
Agile Methodology FDD

A briefing study on agile methodology FDD Eduardo VergarCaletti1, Rafael the 1Acadmicos Vargas Bittencourt1 of the Course of Systems deInformao – Luterana University of Brazil (ULBRA) Waterfall of the South – RS – Brazil eduardocaletti@, Abstract.Agile methodology FDD (Feature Driven Development), is used in themanagement and development of softwares. This article will go you the show itsdescription, characteristics and functionalities. Practical This methodology combinesbest of the agile management of projects with completes it boarding forEngineering of Software guided will be objects, conquering the three main public ofa software project: customers, controlling and analysts. Summary. Metodologiagil FDD (Feature Driven Development), is used in the management and development of softwares.

This article to irmostrar its description, characteristics and functionalities. This metodologiacombina best the practical ones of the agile management of projects with complete umaabordagem for Engineering of Software guided for objects, conquistandoos three main public of one software project: customers, controlling edesenvolvedores. Keywords. Metodologiagil, FDD, Feature Driven Development, development, software, engineering desoftware, practical of the agile management. 1. Introduction the methodologies of agile development had appeared pelanecessidade of a bigger malleability in projects directed toward the area dedesenvolvimento of softwares. The majority of the agile methods tries to minimize osriscos for the developments of softwares in short periods, called deiterao, which they typically spend between one and four weeks. (SATO) Osplanos detailed is made only for the current phase of the project, while quepara the future phases are made only rough drafts, thus facilitating, possveismudanas as the involved team goes learning and using involved astecnologias better. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.


Possibilities Of Integration Of The Medias

POSSIBILITIES OF INTEGRATION OF THE MEDIAS. Integration of the Technologies in the Context of the Classroom Altina Magalhes Coast In the daily one of children, adolescents and young the importance of the miditicas technologies is notable, therefore they are information sources above all that it occurs in the planet, therefore must be allied to the educational process as learning instruments, since, suggest significant changes to the individual and the society. To integrate the medias to the context of the classroom requires that the school mobilizes its faculty if to prepare for the efficient use of the laboratory of computer science in its practises daily of teach-learning. The faculty to take care of the requirements of the implantation of the available educational resources in the media in its practises educational necessary to know the language, the especificidades and the ways of use of each media and what each type of media can offer the educational process. It needs to know when, as and because to use it. The media is not the rescuer of the process and use that of it if makes can be maleficent or beneficial.

The professional of the necessary education to perceive the necessity to educate itself continuously to follow the dynamics of the present time, needs to acquire sense criticizes and conscience in the appropriation of its professional interests, so that she can place themselves, evaluate and plan its application in lesson. Thus seen, he must the professor present in this context disposal to study, capacity to dare, breaking with mooring cables of the traditionalism and to search partnership with the educandos and other educators, in the search for solutions and constructions. The appropriation of the use of the technologies for educandos and educators will take the same ones to know the experiences of existing use already, and will be able to generate new possibilities of its use in all the areas and levels of the knowledge. It is alone to invest that with certainty many paradigms will be broken.


Lodging Blog

The anger is always a good motivador for its blog, but if it does not irritate, either rational. He comments on some entrances of blogs and weaves extensive commentaries in one post of blog. Also blog explosive, one blog or a Clicker of the many programs of any generator try to have access one of traffic, a infinity of ideas for there exists on what writing. What you walk attending or reading? It read some good or bad book lately? It writes on its last reading, and recommends or not, or same it writes a summary in its blog. on films? It makes a commentary, either good or bad, you blog could make a periodic revision in its on the last films that leave for the card, and make commentaries. The same valley for television programs. For example, the beginning of a series that follows its program of favourite TV.

