The advantages of the conflict as an opportunity to explain that: The conflict pervades life in an organization mismanaged conflict very costly; Nobody wins when a conflict is increasing; It takes two to conflict and to get out of it; The antagonism is not the problem but part of the solution diversity of opinions and views and information is essential to resolve problems, tensions and reconcile the conflict turning in opposite directions feasible solutions. 2. Types of conflict a There are conflicts of type: a Intrapersonal (within individuals) a Interpersonal (between people) a Our experience is limited to interpersonal conflicts which may include: a Among individuals a Between individuals and groups a intragroup a Intergroup Conflict is natural and not necessarily positive or negativo.a there conflicts without violence. Violence changes the nature of the conflict because there is aggression. There is also institutionalized conflict or social conflict for now will not be touched.
3. Map of the conflict a way of managing conflict is build a simple but very useful tool called map of the conflict, in which there are three essential elements that interact and affect each other, people, processes and problems. These three elements (people, process and problem), are also known as the three a OEPA the conflict, identify information needed to manage and find solutions to interpersonal conflicts. People: concrete human beings with emotions, needs, perceptions, purposes and values. The process: the development or history of the conflict, the processes of communication, language and conditions of the parties.