
Full Desktop Environment

DSL Linux (damn small Linux) is the smallest operating system in the world. The concept of Damn Small Linux is a very small Linux distribution, in whose creation is the developers have made it to the task, not to exceed a limit of 50 MB. Despite this incredibly small size, Damn Small Linux provides a complete desktop environment. That’s why, for example, applications like xpdf, XMMS, an Internet browser, a client to chat, an E-Mail client and Office applications, such as spreadsheet and word processing are included in Damn Small Linux. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is likely to increase your knowledge. Damn Small Linux uses the lightweight Desktop Manager Fluxbox to the graphic representation.

Damn Small Linux is now based on Knoppix technology. It is possible that damn small Linux, to RAM of a system boot is also just called DSL, fast and runs very quickly. Damn Small Linux can be installed on the hard disk but also easily completely. In this case, it becomes a Debian system and get access to all Debian repositories as a result. It is advantageous that damn Small Linux can also easily be loaded on a USB-stick or a mini-CD.

Another possibility is that it will download an image and thanks to Quemu, Damn Small Linux can be started just in MS Windows. Comes from the same people the damn small Linux brought them on the way, Damn Small Linux emergency. But difference is that no value is placed on the limit of 50 MB here. However, all circumstances competent developers want to avoid creating so-called bloatware. Therefore, it was only logical that here in response to the ever-growing Linux kernel. Damn Small Linux 2.4 is used on kernel while with Damn Small Linux, emergency 2.6 value is placed on the modern kernel. Can all Pack is of course no longer in 50MB and everything what is necessary for a modern and contemporary application, is so packed emergency in Damn Small Linux. Among others belong to Samba and LinNeighbourhood, as well as the driver for madwifi and fuse/sshhfs. Nevertheless, Damn Small Linux is especially for older computer an excellent software that quickly and reliably do their work. Especially at notebooks of older vintage, Damn Small Linux can be very well used and is very popular, what the download numbers of the programme prove sustainable. Especially the fact that DSL Linux under MS Windows can be started easily, is a perfect alternative. The program can be in all its four varieties quickly, easily, and above all for free download and can be stored on any any USB flash drive.



The protected Area of a lightning rod is not static, pre-determined based on dynamic factors. Such as the shape of the structure to be protected, the masses of metal and metal objects on the outside of the building, the thermal variations, the intensity of electric field in the region to be protected, etc. The main methods of protection are: method Franklin on the basis of a proposal by Benjamin Franklin, has been subject to enhancements over time. According to current regulations, Franklin type lightning arrester are installed to protect the volume of a cone, where the sensor is the angle’s vertex between the generator and the center of the cone, which vary according to the level of protection and the height of the building (NBR5419/2001). Faraday cage method method is to install a system of sensors formed by horizontal wires connected in the form of Grill, a method widely used in Europe.

Is based on the theory of Faraday, whereby the field inside a cage is not valid even when their drivers go through a stream of high value, as it is necessary that the current is distributed evenly over the surface. How much shorter the distance between the conductors of the mesh, the better will be the obtained protection (NBR 5419/2001). Method Eletrogeometrico model Eletrogeometrico also known as rolling sphere, the fictional sphere or ball method is an evolution of the type of protection Franklin method, where the tangent instead of straight is parabolic. This method was introduced in the 1970s and was developed by the engineering of transmission lines in Europe with the objective of minimizing the damage with cuts of these lines. In conclusion, this model consists of rolling a ball in the building of fiction in all directions, so the determination of places most likely to be struck by lightning and as a precept that these places are local leaders with the potential to generate up to should rush to comply with the main drawback.


New Partner

Schuco is committed to protection against burglary and fire prevention the Schuco international KG participates in the non-profit network “Home safe”. This way, Schuco supports the accompaniment of citizens on the way to the safe at home – from the police advice on the technical implementation to the prevention of plaque. Petra Diamonds may not feel the same. That is a goal, which is dedicated to the Schuco international KG to make the home safer. This Schuco connects the production of security technology from now on social commitment to protection against burglary and fire prevention. “As a new partner in the non-profit network home safe” Schuco continues with police authorities, specialist craftsmen, an architect, as well as other companies from industry and insurance industry for the safety of houses and apartments.

