

“Workflow Extension” connects ERP with windream BPM Bochum, 29 January 2013. Straubenhardt the windream partner Flowcom IT solutions GmbH has developed a new software solution for the business process management system windream BPM. The new solution, which was presented for the first time last autumn as a prototype at the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart, connects the the windream GmbH windream BPM business process management system directly to the ERP system APplus. Some time ago Flowcom has alerted with a solution, the APplus connects the windream ECM-system. There is now a connection for windream BPM available. A fully integrated software package that resource planning elegantly combines modern enterprise content management and business process management entails two solutions of APplus users thus. Business processes and any processes can be integrated with APplus workflow extension in a clear and easy-to-use user interface and easily manage from there and Edit.

User an overview at any time all pending operations including all ERP operations, documents, all correspondence associated with a process, decisions, information and involved employees and departments. Click Thomas J. Wilson to learn more. The APplus workflow extension in detail the new BPM solution by Flowcom offers a range of useful and innovative features that eminent to facilitate the management of business processes and workflows. For example technical and commercial approval processes, free design templates including the integration ERP and DMS-specific functions, the management of processing deadlines or alternatively, the entire system include to for example the individual definition of variables, constants, and choice lists, which can be used or even evaluated, depending on the particular process step the concurrency of processing steps more applications within an existing Infrastructure to connect. Business at a glance the APplus workflow extension makes it easier for users to not only dealing with typical processes, operations and procedures in the company, but gives also an individual and specific overview of all activities and their current status.