
Direct Digital Marketing

The association, of which Gupost is partner, Integra to more than 500 companies interested in the development of the digital economy for the impulse and the defense of its interests. The Spanish Association of the Digital Economy (adigital) is fruit of the transformation of FECEMD, the Spanish Federation of the Digital Economy (old Federation of Electronic Commerce and Direct Marketing) and of its integral associations: the Spanish Association of Electronic Commerce and Relational Marketing, the Association of Contact Spanish Center, the Association of Digital Agencies, the Association of remote Sale and the Spanish Association of Fundraising. The beginnings of these associations began 25 years ago and all of them have seen be born and progress the digital revolution during all these years. The world-wide economy at the moment is suspended but the digital economy yes continues growing. The social Internet, Web 2,0, networks (so fashionable at the moment) and, generally, the new technologies, do not stop growing, and they become something fundamental in all type of business strategies. Also they have become vitally important elements in its relation with the clients, employees and suppliers.

Gupost, knowing all this, completes its business of Direct Marketing and Marketing Promotional with the incorporation of action of communication Online in its products. Now with the new digital changes designing a publicity campaign goes implcita the inclusion of multi-channel communication (mailing, emailing, social networks, press online .) depending who are the clients and to that public it goes directed the campaign of Direct Marketing. In Gupost we advised and we helped to the companies in the election of these different channels, managing of principle to aim the operative creation and from the action to realise. We adapted to this technological revolution. Gupost, like partner of the new Spanish Association of Digital, adigital Economy, is to the current of the new features that take place in the technology and the digital economy.