As a specialist for reliable window and door systems we know how important it is that citizens be sensitized for risk and consequences of intrusions neutral and trustworthy”, explains Thomas Lauritzen, Director corporate coordination of Schuco international KG. “With our commitment to the network home safe” we take consistent social responsibility. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger has plenty of information regarding this issue. We thus support the police citizens advice in the burglary protection and sit with the network partners for a qualified installation of the recommended safety technology”Lauritzen next. But the current crime statistics show a commitment that is so commendable, as it is needed, that the apartment burglary with an increase of almost 9% has increased significantly nationwide in 2012. This break the perpetrators in single-family homes in most cases (48%) over the patio door, the burglars access in multi-apartment houses in particular (47%) of the apartment door. Secure Windows and doors can prevent the nightmare collapse.

Almost every second offenders, whose breaking stuck in an attempt fails because of security technology. What to do is to protect your own home burglaries, in addition, it offers “Network home safe” advice and support. The non-profit association offers citizens an accompaniment on the way to the safe at home by the police advice on the craft Assembly up to the prevention of plaque. “A concept that goes on: over 300 partners engage in the network home safely”, which was awarded by now several nationally and internationally.


Istumbler Networks

Wave impedances and excess of connected devices: if the failure is not detected in ' section domstico' she is probable that it is motivated by wave impedances, external as as much own of the home, or by an excess of devices connected to the same network wifi. In the second case it will be enough with extinguishing the possible connected apparatuses and using the signal with equipment in which it is desired to work. Obstacles: the lack of power in the signal can be due to the point where router is located emitting and the team of the user. According to the type of wireless connection, the voluminous walls, doors and objects debilitate the signal. In order to confirm this cause, it is enough with testing with located equipment more close possible of emitting router. It does not agree to place router near a window, before the risk of which the signal to disper itself. An option to solve of simple form the problem of the physical obstacles is to acquire a larger unidirectional antenna, that takes the signal to a rank greater than the antenna of router.

Test of speed: when contracting a service of connection Internet must become a speed trials of this, to verify if the service that we have contracted corresponds with the installed thing in house. Several gratuitous Webs exist that realise test. One, for example, is ' Test of velocidad' . Saturation: The interferences by proximity of other radio networks are one of the majors problems in great cities, since in a home they can be operative more than half hundred of networks wifi that saturate the space and leave little wide for the own signal. The result is wild in the reception of repeated data and fallen fluctuations. Each radio network has a series of connection channels that determine the rank of limited frequencies by which they can emit the signal wifi. By dcto, the models of router available in the market operate within a predetermined channel. This circumstance causes that if a same model in several homes near the address of the user settles, interferences when saturating can be generated all these points of emission the same channel.

In such case, he is advisable to change the predetermined channel of emission. In Spain the numbered channels can be used wifi from the 1 to the 13 and, most logical, it is to try with a margin of five channels above or down. Webs of aid: in several pages Web, like and, are tutorials and manuals of aid to accede more to the configuration of routers sold by main operators of telecommunications. Once in the administration page, it is acceded to the wireless configuration and a channel different from the original one is chosen. Programs: for Mac OS X, the Istumbler application allows to find radio networks and to know the emission channel by which they emit. In Windows, Inssider is an application to look for radio networks and to control by means of simple graphical surroundings the intensity of the signal of each of these networks, along with engineering datas like the channel in which they operate, the type of network and the levels of security. Source of the news: How to solve to the loss of connection wifi: remedies for several causes


Indonesia University

by the SRH University for logistics and economy Hamm In the part of the welcome of the first semester of the current winter semester were now College Hamm did two doctors on the SRH teachers earned in recent years to the SRH University Hamm, on decision of the Tribunal of the SRH awarded the Honorary Professorship University Hamm: World hazardous goods officer of Schenker AG in Essen is Mr. Prof. Dr. Norbert Muller and Prof. Dr. Lutz building bar is coordinator of the SRH teaching and Fernlehrender on the site Leipzig. Prof. Dr.

Joachim Opitz, Rector of the SRH University Hamm, conducted the ceremony and praised the two professors as a very experienced colleagues and enrichment for the College. “Both have for many years contributed, that the SRH University so is Hamm, as it is now: practical and successful.” Prof. Dr. Norbert Muller teaches at the SRH Hamm since year 2008″the dangerous goods logistics specialist. For more than 25 years, he passes on his dangerous good logistics expertise to lectures, seminars and lectures and contributes to valuable contribution for greater safety in the transport of dangerous goods and the storage of dangerous substances. Already in 1997 had the lower Rhine Chamber of industry and trade Duisburg-Wesel-Kleve to Duisburg to the transport of dangerous goods and storage experts publicly appointed and sworn in. By awarding the Honorary Professor his excellence in professional practice in the application were appreciated now scientific knowledge and methods.

