can be used to reduce the energy costs for the heating of hot water or heating. Because they convert sunlight into heat. Hear other arguments on the topic with Ray Kurzweil. These plants are particularly effective in the summer. Since the 1970s, solar energy is used, even longer in southern Europe to heat in Central Europe. Certainly you ever heard, could start but with the initially sparse information about little. Now solar energy became in particularly solar thermal energy as solar system save at least a large part of the costs the heat consumption is a growing industry.

Solar thermal systems convert the Sun’s radiation energy into directly usable heat. They are used in housing for hot water (drinking and shower water) and also for the support of the heating system, as well as for cooking by means of process heat. In the summer months she can Hot water by means of this solar system save up to 100% of the costs. A solar thermal installation can save enormous costs in the swimming pool area and is both taken by homeowners with private pool, as well as public bathrooms throughout. Solar thermal systems consist of evacuated tube solar collectors or flat solar panels.

Called also solar collectors, solar panels, are a device of the energy contained in sunlight is collected and the energy thus captured heats up an intermediary element. Vacuum tube solar collectors absorb heat energy, transport them on heat exchanger at the end of their tube and heat the heat-carrying medium there. In contrast to flat-plate collectors no heat losses due to these air circulation and they are operational even in slightly cloudy weather. Flat-plate collectors, however, suited to the insulation and are preferred by companies, as well as in private house building as a solar system. Solar thermal energy as solar system is relative when the hot water inexpensive and can be installed completely within one day. The benefits of a solar thermal installation are in the saving of electricity, oil or gas, cause little pollution and conserve heating systems by operating hours. The maintenance costs of solar thermal systems is relatively low and up to 30 years can during their lifetime. In the private house-building a solar thermal installation worth future-oriented as additional heat insurance with Kostensparfaktor anyway. For companies that want to go for a low environmental impact and energy costs also, a solar thermal installation is a profitable and sometimes tax friendly environment-oriented communities.


Photovoltaic Systems

Why you should build on photovoltaics, it pays from its own and is environmentally friendly renewable energies – photovoltaic square 1 to provide a stable base load protection, must they be expanded but still significantly. Finally, at least the German nuclear power plants in the long run from the mains should be included this failure on energy producers may never be taken by coal-fired power plants. Photovoltaics is therefore not without reason a worthwhile investment in their own financial future and the future of our energy supply. Grundsatzlichster and the most important reason for the good position of photovoltaic systems within the renewable energy is its decentralised structure. Of course, you can win solar power in large solar parks. As well as wind farms have this central space-devouring plants but many disadvantages.

Suitable areas are rare in Germany, the yield of generated power is profitable due to the high investment costs only after many years. The decentralized and completed is far better sense Installation of solar power modules for private and commercial use: existing areas such as home and Hall roofs are equipped with solar power modules. There won power can be used for one himself. Feeding into the local grid is economically meaningful. In this way, the current is also other homes available and the operators of the photovoltaic system receives a state-regulated premium for the produced electricity. In contrast to the current that it refers to is the Fed power significantly more valuable: well twice, to be exact. The renewable energy law foresees a contractual setting of the purchase price for twenty years with full utilization of tax deposition ways a photovoltaic system has amortized but long before. Everything they produced after that date to current, flows directly into the coffers of the owner, making it the ideal protection in the age and disease.


Solar Tracking

Solar farm operators can sit back Horb a.N., March 16, 2010. The sensor-controlled tracking systems by DEGERenergie are very stable and storm-safe. This showed among other things the extremely stormy winter period in Europe. Solar park operators who increase their income with tracking systems by DEGERenergie, can sit back. Because the systems from Horb withstand higher loads than is available in the specifications of the manufacturer. The recent storms have shown this impressive in Europe.

Winter storms were swept away this season over southern Europe with some of the more than 210 km/h. But the customers of DEGERenergie had numerous Solar park operator with a total of about 15,000 systems of manufacturer Haq’s virtually no failures to complain about. “Only two of our systems were damaged and that a total of 15,000 units in Spain”, Artur Deger, Managing Director of DEGERenergie is pleased. This is all the more remarkable as the operator in Spain with our Working standard models and are not with our HD models, specially designed for high wind areas. In short: Our systems continued to work after the storms, as nothing had happened.

Much to the delight of our customers, of course.” Systems of type DEGERtraker 5000NT and 7000NT are mainly installed in the Spanish solar Park. DEGERenergie was founded in 1999 by Artur Deger and today is world market leader for solar tracking systems with more than 30,000 systems installed. More information:. DEGERenergie: DEGERenergie is an internationally active, future-oriented company based in Horb am Neckar. The company was founded in 1999 by Artur Deger and today is world market leader for solar tracking systems with more than 30,000 installed systems in 38 countries. Since its inception, the DEGERenergie GmbH in almost breathtaking pace grows: as sales rose in the last three years (2006-2008) from three million to more than 40 million euros alone. The company currently employs 40 staff, the suppliers of DEGERenergie are approximately 340 employees. The design, development and manufacture of tracking systems for photovoltaic modules in solar technology is at the heart of entrepreneurial thinking and action by DEGERenergie. Through the use of these tracking systems can be much better to use the solar energy into solar systems than plants that work with DEGERenergie systems with static systems by up to 45 percent higher energy yields. The patented control module DEGERconecter was awarded with the inventor’s prize of the Baden-Wurttemberg in 2001 and is now more than 57.000mal all over the world.