It finds the critical refusal and it writes one post against the opinions of it revisorSeu work, its colleagues, its head, its house and its family blog has great potential for its, writing something short and amused, you it will have excellent post. When a person if detaches as special and interesting for its readers, you she can want to more know something on you. For example, when it was its last trip of vacation? It writes in a circuit where you were or makes some research of some places where it would go and it writes on them. It has a special ability? If it will be able to make something only, or something that is common, but made in a special way because of its knowledge, can have people interested in wanting to know as. It gives tips of culinria, secrets of beauty, sews, cleanness, day-care centers, etc. Makes a normal characteristic to it in mine blog. If you have a digital camera and to find a subject interesting, takes off some photos and later it writes something established on the subject. If you to find that somebody interesting, funny or sad, probably in its better interest. Blog in this Lodging of Sites houses its


The Degree

With the Internet it is not necessary to limit to periodicals and weekly magazines, beyond that the WWW net can be richer in information of that the great press. (Zarth, 2003. P. 12) the Internet must all be used in way of dynamic form and exploring its potential interactive. They must? if to use the potentialities of the net in such a way to place educating in situation of study and the research, how much for development of interactive activities that have an end and a process in itself as the idealizao and the maintenance of blogs. For in such a way the use of in minium, one, laboratory of computer science in the pertaining to school space becomes essential.

The use of new technologies guided well enriches practical the pedagogical ones very, bringing for innumerable comparison and visualization social contexts, through ' ' Some clicks' ' is clearly of the interaction, proposal more attractive of the net. Interesting for the educator and educating they go to be the deriving results of the interactions gifts in this field of knowing, that soon another field will be leagued, and to another one, and another one. One perceives that the interdisciplinaridade and the Internet in pertaining to school scope, walk for the complementation lend. pedagogical interdisciplinaridade as practical allows the use of a methodology of the education of the arts that possesss boardings from the imagtico universe: The triangular methodology. History and the art, as component curricular, establish starting points of different objects of study for different areas of the knowledge.

The inverse one also happens everything will depend on the degree of the capacity of mental expansion of the team to multidiscipline of pedagogical support. Much of the success of the teams to multidiscipline depends on the available time destined to the planning, the exchange and the quarrel of ideas. The assembly of the picture of professors, the pedagogical coordination, the pedagogical orientation, and the direction of the school composes the base of a team to multidiscipline of support.



Motas also is part of the game, but little they make for the game not to be for its appearance. You police them, that they had had important papers in the previous series, are calmer in Test Drive Unlimited. The law alone if becomes a problem when causes accidents in series and, in the alert maximum police, it sweep the streets of the city it finds until you. In the way online pods to take a walk for the island, where it is possible to find other corridors online and to invite them for a race. For the races online pods you to construct to the track, choosing the streets where you intend to run, or established seno you will be able to always run the track already in the game. The appearance of Test Drive Unlimited is well competent, but it extremely does not arrive to be realistic.

Oahu was recriada with an excellent number of details and the variety of scenes distinguishes great urban centers, coastal villages and residential quarters. A little strange is absence of people. Same the personages of the missions are represented by icons and the player does not see the body, only sees the face in the animation that precedes the mission. Although the HDR effect, that simulates superexposition of light when it is looked at for the sun, for example, does not have climatic variations with exception of a cloudy sky that influence in the illumination of the track. The interiors of the store and houses also are shaped well, but very equal. The game is strengthenn to give air of individuality to the personages with different tones of voice. If to prefer something beyond the snore motor them, Test Drive Unlimited offers a virtual radio with about 30 musics and some known names as Queens of the Stone Age.ConclusoTest Drive Unlimited fulfills what it promises and places the series in a promising way. It is a new subgenus inside of the race simulators, that capture the freedom of the exploration games and that it establishes the way online and to single-player in shining and unknown way. Exactly for the shy ones, that they prefer to run against the clock, to see corridors real to speed up to the side when taking a walk for the streets of Oahu it increases the immersion considerably, exactly that the direco system, mainly of motas, is not very realistic.