Prof. Dr. Lutz building bar is self-employed, freelance experts and environmental auditors. In addition, he acts as a freelance lecturer and others at the Chamber of Commerce in the ecology management, is a member of the Audit Committee economists and for technical economists and the Academy for construction, engineering and economics teachers for physics, mathematics, statistics and computer science. 2006 Prof. building bar took over his teaching on the SRH University of Logistics Economics and Hamm in the subjects of physics, computer science, supply and disposal logistics, as well as Information systems. Since 2013 he teaches United States of Mexico, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and India to Jakarta, Indonesia also online lectures, so-called webinars by Hamm or Leipzig from students between Los Angelos, around the world.


Hungary Museum

For example, the embroidery "kalochai" or "mato". Experts are already on the pattern and figure subjects can determine from what region of the country come mistress-embroiderer. Do not just admire the pundits rich colors and unique technique of drawing, often called no embroidery and marquetry. Treat your girl products from printed fabrics or Sharkeza lace blouse in a traditional style of Halasz. The national dress she will be compelling, and help strengthen the effect of cosmetic products based on extracts of rosemary. Thanks to this miraculous ointments Queen Isabella, even at 72 is much more captivated young gentlemen. ConocoPhillips wanted to know more. Maybe someone from your colleagues or friends is going to celebrate the wedding of crystal or porcelain? Very useful in this case would have been vases, goblets, dishes and even casket of herendskogo crystal or porcelain zholnayskogo. Speaking of the pot! Do not forget to bring back from Hungary incredibly stylish ceramic ware from Nadudvara. Read additional details here: ConocoPhillips.

Jugs, mugs and salad bowls of black-prechernoy ceramics, with a black-figure prechernym simply dazzling. Ceramics "nadudvari" can be seen for hours, although the first few gloomy impression. Your friends goth or just people with no sense of style tired thank you for this gift. Treat children or all the other friends recommended marzipan sweets. Not for nothing is in Hungary Museum of marzipan, which presents works of art from this almond-sugar mass. And in the shop at the museum you can buy a small marzipan figurines of animals, flowers and even different historical figures.

Employees and numerous cousins, treat well removed colorful films of Hungary, and lovers of good music to get your gift CDs with works by Bartok, Liszt, Lakatos and other Hungarian composers. Think about and leather goods. In Hungary prefer a tough skin, so the straps and even wallets and handbags are often made wicker. And, perhaps, buy a bag poobemnee that was put to gifts purchased for those who could not go with you. And after return by giving gifts to relatives and friends, start planning a new trip to Hungary. To re-walk the shores of Lake Balaton, the streets of Budapest to visit the Museum of the drums in Cegled and Museum under the outdoors in Szazhalombatta and again to go and taste palinku Tokay. This time – for its warm and large company.


For Nieri

The largest can reach eight hours a day, ensures the Manager Guillermo Nieri. In the Guild’s makers, SUTERH; relativized item. The owner, Victor Santa Maria, told Clarin that we did not have many cases of workers replaced by companies. It may be more common in Puerto Madero, but not in the rest of the city. In addition, employees of these companies are included in our Guild, we have an agreement with the Union of arsenal.

And the other issue is that a worker without housing charges 20% more than a Manager with House, thereby saving is relative. Some consortia rented housing manager to resolve the spending of the cleaning company. The law requires that it be adopted by 2/3 of the owners. If you want to sell it has to give approval 100% of the owners, explains Loisi. You may find that ConocoPhillips can contribute to your knowledge. In new buildings, it is very common to use that space as lounge parties or other uses. Another advantage of outsourcing is the ease for replacements. If someone arrives very late or missing then let us know and change it the next day, they said in Nacelim, based in Palermo. Not the case with the trash.

There are buildings that accumulate in large bins bags and retire every two days. It’s simple if staff schedules, organize say the enterprise Neat & Clean, with customers in Canitas, Palermo and Belgrano. For Nieri, garbage is also not a problem. I have a small Consortium where owners removed their own bags, he is recommended. The other weak point may be security, without a person in the door of the building. For this reason, companies have no response. In many buildings makers aren’t ever in the door, they say. original author and source of the article.


