Solar energy is a thermal and lumimosa power plant, gotten with the daenergia captation proceeding from the sun, clean and renewable it and, therefore it does not attack the environment and it never finishes. Benefits dEnergia Solar the solar energy can seraproveitada in some ways. Some of them are sufficient conhecidascomo the natural illumination or the environment heating. Others are maisrecentes, but already they count on grandeaceitao. Amongst the solar water heating and the generation of electric energy are estasdestacam. Solar heater degua For the solar daenergia exploitation for the water heating, is used the solar plates and osboilers capable to heat the water of its residence, or industries, building and commerce. The available solar energy in our country, with a small investment, can serusada to heat the day to day water even though or the water of swimming pools.
Solar Oaquecimento of water is the main application of the Solar Energy in the World Uses to advantage estaenergia so abundant it contributes for the preservation of the way ambientee still saves in its account of electric energy. Transforming aenergia into electric energy Another method solar it is the transformation of the solar energy in electric energy. This possvel for the exploitation of the incident solar energy osmateriais semiconductors, that compose the solaresfotovoltaicos panels. The fotovoltaico effect elapses of the excitement of electrons in the semiconductors in the presence of the solar rays. The fotovoltaico system capaz to transform the solar energy into electric energy and to contribute for preservation of the environment and aeconomia of electric energy. In Brazil, this method not yet so is used, had aoscustos of importation of the fotovoltaicos panels. But gradually, in elapsing of the next years it will have ummaior interest and adoption of this technology.