Before initiating this activity, it is necessary that the professor selects some sites of music that disponibilizam the letter and the clip of musics that he desires to work with the pupils. Also I suggest that it makes an daily pay-election of musics with the pupils so that they can have greater motivation in learning to sing musics that really have interest. My suggestion is the available site in the following address: , that it possesss letter, video and information on the singer and music. Another important point in this type of activity is not to have the obligation to work the translation, due the content of some musics that are in the success stops to contain improper vocabulary for definitive ages. To develop this activity the professor can make use of a lesson for month and the material use printed matter can be facultative, remembering that the main objective of this activity is to learn to pronounce the words with natives of the language and not to work properly with vocabulary. The evaluation must be made during the execution of music, as much for the professor as for the pupils.
ACTIVITY 6 DECIPHERING PHONETIC SYMBOLS IN THE LETTER OF MUSICS. You discipline: Computer in classroom and Introduction to Computer science to carry through this activity with pupils of intermediate level who already had had an initiation on phonetic symbols, I inside chose a music of the subject studied in the series ( family) and substitutes some of the words of the letter for its phonetic transcription. To produce the symbols phonetic of standard IPA, I used the available site in the following address: , where eficientssima is possible to use one " machine of escrever" , to produce the different symbols. This activity was carried through with an available music in the following address: , call " Father and Son" of " Cat Stevens".