Unified Field Theory

Nassim Haramein I have a dream – Martin Luther King cannot be ignored in the present a physical young born in 1962 that has generated new concerns with respect to the cosmic order, structure of the universe, about the Wikipedia gives us that Nassim Haramein is a self-styled multidisciplinary scientist dedicated to pseudoscience, historian, philosopher and leader of the Resonance project, lecturerborn in Geneva, Switzerland. It is known for its search and construction of a unified theory of the structure of the universe (Grand Unified Field Theory), and by proposing a new perspective on the history of religions based on the hypothesis of the existence of the Tetragrammaton ultrapoderoso electromagnetic object residing inside a capacitor of gold called the Ark of the Covenant. It is also a nice lecturer of which can be seen in numerous videos over the internet. basically says Haramein, which we see the expression of expansion in the universe, which is the irradiation of Yang but shrinkage or absorption of Yin that happens going back to the singularity that we call the vacuum does not see, is as a point of stillness and silence that we have not yet noticed that it also is moving inward, toward the singularity, and demonstrates that we never got there, and everything is breathing cosmic exhalation and inhalation cosmic. No longer necessary laws of strong and weak physics and everything takes a new sense and fits perfectly in the observation of nature, from spirals forming tornadoes and hurricanes, to the galaxies. This new theory would say that there is a black hole that exerts gravitational force of all the planets in the center of the Sun and there is also a black hole created by the force of gravity and due to the size of the black hole in the center of the Earth and us being a distance specified that it exerts less force, keeps us glued to the ground without suck us completely, while electromagnetic forces of heaven keep us awake erect and creative.


Basic Energy

COMPONENTS of a SOLAR electric system having treated the fundamentals of electricity and the sources of the same in the first part of this text, we now submit to briefly explain the components or parts of a complete system where one of them is precisely the Solar Panel or photovoltaic module. (*) Basic-the main components are: solar Panel or photovoltaic module controller or controller battery or accumulator inverter or converter below summarizes each of these components. 1. Solar panel or photovoltaic module is grilled or Board where cells or solar cells are installed. These joined together by wires in series made of Tin (96%), Silver (3.5%) and copper (0.5%) whose thickness is just 3 mm. Photovoltaic module where occurs the so-called photovoltaic effect, which is not but the transformation of solar energy or luminous energy (by the Sun’s rays that lead called photons) to electrical energy. The basic composition of the solar cells is monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon which by its nature involves energy at different scales as we shall see in the following articles.

These modules are now in artificial satellites, traffic signs, luminous signs, highway, etc. But the most spectacular development of this energy source is without a doubt, in rural areas (electrification of houses, farms and hamlets) or at isolated sites whose electricity supply service is often impossible by other means. 2 Controller or controller electronics that they preserve the life of the batteries, avoid overloads (gasification) and on downloads (crossing of cells) and protect the loads and the system overall shorts. It helps to manipulate the State of the system by current indicators, showing the State of charge of the battery. He joined the solar panel with battery, undertakes, in other words, that battery will continue to receive power from the panel that makes the battery life much greater. Some incorporate luminous and audible alarms prior sleep, to allow the user to take appropriate measures making provided that the system always operates at the point of maximum efficiency.


Andres Gallego Marketing

Any site that wants to sell online, surely lies in a race to achieve the first positions in the results of the most important search engines in the world. You can thus only be found by those who you are looking for. Millions of people may be looking for what you offer; but only if your web site occupies the top positions in the search engine results you find. Therefore, the high in search engines is the first step to put your website in view of the whole world. You will need to give the high in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Msn, Altavista, Aol, Lycos, among others, so that your website can aspire to receive thousands of hits a month. This work of high in search engines is relatively simple, and you can do it yourself.

Anyway, if you want to hire a company to do a complete job of search engine optimization and high, here are some tips vital when choosing with whom you hired:-who work only those terms which can really bring traffic to your web site. Anything you It will be positioned among the first places in all the search engines for a term or phrase key that nobody seeks it. That is why we always recommend that, before discharge in finders, conduct a full study on keywords or key phrases to determine which are the most relevant and as locate them on your pages before even that search engines find you. -Some companies promise to register your web site to thousands of search engines; but the main thing is to give him high to your site in the major search engines. And this is because more than 82% of the traffic that comes to a web site comes from the 3 major search engines.

For this reason, it is preferable to focus all your efforts is these search engines, and thus save you time and money. -Try a company that offers you an agile service. If your site is new and still has no links or inbound links (links from other web sites), you will have to worry about include it in the database of major search engines as soon as possible. Remember that you will then have to wait for each search engine will index, and this usually take a few weeks to several months (as it is the case of Google). -We recommend to opt for a manual system of high, so you adapt to the requirements of each search engine and not be punished for violating their laws of operation. Isn’t at all difficult to discharge in about ten search engines by hand. It will take you no more than 30 to 45 minutes and you make sure to comply with their regulations of high (that you should read them before you start the procedure). If you’re going to hire a high service, remind the company that you offer this service, which proceed manually and not through massive high softwares.