Antonio Carlos Gil Seabra

It can be developed devices that can be operated by remote control by a surgeon in the accomplishment of surgical procedures in the corporal sockets, as well as can be handled traditional surgical instruments through robotizados surgical instruments. Telemonitorao? It is where they are registered given of a patient who will be placed in analysis, alert interpretation and, including the cardiac monitoramento through the telephonic line. Through the telemonitoramento the doctor can analyze in house, through a microcomputer the vital parameters of the patients interned in UTI. virtual Comunidades? They are groups that use technologies of the Internet, such as: e-mail, list of quarrels, newsgroup small farms, with the purpose to argue clinical cases of varied medical specialties, reflecting its experiences and opinions techniques, these small farms also are known as vestibules of the Internet. 2,4 COMPONENTS USED IN the TELECIRURGIA Figure 01 – Component of the telecirurgia system.

Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 02 – Tool master, operated for the telecirurgio. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 03 – enslaved Tool, tele-operated for the telecirurgio. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 04 – System of teleoparao used in the HMSL. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 05 – System of teleoparao used in the HMSL. Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 06 – Surrounding of simulation for the developed telecirrgicas tasks in the model.

Source: Seabra (2003) Figure 07 – Environment of simulation for the telecirrgicas tasks. Source: Seabra (2003) As she was seen in figures 01 the 07 exist a infinity of mechanisms used in the teleconferncia, serving as tool master in the operation of a telecirurgia, where the movements foresee one to assist gift in the surgical field. 3 METHODOLOGY the methodology was used to reach the longed for objective, will count on the use of the exploratria research, being adopted the qualitative boarding, by means of bibliographical research. The reason for which this type of instrument will be chosen, happens of the concept explicitado for Antonio Carlos Gil: The bibliographical research is developed from elaborated material already, mainly constituted of books and scientific articles.


Virtual Reality

The virtual reality makes possible a learning through trips the places never visited, either for the physical impossibility or in the distance geographic. The technologies of Virtual Reality meet currently in evolution. In this context, it in such a way has diverse segments in the architecture, education, medicine that are using the Virtual Reality as tool of I assist to the work. 2 VIRTUAL REALITY According to Silvano (2000), the term Virtual Reality mentions a imersiva and interactive experience to it based in generated graphical images 3D in real-time for computer. The quality of this experience in RV is crucial, therefore it must stimulate to the maximum and of creative and productive form the user – the necessary reality to react of coherent form to the movements of the participant, being become the consistent experience. The main objective of this new technology is to make with that the participant enjoys of a sensation of presence in the virtual world, giving immersion notion.

This immersion can be total or partial, depending on the used equipment level and white environment. The RV systems if differentiate as the levels of immersion and proportionate interatividade to the user. The levels are determined by the types of devices of entrance and exit of data of the environment, of the speed and capacity of the computer houses that it. According to Netto (2002), the RV systems can be classified as: RV of simulation, RV of projection, Enhanced or Increased Reality, Telepresena, Displays Visually Connected and RV of Table. The RV of simulation corresponds to the type oldest, originated with the simulators of flight developed by the American military after World War II. A system of RV of this type imitates the interior of an car or airplane, placing the person in a cabin with controls.



Siphon panels narrow colored strips of 5-30 mm, fringed border frieze, mirrors or panels, said panels. Panel made in the form of one or several parallel lines. Panel used to hide irregularities in the junction between differently colored areas and surfaces for decorative purposes. At the boundary surfaces, colored adhesives or glue, oil, panel holds adhesives. On the surface, colored oil compositions panel holds oil composition. Panels perform stretching filenochnoy brush, roller or a special gasket on the stencil. The most difficult is the way to pull panels brush, which requires long training from malaria.

When working with a brush used wooden ruler length of 70-80 cm dipping the brush in the paint composition, conducting it along the line from left to right. When driving you can not change adopted first angle of the brush to the wall. Draw the line, the line moves to the right so that she would drop by 5-7 mm toward the already stretched panels, and repeat the same movement with a brush, being careful not to leave visible seam. Panel should be the entire length of the same width, without joints and curved. Paint composition for the panels to be thinner, but with a lot of knitting. To improve the ductility of it added sugar water, molasses or grain brew of oil dissolving a volatile solvent. Panels can perform a special machine with a roller. Roller move along the line, just as you would with a brush. Rolling drawing relief Drawing on rollers painted wall surface can be applied, using embossed rubber rollers.


