
Agile Methodology FDD

A briefing study on agile methodology FDD Eduardo VergarCaletti1, Rafael the 1Acadmicos Vargas Bittencourt1 of the Course of Systems deInformao – Luterana University of Brazil (ULBRA) Waterfall of the South – RS – Brazil eduardocaletti@, Abstract.Agile methodology FDD (Feature Driven Development), is used in themanagement and development of softwares. This article will go you the show itsdescription, characteristics and functionalities. Practical This methodology combinesbest of the agile management of projects with completes it boarding forEngineering of Software guided will be objects, conquering the three main public ofa software project: customers, controlling and analysts. Summary. Metodologiagil FDD (Feature Driven Development), is used in the management and development of softwares.

This article to irmostrar its description, characteristics and functionalities. This metodologiacombina best the practical ones of the agile management of projects with complete umaabordagem for Engineering of Software guided for objects, conquistandoos three main public of one software project: customers, controlling edesenvolvedores. Keywords. Metodologiagil, FDD, Feature Driven Development, development, software, engineering desoftware, practical of the agile management. 1. Introduction the methodologies of agile development had appeared pelanecessidade of a bigger malleability in projects directed toward the area dedesenvolvimento of softwares. The majority of the agile methods tries to minimize osriscos for the developments of softwares in short periods, called deiterao, which they typically spend between one and four weeks. (SATO) Osplanos detailed is made only for the current phase of the project, while quepara the future phases are made only rough drafts, thus facilitating, possveismudanas as the involved team goes learning and using involved astecnologias better. It lowers the complete article to continue reading.