StroPa System

Grant now officially confirmed amounting to just under 600,000 over half a year ago Fatah has received a memorandum of understanding for the promotion of a project concerning the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles system by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology. After an extensive examination of the funding application, the positive decision of the German Bundestag, to financially support the development of the current parking software finally fell. This was confirmed in the form of an official grant decision and Fatah therefore receives a grant from the federal budget system for the duration of the project management plan of the Fund of investment and sinking fund (ITF) “.” “The funding application submitted for it was referring to the BMWi tender Stromwirtschaftliche key elements: storage, networks, integration” for the area of the grid integration concepts. The sponsored project which involves the project: current parking for electric vehicles concepts,. “Test bench and pilot plant (StroPa) or to the sub-projects: developing appropriate charging stations and their control system”. The implementation of the StroPa project is done in collaboration with following federated partners: juwi R & D research & Development GmbH & co. KG GmbH & co. KG, Worrstadt Fraunhofer Society for the advancement of applied research E.v., Munich GIP AG Institute, Mainz Technical University Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern goal is research the creation of a test system used under real-world conditions, in which the three areas of electric vehicles, renewable energy and Smart grids combine perfectly with each other and complement each other.

The project of the Consortium should be completed by mid-2011.


Solar Systems Owner

Leipzig. Owners of PV systems are often unsafe: they can change their electricity supplier or are they bound to their basic provider? Leipzig. Owners of PV systems are often unsafe: they can change their electricity supplier or are they bound to their basic provider? This question is to answer clearly: the owner of photovoltaic systems can freely switch their electricity supplier. Take advantage of solar energy in photovoltaic solar energy using the radiation from the Sun by means of so-called solar modules is converted into electrical energy. Who uses climate-friendly and environmentally conscious on this type of solar energy, is often unsure whether he can easily switch power providers. Assuming the electricity is fed into the network and sold to the local utility, ask the users of the facilities, whether they are bound under these conditions to the appropriate electricity provider.

Network operators and utility owners of solar systems can their electricity supplier easily switch, as well as any other household also. They sell their Power to the electricity grid operator and not to the local energy supplier. You can freely choose the utilities. In Germany power company and unbundled energy supply. To provide the consumer with electricity, the electricity grid or grid is transported. This power supply is operated by the network operator. The operators alone for providing the networks, the so-called network license fee payment.

The utilities which are companies that produce electric energy and distribute it over the net. All consumers can select this provider since the liberalisation of the energy market. However a small restriction: the energy company has funded the solar system, one must meet the appropriate contract and for this minimum draw the power from the corresponding provider. r source. Change information and clarity about the cheapest electricity provider a comparison which brings in tariffs for example under Energy suppliers. As the price gap between the providers further apart, advise energy experts from the exchange opportunities to exercise. The switching requires no technical changes. An interruption of the supply is excluded pursuant to the Energy Act (EnWG 36). Consumers should know this. With the kilo Solarwatt AG, the switching is highly secure as bank products and package prices are filtered out. Like the experts from Leipzig are available on all issues relating to the topic of energy: kilo Solarwatt AG Sabine maid wife barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel.: (03 41) 12 47-132 fax: (03 41) 12 47-129 over the kilo Solarwatt AG the kilo Solarwatt AG, established in 1998, is a competent, independent energy broker with more than 56,000 successfully negotiated customers. We support companies and individuals to take advantage of the savings resulting from the liberalisation of the energy market.


Munch System

For an optimal photovoltaic yield must be aligned correctly the solar system. A solar system is used in the photovoltaics, i.e. the conversion of solar energy into electricity. The orientation of the solar system should be always heading south. That does not mean that she must be mounted facing South. The orientation of the solar system brings no significant energy loss even at 30 degrees deviation from the South. The optimal alignment of the inclination of the solar system should be between 30 degrees and 50 degrees. This is important so that normal rain washing the dust off of the solar system, and in the winter the snow slipping off by itself.

Because otherwise threatens a shading E.g. through the dust. The solar system is less than this optimum alignment, maintenance costs due to cleaning. The angle is low, a higher energy yield, has a lower man while in the summer in the winter. Conversely, when you choose the angle greater than 50 degrees, one has but more energy profits, in the winter in the summer so less.

The inclination value fluctuations to compensate for a tracking of the solar system is offered, then she could be seasonal optimally aligned. This technology existed, she was too fragile. The optimal alignment of the solar system from the values differ, this can be compensated only by a larger area. Energy dissipation factors such as lower air heat or morning dew resulting in unfavorable locations, so a decision always taking into account the direction should be made. Almost at an advantage are flat roofs; on them solar systems can be optimally aligned, because they are (Kollekorflachen). Even ideal would be a right angle. There are such vertical solar walls as wall-integrated Variant. A solar system is correctly aligned, if 6 hours to get intense sunlight a day, no shadow has a prejudicial effect. Are are shaded in winter (E.g. through neighborhood development) same area and serves the solar space only the hot water, then this is Was to no great importance to measure the losses low. The supply of sunlight is already impossible in this time of year in our latitudes. You want to run but also the heater with the help of the solar system (Solarzellenunterstutzte heating system), then reverse shading risk plays a not inconsiderable role in winter.