Private Pool

Of course, any city resident would like to relax and unwind from city life in his dacha. Bath, fresh air and quiet help make this holiday complete. However, in a very hot time of summer, it is becomes relevant and the presence of the shadow of the reservoir in close proximity. Remarkably close to the cottage if there a river or lake, which at any moment have the opportunity to freshen up and gain strength. Well, when there is no order or else, what do do in this case? There is a great solution, this pool right in your backyard. Tell you about how you can make. For a start, it's important to think about the waterproofing. Conventional polyethylene or air bubble film for that is not appropriate.

It will take quite a dense film or alternatively, may weld together several paintings usual, turning it into a multilayer film. So, dig pit the size of the pool. The optimum depth of the pool when the water level in him is no less than on the breast adult. Dimensions pool should allow a person to lie down on the water with outstretched arms to the sides, plus a small distance skirting. It turns out that the average size of the pool may be of the order of 4×4 m with a depth of 1, 2-1, 5m. If you would like to increase the size of the pool, we recommend just doing it more deeply, to make it easy to pour water from it by applying aquifer soil (as a rule, it is located at a depth of 4 m). Then we have the pool bottom. Clear the pool, sealing the soil at the bottom, carefully stamps, remove all unnecessary.

At the bottom of the pool pour the first layer sand thickness of at least 20cm. In the middle of the pool pit was dug with a diameter 30cm and depth 50cm. Gravel pit fall asleep in such wise that the top layer was just below the compacted soil. Then take a waterproof film (most reliably for This is suitable geomembrane), and puts it on the floor with the expectation that the edges of the film should extend beyond the pool of approximately 50cm. In the film, making a small hole around the hole with gravel – for pipe drain. Drain pipe and film tightly connect the rubber ring and some bury the pipe in the gravel, do not forget to plug it with a stopper. The upper edge of the drain tube must protrude from the bottom of the approximately 10-15cm. That's it, the pool is ready. Do not forget that change the water in it is worth at least twice a month.



The small thickness of drywall partitions can not provide the necessary strength and does not cope with the impact on her weight, and collapse. In connection with this opportunity, experts recommend carefully calculate and choose in advance the thickness of the frame and sheet, as well as the type of frame. In order to properly understand exactly what you need drywall and what kind of framework for this drywall, you will need to calculate the load on each square meter of leaf area. In that case, if the load will not exceed 40-50 kg. per sq. km. meter, it will be enough to single-frame sheathed leaves drywall thickness of about 15 mm, but if the design load is greater than 50 kg, the thickness of the plasterboard should be increased to 18mm, but the thickness will withstand only up to 70 kg per square meter. There are situations when the load on the drywall goes up to 150 kg and more.

per square meter, in such a situation, plasterboard partitions erected by a special complex with special extensions for contracting support. You must also add that, that all load calculations should be done in linear meters. In the process of construction drywall partitions can be laid all the hidden wiring. To this end, in the racks need to drill holes through This wire will go across the studs. Then, in the drywall sheets to go through all the necessary holes for switches and sockets. In order to make a normal, smooth appearance, all performed at the edges of the hole should be reinforced, it is necessary to give a certain rigidity, as well as to prevent the further shedding. After installation drywall partitions, you can begin to paint the surface or to pasting her wallpaper. Rather important aspect of drywall is the fact that the frame which is mounted for fastening gypsum boards made of any metal and plasterboard are in turn, fire-resistant material, the way you'll be in full security for the closure of electrical wiring.’>PC Performer brings even more insight to the discussion. It is also necessary to say that the wall of plasterboard breathes very well. The only drawback such barriers is their relatively low moisture, it is therefore absolutely not recommended to make installation of drywall partitions in those areas where there is high humidity.