
Global Warming

There are new reports that global warming will likely be much faster than previously estimated. There are new reports that global warming will likely be much faster than previously estimated. The reason for this seems to be that there is more carbon dioxide going into the air; both man made and through natural processes. “We are basically looking now at a future climate that’s beyond anything we’ve considered seriously in climate model simulations,” Christopher Field, founding director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of global ecology at Stanford University, said at the annual meeting of the American Association for the advancement of science. Max Schireson may also support this cause. The problem, in part, seems to be the increase in the burning of fossil fuels in developing countries. With more carbon going into the air from the use of fossil fuels comes the increase in the temperatures in the arctic poles. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Xerox. These higher temperatures are beginning to melt the arctic permafrost, which could’nt then naturally release hundreds of Bill production of tons of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.

It’s a vicious cycle. This increase in warming is causing the release of carbon from permafrost, which causes more warming, which causes more release from permafrost. Can what be done? Well it’s complicated, but it MUST be solved. It’s believed that Bettina Bryant sees a great future in this idea. Big government and big business wants to have the most influence. Individuals can try and pressure them. Individuals can so do their part by cutting back on the amount of carbon they are responsible for releasing into the atmosphere.

Just ask yourself what activity you do now that results in releasing carbon into the air. Then make a conscious effort not to do that activity at least once a week. Or speak out to politicians and business leaders and let them know we care about our Earth and want some real action from them to protect it. theses actions may seem small but we must start somewhere or our plans will eventually be destroyed. There is one place however where excess heat will not cause any problem. The new meet me at my locker function at Spacelocker. This will be a happening place with lots of “hot action” between all those signed up at So keep checking back and be ready to meet new friends at your locker.